Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and Autos

Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

fuck, OnTheMove 420 mag tour! thats a siiiicko idea- i need money saved first lol :high-five:
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

fuck, OnTheMove 420 mag tour! thats a siiiicko idea- i need money saved first lol :high-five:

hmm or would they sponsor me?! ah ha!
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Great photos and a perfect copy of your fingerprints, loops or swirls, maybe crop that photo or blur the fingertip.Hope it's all gravy /sweet in neutral land, where laws are strange. Loving to outdoors scenery grow, where is the banana belt , and are u in it . It's big so nothing given away , just interested inthe microclimates. ATB OTM
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Great photos and a perfect copy of your fingerprints, loops or swirls, maybe crop that photo or blur the fingertip.Hope it's all gravy /sweet in neutral land, where laws are strange. Loving to outdoors scenery grow, where is the banana belt , and are u in it . It's big so nothing given away , just interested inthe microclimates. ATB OTM

yeh i dont care about ,my finger prints too much, i take a pic of my hand to seperate when im plants when im taking photos :) fuck it every country i have visited has my fingerprints already, at least here wwhen my autos are ready i just have 4 plants - all legal in the land of cheese and chocolate!
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Hey OTM, check your lunar diary & see if it's cool to flip to flower :)

hey man, erm the calender dont say when to flip to flower but, if there are any benifits like i would have thought to do it a day or 2 before the days that are good for the roots so it would suck up more juice to start the flowers :) i just came on to check my journal of when i fed the plants last lol, they are asking for more :) ill be online more later, i have company :)

aww the flowers have grown so muh and have crystall tops already !
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Whaaaaaat??? No dates for flowering or fruits? That shit is whack!!

im trying to find the pics of the calender i swear i put the page for august on my journal.. there it has the full detail, fruits, roots, leaves ect

now is a fruit time, yesterday was a leaf day , when its a leaf day, well actually 2.5 days long, its good to defol.. when it begins on a flower day, its good to give flower nutes and then it has 2.5 days of sucking up manly nutes for flowers. hmm ill try and find the pic to see where we are on it!
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

heres for august

Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

and heres september


and heres an update 7 days under lights, im well chuffed with the leds for flowers


oh and heres how the setup looks uptop now skunny

Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

skunny i would flip to 12/12 tomorrow at 11am, where the root veg icon is, because on the 31st, you see the yellow bit at 5am? this is the benificial time to give flower nutes, then its followed by a do nothing time ( the black lines with grey )

so in theory, they would be concentrateing on the roots from when you switch to flower for a bit and ue the bloom nute that youve already given, then give em a shot at 5am on the 31st of just bloom nutes, then theres the do nothing stage :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

i heard of a theory that when you want to switch to flowering, its better to give the plants 36 hours of dark to begin it with, then every part of the plant gets ready to flower, and it helps alot with flowers as a kick start.. ive not tried this i forgot lol
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

My lights go off at 7pm tonight which will be their final 16 hours of light. My 12/12 period will switch to on at 8.30am off at 8.30pm, my intake fan is a bit temperamental & regularly needs a shake to get it going so I need it to turn on whilst I'm at home. I'm also at work at 11am so we'll have to make do with it being an hour & a half out :)
They have had 50/50 grow bloom nutes on Saturday & will be 100% bloom on their next feed. Toxic & fluxy are quite thirsty so I can feed them tonight if I've got time but the Tangy's won't need anything until weekend. I might chuck a couple of litres of bloom nutes in their pots though as it wont do any harm. :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

do you get the chart yet?
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Pumkin = fruit

That's all I know

You're my teacher & advisor so I don't need to know the book :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

haha the pumpkin is for fruit yes, but the size of the pumpkin also mean that if you start seeds on these days, then you get a bigger crop, and there are also small pumkins sometmes, and seed on these days give a small crop :)

same with the turnips, this is for roots, seeds planted when its a big turnip, will have a great strong root system and so on :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

See, I did pay some attention :) I want you to do a full grow by following this book & another that is done with no regard to the advice in the book so we can see if there's any difference.
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

See, I did pay some attention :) I want you to do a full grow by following this book & another that is done with no regard to the advice in the book so we can see if there's any difference.

i do plan to be here again and start a grow in january, ill do mine by the moon for sure,but its hard to do a grow at the same and then keep it fair because i would have already been influenced in my decisions because im following the moon lol nah it could be done though lol
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