OMM's Social Network Grow

Thank you for the warm welcome sir !
I don't post much, but I will follow along hoping to learn.
You have come to the right place to learn. If there is one place I would subscribe, it would be any of OMM's journals. So many people discussing different things, and Ideas flow like water through here.

OMM, if I may, I'd like to suggest another thread here for kimmy to see.

Xlr8 has a thread dedicated to the sharing of idea and debating, with a grow thrown in as well.
Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures & Photos From The Garden - 2012
Check it out if you have the time.
4 pages when I started... already 5 now... probably 10 by morning. LOL

I'm still trying to catch up on the last one... getting close though!

Can't wait to see how this grow grows!!:goodluck:

Me too jameswri85 I want to see where this one grows too!

So the story goes,,,,,each new grow should be better than the last. I'm going to do my best to make that come true!

So glad your here my friend!
Hi All. :high-five:

I would like your opinion on something. When I start telling my stories again, all the new folks wont know what I am talking about. Do you think I should post a review of all the stories I've told before. It would consist of about 4 pages. I've already put them together so it would be easy to do. Let me know what you think. Thanks. OMM :peace:
Hi All. :high-five:

I would like your opinion on something. When I start telling my stories again, all the new folks wont know what I am talking about. Do you think I should post a review of all the stories I've told before. It would consist of about 4 pages. I've already put them together so it would be easy to do. Let me know what you think. Thanks. OMM :peace:
hey OMM, you know I could read your stories over and over. and as a matter of fact some of them I have:)besides if you do you will get everybody shook up on how many pages they are behind. LOL so I say do it:popcorn:
Yep, yep, Yep, I would for them all to be in once place too. Post away. Love it.:yahoo::)

Hi All. :high-five:

I would like your opinion on something. When I start telling my stories again, all the new folks wont know what I am talking about. Do you think I should post a review of all the stories I've told before. It would consist of about 4 pages. I've already put them together so it would be easy to do. Let me know what you think. Thanks. OMM :peace:
I Absolutely love your stories but I vote no to post them all at once on your grow journal. I think it would be too much for a lot of people. That would be a lot of pages to sift through. Much respect. I just say what I think!!
I think you should have a separate blog or journal to post your complete story and a link to go to it.
Whatever you do my friend!! I still Love You and look forward to read more!!!
High Queen.:love:

Well, if it's a storm, you may have to bring them in for a bit. By the way, rain water is good stuff. The cooler temps at night is perfect, even down to the 60's. The plants love it.The tea is something new for's one of those things we will just watch and see how it does. Same as brighten my day when you visit! :love:

Awww, thanks for the compliment, OMM. I love hearing from you too. I didn't know BPN had teas, I really need to check out the site more..When it rained here the other day, I was trying to collect some rain water but it didn't rain long enough. It came down hard but only lasted a few minutes.

I saw some asking about Twelve12. I miss him too. It's just really sad that he is having issues with his ex. I hope he does get the job at the dispensary. He has great knowledge and experience, he would be a great addition to any place he goes. I hope he comes back soon.
A summation might work, the big post of the preceding stories was a bit much for me to read with dyslexia, and I'm sure that there are others...

But then again, I thoroughly enjoyed every syllable of it, so a repost as-is might be best.

Either way a catch-me-up would be best.

I do like Closet Farmer's idea of the link to a blog with the full story so those that feel lost could reference it. Maybe post the link in your sig so it will always be easy to find?
A post where the entire story is word for word for everyone!! Don't change a thing. And an outline of events, places and charactors for the anylitical people. And a reader digest version for people hardcore stoners like me!! This time we need pictures. Artists renderings would be awsome!! Make sure you copywrite it!! I am a big fan!!
can this be comercial free? or do I have to use my dvr and fast forward?:cheer:
Well got 4/4 using your germ method in rapid rooters, won't do it any other way now, the only modification I made is that I put the rapid rooters in cups of perlite so the roots could do what they want and not hit the bottom or side. The Church and the NLxBB auto are growing like there is a race with a big cash prize happening.
Hey young man,
Thought I'd stop by before hitting the bed. I like your stories a lot, same as other's here. The blog would be ideal to keep each one with the journal It read from. and then continue here and your blog for this run do the same way. I think people want it all at once and dont want to fight through all the other pages. They are long, but its the best when it leave a person hanging for a few days. Every one has the story rolling around and then a discussion of the meanings behind matters.

Wish I had the strength to tell some of mine but some are not very nice, and Id rather not go into a past I disliked growing up. Yes I hope Twelve12 get the job in cali. there are more grows going farther north he could check into.

The teas are good. My personal opinion on them is buy a good compost or order in. The Brix project of DocBud's deals with the teas and getting brix readings for strain methods of the plant a lo- a mid- and a hi- brix level. this last grow he had going he actually produced a waxie residue the bugs hate. I believe everyone on his grow became involved and now everyone is testing. The use alot of teas.

Here is a great link for Tea's: I ordered a dvd, they send out information and a brix chart. Huge Huge Plants, your eyes wont believe it.



Hi All !:thumb:

I'm sure glad I asked the question about my stories. I thank you for all your responses. I have to admit putting the last group of stories into Word format took forever. 157 pages to search through was a job in it's self. What I finally ended up with was 4 long word documents that contained all the stories told so far.

This will be put into a soon as I figure out how to put up a blog. I've never even looked at blog, so it should be a learning experience for me. Maybe I can talk with THsea about it and get some help.

Speaking of THsea...I spent the afternoon at his place with his parents celebrating his quarter of a century on earth. Was good day. His plants are beautiful.

I'll be back in a few to answer all your posts.

Thanks everyone!:high-five:
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