Our Ongoing Grows

Looking good sHEMP :thumb: .....I can't wait to try Pineapple Express :yummy: Mine will be ready here in a couple few weeks. Weather here has been rainy this year and not as much sun as i would have liked to see. Hoping to get a out door crop in this coming spring. We were not ready for outside this year...had a lot of land to clear first :)
Looking great!
Thanks Slim, looking forward to Mr. Wood posting more of my pics. This one didn't do them much justice. Its been about 5 days since then, and my GOD have they changed. All of them a skanky smelling, strong., strong odor, Godbuds buds are looking out of this world. My PE I am very excited about, its my biggest one, although Pitbull is right behind. The COLAs are really beyond what I would have expected for my first try outside. Thank for the kudos bro, good hearing from you.
Sorry everyone I've fallen so far behind. And Shemp a lot of those pictures didn't work for some reason. Kept telling me graphics too small it said. Funny same camera same setting and even down loaded acouple of the 6or7 I took. Funny thing, I bought 120 aa batteries online, damn things have a 2016 date on them yet they die in my camera after 20 or so pictures. Vendor said they'd replace if it send them back, hell S&H runs half of the cost so rather take a chance on more of the same I'll just reup some elsewhere. I did manage acouple other pictures downloaded of your gardens sHEMP. But by now it's changed a lot. Knock on wood with our weather.


Ok I want to group up this hello to everyone, and Slim they are looking great. Weather here in Oregon, rain and more rain. I have to say one thing a lot I mean ALOT of people are real lucky. Just living any place from San Francisco on down in Ca. have it made. They don't realize how good they really have it as far growing. Right now I got rain and more coming tomarrow. And with Humidity levels hitting 60% you have all the right ingredients for mold and mildews. And the weatherman says rain for acouple more days. I've already been finding acouple spots of bud rot. Of course these are cut out and removed as soon as I see them. Sad thing is it always hits some of the main colas. Damn raining again. Plants haven't been dried for acouple days. I have drug afew of the shorter ones under my patio roof and turned a big high velocity fan on them.
I'm suppose to get the new floor in tonight. It wood sure be right on time. I'm almost empty in there now. Oh BTW Miwa, I liked the last go around I did with the PE. She yielded abit under 3 OZ's. And I didn't really spend a lot of time in veg with her. She handled herself well as far as holding up the buds. I'd rate her 7.75 outta 10. And I still haven't seen a 10 ever. I do plan on growing out about a 5 pack of seed to find a good mother of it and grow out a flip. Right now it's kind of the numbers thing. I do have 3 cards on the wall that allows me 18 adult plants.
Ah got the new floor down. Off white linoleum. I also got the white vinyl cove to put up later. And I drug afew plants inside to finish. I also found afew new pieces of Bud Rot damnit.
I do have afew pictures to throw up real fast. Most are Stoney Girls stuff. I have sampled abit of some of these. The Pittbull which I have lost afew buds from. And she's ripper already;

This baby hasn't shown any problem with mold yet. But she is inside now hopefully before any set in on her.

And this girl is still out there in the elements. But She's handling it well.

