One Seed In The Ground

Its a hermie unless you want those seeds get it out.
Well then no big loss with all those plants you have
Yeah i know i have a few to spare. I just yanked it out the ground. It seems like it had a pretty good root system going.

Some crazy roots. Is this one of the plants you just watered or did you use any soil with beneficial fungi
Hmm you must have very good soil with little to no clay in it
Wow thats great man. Lots of air getting to those roots and the nutrients are right there in the soil. Very ideal situation you have.
Yep you are right but he cant do much about it now unfortunately you will get a lot of seeded weed for any females that are in flower but if it has rained recently then that pollen isnt viable so damage will be minimal its still high quality weed just a bit less due to seeds and potency doesnt increase as the plant focuses of making seeds and not thc which it uses to capture pollen and ward off predators.
Yeah the seeds from the hermie will be feminized since there is no actual male chromosome so the result will be 90% female 10% hermie if I remember correctly.
That is incorrect they wont ALL be hermie but maybe it isnt the best method according to ed rosenthal female plants that produce a few male flowers towards the end is the pollen that contains only female chromosomes but according to Ed hermies produce female or hermie but it seems the % is around the same as non feminized seeds at a 50/50 split the 90/10 split I spoke of was of the "male" flowers a female throws out as a last ditch effort to get pollinated. I have a link but its to another forum but the article is from ed himself.

Since you are a staff writer you let me know if I can post it to back up what I say I dont want to do anything against the rules.
Yeah a bunch of sites are saying I was right although this one says 90-95% will be female by having a hermie which is female then develops male flowers. Not the other way around(being a male that develops female flowers)
That is incorrect they wont ALL be hermie but maybe it isnt the best method according to ed rosenthal female plants that produce a few male flowers towards the end is the pollen that contains only female chromosomes but according to Ed hermies produce female or hermie but it seems the % is around the same as non feminized seeds at a 50/50 split the 90/10 split I spoke of was of the "male" flowers a female throws out as a last ditch effort to get pollinated. I have a link but its to another forum but the article is from ed himself.

Since you are a staff writer you let me know if I can post it to back up what I say I dont want to do anything against the rules.

What you are referring to is called Bolting. Bolting is very different then what was growing on the plant in the photographs. When late in flower a cannabis plant can Bolts and attempts to produce small yellow banana shaped female pollen sacks in the buds. When early in flower a cannabis plant starts to produce male pollen sacks at the nodes and in the cluster of pistils the cannabis plant is a hermaphrodite and will produce hermaphroditic seeds.

You are welcome to post your reference.

You may also want to read through the process of creating feminized seeds with Silver Thiosulfate in my KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal.
...There are several methods for creating all female seeds. One way is to let buds ripen. Sometimes a few male flowers appear just as the buds ripen. These flowers, which are harmless because the bud is about to be harvested, contain viable pollen that only has female genetics. Be carefully collecting the pollen and using a watercolor brush to pollinate select buds you can produce a small number of seeds.
- Ed Rosenthal
Ive read your guide before its pretty good but I dont care to mess with that just yet if ever or the colloidal silver method. Im content growing from regular or bagseed for right now as most people starting out grow that way and so I show that step by step in my journal along with details. When I have a larger grow area I will use silver though but I just cant spare a wasted crop without smoke of my own to spare.

I didnt know the name of the method but I explained it on target. The silver methods are explained by Jorge cervantes in his book but its nice that you wrote a guide here t reference faster then the book. I figured his plant was a straight up hermaphrodite and I did say he didnt want those seeds but if its what ya got vs not having any then it wont hurt to use them as they wont all be hermies not even close to all of them will be but I did say he should chop it and I did say that the rain renders pollen useless. Well its 7:15 a.m so I suppose I will go to sleep for a couple hours. Thanks for putting a name to the process I explained though have a good day.
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