PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Place them in Indirect lighting, tap water will have oxygen that the cuttings need
That's what I use in the water bottle. The wife saves me a few when I need them. I am going to wait till they perk up then I will put them in my 1 gallon pots
I got some cuttings yesterday and put them in water bottles they still look a little weepy but they came late yesterday so i am hoping by later today or tomorrow they will park up
The other plant is a Gardenia
You can trim off the lower leaf sets
I am leaving them for now. That's what is keeping them from going too deep in the bottles
They made the trip well!
Yeah they looked better when I first put them in the water bottles but I think they will snap back in a day or so , Fingers crossed
Tap water. I think it is hard water and helps with rooting in the water bottle but these are looking pretty much dead and I put them in water as soon as I opened the package. It didn't set in our mail box because I seen the mail truck and went out to get them. Not sure why they didn't perk up.
Maybe I need to cut them all a little on a 45 degree angle and I can try misting them with water to help them out if that works
Its a mechanical one and has a cover over it so I don't have to worry about bumping it and messing it up now that I know which is on for timer and which on is just on continues
Need to get that app timer control it through phone best thing ever
Thanks Jim. I will cut the lid off with a pair of trimmers.
I think its cool as hell I can just stick a cutting in a water bottle sit it in my kitchen window and a few weeks later they have a $h^t load of roots.

I will start the clones a buddy is hooking me up with how ever Sticky and Penny tell me to . I really don't want to wait almost a month to get roots so I may use my Rapid Rooter plugs. If I get an extra cutting or two I will do those in the window
Rapid rooter or try to add a bit of root horomone to that water bud once you see the roots take ?
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