This is fairing well also

I guess I'm going to just get afew pictures up before I get side tracked again,


and the Marion Berry which also is doing great. I brang her inside also,

I'll try to get in here and do a real update soon. BTW the GS Cookies is doing great in the flower room along with a Lemon OG Kush. Both are looking great and are almost 8 weeks in. I'll try to get afew pictures up soon. Sorry the last couple posting I've done are all over the place. It will get better Keepem Green
looking good...how long before the next pull..that deal you had with getting that message when you tried to upload...happen to me to...about a two months ago...i posted about it..it had me changing my pic size..and still tell me it was too big...i had to change browsers...then idid it again and i hit the back button and the page it went back to let me upload...thats crazy...i think it was a virus.
Thanks for the pic postings my friend. You are right, the difference is incredible. My COLAs are unbelievable on all of them, except the little auto MAGNUM. I clipped a small amount the other day, tested her and was happy, still not ready though. I had put a rain cover over my garden as I lined them against the back of my house for max sunlight. I was worried about the wind though and the low temps coming up. I brought em all in! Set up my basement for the big finish. My tent is getting the two Godbuds and the Bubblegum tonight. The Pineapple Express and Pitbull will stay in the other room. I'm seeing an awful lot of milky white on the two test buds I clipped yesterday from both GB's. They should be totally ready within this week sometime. I have not only had your guidance, but I think Moe and Larry were helping too, somehow, LOL. No pests, No diseases as of yet, and I'm knocking on wood and not taking anything for granted, as I know, eventually, I will experience all of it. I visited one of our dispensaries the other day and P/U a g of 'Afgooey.' a nice seed fell out of one of the buds. Its being sprouted as of this writing, and hopefully will be cloned in the future. Killer stuff. I'm off for now, talk to you soon my friend.
Norcaliwood was right again. Found spots of bud rot on both Godbuds. Doesn't surprise me given how closely the buds are scrunched together. Anyway, I now know how to spot it and take care of it. Didn't lose much, maybe 1/8. The trichromes have exploded, most of them fully swelled with a few milky white.
Sorry I'm not keeping up with my little thing here people. It's just real depressing to watch plants show little brown curled up leafs sticking out of your main colas on your plants. Spend all summer watching some beautiful plants grow only to start showing bud rot. We cut the Pittbull last night. And took the main buds off the Oydessus. She was starting to show a lot of rot. It's hard to say exactly what these plants are dealing with, well really it's not that hard, water and then more water. We've had sun peek out like 2 times in the last 2 weeks. Weatherman hoping we'd have a clear patch starting today, and it might carry on for afew days.. This is Oregon. Weather changes daily. Now they calling for rain starting up again tomorrow night. Remember I got 90%+++ and rain on that without a lick of sun to dry the plants out. That isn't going to cut it. I think I can salvage some fair weed if I start taking them if they start losing a lot of main buds. I'll just high-grade the buddage and throw the rest into a hash/cooking supply. Time to make alittle of that RS Oil or whatever. Me and Miss J are going to put that Cannabutter machine thru it's paces pretty soon.
I do have afew indoors, man the Marion Berry smells sweet, and looks screamer, I get afew pictures of her later, which are all looking great. Hey GS Cookies is 95% done, she and that A1 OG I got are both on a flush tonight, and both look screamer.
I'll tell ya sHEMP,,,, you started on the worse growing season I've seen since I started growing here. Next year I thing I'm going to use some shade cloth over my greenhouse frame for alittle boost with some earlier forced flower for some of my plants. If I can get a plant flowering acouple weeks early,,,,,,,,,,, I know that wood work. Someone wood get rich around here if they found a cure for bud rot.
Well I'm going to get going sorry people, this year I don't have anything off the charts growing. Tomorrow I will get some pictures. Till then I hope everyones gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
I am dealing with bud rot too. We had a poor stretch and almost all my main colas were hit. I topped three of the four plants and salvaged some of that but 1/2 to 3/4's was dumped, heartbreak... That was a week or two ago and since the sub buds have grown out a bit and I may get a few sweet buds from the three that were chopped. The fourth was a surprise. It is a hybrid that never saw outside before. It bloomed later after the really poor weather and she is doing pretty good, worm stem invasion but it does not seem to stop her. It is getting cold here so I hope she can finish.

Good luck with all the rest

Next year I will be on it... I got plans for bud rot that I am testing now
I'm thanking my lucky stars brother. Thank you for giving me the headsup on the bud rot. I took just a little more from my Godbud yesterday, but for the most part, I've been lucky so far and about 2 weeks away from total harvest. I will probably only end up losing about 1/8 to 1/4. Cut down my auto MAGNUM. Not much there, but I think what is there should be good. Figured out the cause on the growing probs with the magnum and pakistani ryders. I've been planting my sprouts upside down! Thought the seed should be buried, duh! I couldn't believe I F'd up that bad. No wonder those ryders kept drying up, the little root that should have been buried, was crying for soil! Oh well, can expect this kind of thing from a ROOKIE. I'm learning a lot and becoming a little more relaxed with things, not freaking out over the little things anymore, I finally realize that these plants are pretty resilient for the most part and unless I really screw up and neglect them, they should be OK. Anyway, hope all is well at the B and J Gardens, see you soon!
Well thanks for stopping in people. Well I do have to say we, 'Oregon' has had the wettest September on record. The plants I grew out outdoors this year are not anywhere close to being all they could be. I had to take the Bubblious, Oydesuss, and I'm pissed about losing her, the AKxSkunk, the Pittbull, and a Cripit in early. We haven't had but like 3 days sun in the last 3 weeks and rain after rain. Hell a major storm rocked us last weekend. But it's real sad, buds that should've been Oz's ended up small 2-3 gram buds. But tell the truth I've smoked some of the Pittbull and it's Stoney as hell. The Oydeuses, I could've seen 3 pounds on her if she of had her last 3-4 weeks sunny but we ended up with just over a pound. I haven't had a good chance to sample any yet but it is pretty sticky and she has her share of clear-cloudy trichomes. BUT I do have afew going that will rate some photos. I drug them inside least all that wood fit, and they are looking 'sweet'. It's just so damn depressing. my 5th season here and the first was powdery mildew, which I've not seen any at all, knock on wood, and then this season, another bummer. Least I did get a fair amount of mid's for whatever, which I feel is better than a whole bunch of mold. The other three have been fairly descent, even though there was afew buds lost to mold. I did find a product that does what it claims, and does a good job. That Capitan Jacks Dead Bug Brew. I have a lot of pot 3/4 dry out there and I haven't found a single catterpiller. I thought maybe the rains kept the butterflies and moths and bay? But I just got off the phone with SHEMP and he's found some on his girls. BTW sounds like SHEMP's going to get his in also, he drug his babies inside also,,,, cool. Well as soon as I get off my ass and get another harvest in I'll get some pictures up. The Marion Berries has some huge purple buds on her, as does the
Giga Bud. Crippled Rino has filled in great too. One day I'll get some of their pic's up soon. Till later Keepem Green
I couldn't agree with you more on all of that. It makes me realize how lucky I am to be down South. That all sounds like way worse than being right on the beach, glad you were able to see it some kind of decent harvest, set aside the rains. Atleast you did not have pillar infestation, I think you may be right in that the rains kept them at bay, must have been a bit too cold for them too. I think I harvested about a pound too, should last me personally quite a while, makes me happy I don't have to go buy someone else's product ;)

Can't wait to see some of those photos, bummer about the rain, but atleast you have those picture perfect indoor plants to make up for it :thumb:

Keeping it Green:wood:
Well thanks for stopping in people. Well I do have to say we, 'Oregon' has had the wettest September on record. The plants I grew out outdoors this year are not anywhere close to being all they could be. I had to take the Bubblious, Oydesuss, and I'm pissed about losing her, the AKxSkunk, the Pittbull, and a Cripit in early. We haven't had but like 3 days sun in the last 3 weeks and rain after rain. Hell a major storm rocked us last weekend. But it's real sad, buds that should've been Oz's ended up small 2-3 gram buds. But tell the truth I've smoked some of the Pittbull and it's Stoney as hell. The Oydeuses, I could've seen 3 pounds on her if she of had her last 3-4 weeks sunny but we ended up with just over a pound. I haven't had a good chance to sample any yet but it is pretty sticky and she has her share of clear-cloudy trichomes. BUT I do have afew going that will rate some photos. I drug them inside least all that wood fit, and they are looking 'sweet'. It's just so damn depressing. my 5th season here and the first was powdery mildew, which I've not seen any at all, knock on wood, and then this season, another bummer. Least I did get a fair amount of mid's for whatever, which I feel is better than a whole bunch of mold. The other three have been fairly descent, even though there was afew buds lost to mold. I did find a product that does what it claims, and does a good job. That Capitan Jacks Dead Bug Brew. I have a lot of pot 3/4 dry out there and I haven't found a single catterpiller. I thought maybe the rains kept the butterflies and moths and bay? But I just got off the phone with SHEMP and he's found some on his girls. BTW sounds like SHEMP's going to get his in also, he drug his babies inside also,,,, cool. Well as soon as I get off my ass and get another harvest in I'll get some pictures up. The Marion Berries has some huge purple buds on her, as does the
Giga Bud. Crippled Rino has filled in great too. One day I'll get some of their pic's up soon. Till later Keepem Green

We've had pretty much that same crappy weather up here in NEWA. :(

I have some babies outside as a test. They still looked OK a few days ago, but they aren't huge. I was planning to let them go until first frost. Is that a bad plan? One for sure isn't even close at all, but I could take the others although they look premature to me. Maybe I need to take my loupe with me next time. Can I use crystals to judge ripeness outdoors? lol I'm such an outdoor newb :blalol:
Thanks for stopping in ya'll. I need so of them strains they got up there in Canada King. Mighty Mite etc. But I harvested all the outdoor ones. Sad the biggest buds are like 3 grams not the 1 ozers I'm use to. I will say this much what I've sampled is still fairly descent weeds. I haven't sampled either the Bubblious or the AKxSkunk. Man I wood've had some weight if the sun wood've shown itself abit more. I talked to Mike up the hill from Stoney Girl's and he's still got some Cripit going outside. You know they have strains that will even survive a frost. I read about some people who acclimated some strain from Minnesota. Now that's cold. But yea frost will destroy a crop fast. Here is just the wetness get a dose either PM or Botrytis. We have a lot of Vineyards around also and they fall prey to Botrytis and PM. The spores are in the air around here.
Hiker I think I'd look at the weather. Even alittle early is better than none. I wood like to wait till all the trichomes are cloudy with atad of amber in them, but that's in a perfect world. Depends on when your plants started to flower. Mine showed flowers starting of the last week in August.
Miwa I was thinking the rains helped keep moths and butterflies from get around and laying eggs. I asked Mike up the hill and he seen afew, not near as many but he's found some. Shemp found some too on his. But now that all my buds are alittle crispy around the edges, it's the time all the little buggers should be bailing out off the plants, but still none. I really do think this Captain Jack's really does work. Like I said I sprayed mine once around mid September, that's all.
OK First thing I need to get my energy levels back up there alittle so'''' I'll go pour me a shot of so of this?

It's made from Hemp Seeds.
I also got acouple nice Cola's off the A1-OG Kush. Pictures aren't doing the size justice. That's a High Times they are on. A1-OG;

and alittle closer;

Now here's that Blueberry Clone I got off DJ Short. She's suppose to finish in 6-7 weeks. I can tell she's going to be a interesting plant for sure, nice dark purple stems and bright lime green leaves. Blueberry;

I also wanted to show how interesting the Oydesuss came out. I'm going to grow this strain again next year and hopefully she'll get to grow till atleast the first week of October next year. I might even do alittle light deprivation next year just to get her into flower acouple weeks earlier. The side branches grew straight out from the main stem;

Ok I also took acouple fast shots of the Marion Berries. This picture doesn't do it righteous I'll get better at the harvest which is about a week away. Marion Berries;

I also have a picture of the Marion Berry alongside the Gigabud;

Well that's it from the doghouse. I'll do another update later this evening, till then all my friends, Keepem Green
Looking great Wood!
I feel ya on the bud rot brother.
I ended up throwing almost 1/2 a pound in the garbage.
Such a bummer, they were looking so big and healthy.
Then over a two day rain spell, they went black..

Just started a new journal if you ever get any time to cruise around a bit..
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