OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

When I was living on the West Side of Colorado Springs, we lived close by Wilson Ranch and the Flying W Ranch. One day the cows were grazing in the pasture, and a Mountain lion came down the mountain, and killed a cow. Me and my boys were all sitting out on the porch. We were just stunned, it was kinda like a Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom moment...

Now I live in the mountains west of Co Springs, and we have all sorts of wild animals. I had a YAK in my yard, Elk, Badgers, Bears, Deer,Mountain Lions. Just have to be careful outside. Most of the time they avoid human contact. We just had a pretty hard winter, so the bears are hungry, and are looking for an easy meal.

/end hijack :bigblush:

Man your plants look good!

No Thanks Young Lady ;)

All we got here are wild razorbacks up in the mountains and this is fine by me! :grinjoint:
Was raised in the Ozarks and we had everything. I had to hitchhike to see my girlfriend and when I was 15 and at night coming back was a trip. Panthers screaming and all, I would run most of the way back!!:whoa::whoa::whoa:

Thanks for the compliment and for dropping by. :cheer:
hey omm,
everything looks great....going thru weather again...hot hot....i like it, plants no...the small ones do.....later, just wanted to say hi....L
will try to get a couple of evals and pics up this wks...too pretty outside...L

I would be out by the Koi pools all the time if I were you! However there is work to be done always! Take it easy Lavendar. Nice to say, but not reality, for you I know, but do take it slow.....hook up that AC and sit in front of it! :)

Looking forward to you evals, best ones on 420! :cheer:
OMM,Hope your doing good,the girls looking Foxy.How do you compare the airpots(i think that's what you call them) to reg pots,can you get them in 5 gals. Thanks HH
OMM,Hope your doing good,the girls looking Foxy.How do you compare the airpots(i think that's what you call them) to reg pots,can you get them in 5 gals. Thanks HH

Hey Buddy.:)
Thanks for the Foxy comment. Trying to up date but having trouble. Ghost in the machine.:smokin:

Hypo.....Yes you can get them in 5 gallon pots. Be careful what you wish for though! The ones I have are supposedly 3.7 gallons, but I can fit a 4 gallon regular pot inside them with ease. I think they are more like 4.5 gallons. Also, remember they do not get root bound ever, since the air prunes the roots.

Here is link to them, so you can check em out. Be sure to watch all the videos they have. The show how they work and why.

Hope this helps. You kind of have to think of them differently than other pots :grinjoint:
NO UPDATE???? NNNNOOOOOOOoooooooooo.......!!!!

lol, j/k man. Growers are patient people for the most part, I'll cope! I hope your gardens growing great man. If your last go is any example I bet your KiLLinG It!!

peace man! Drive by! Vroooooooooom!
Hey Buddy.:)
Thanks for the Foxy comment. Trying to up date but having trouble. Ghost in the machine.:smokin:

Hypo.....Yes you can get them in 5 gallon pots. Be careful what you wish for though! The ones I have are supposedly 3.7 gallons, but I can fit a 4 gallon regular pot inside them with ease. I think they are more like 4.5 gallons. Also, remember they do not get root bound ever, since the air prunes the roots.

Here is link to them, so you can check em out. Be sure to watch all the videos they have. The show how they work and why.

Hope this helps. You kind of have to think of them differently than other pots :grinjoint:

Thanks OMM,i sure check them out,haven't made my mind up on "hempy" again or soil.I found a deal of FFOF for $12 a bag(1.5 cubit ft),bought 4 bags,so i for sure will grow in soil again.aloha.
Thanks OMM,i sure check them out,haven't made my mind up on "hempy" again or soil.I found a deal of FFOF for $12 a bag(1.5 cubit ft),bought 4 bags,so i for sure will grow in soil again.aloha.

Hey, I want some FFOF too at that price! $18 buck here. That is what I use in the AirPots. Just ordered 10 more of the 3.1 gallon (12.5 Litter) ones. A bit smaller than the ones I have now. Good luck on your choice. :peace: :)
Lions, and refer, and bears, oh my!:grinjoint:
Down here, you're very lucky if you see a panther. The gene pool of the Florida panther is so small they've had to cross breed them with Texas cats.
But, we have plenty of black bears!
I can't believe the new pics are better then the last ones. All of them look great! I love the shape of them.:goodjob:
Lions, and refer, and bears, oh my!:grinjoint:
Down here, you're very lucky if you see a panther. The gene pool of the Florida panther is so small they've had to cross breed them with Texas cats.
But, we have plenty of black bears!
I can't believe the new pics are better then the last ones. All of them look great! I love the shape of them.:goodjob:

Black Bears in Florida! Never knew that. Was stationed at Cape Kennedy for a while and all we worried about was gators and sharks. I talked to a guy that had big ropes going out into the water. He was catching sharks to sell to the restaurants. He pulled out a 7 - 8 footer one day and you should have seen the people. They kicked, spit on it, hit with paddles. Locals hate them. I asked him how deep it had to be before they would bite. He told me knee deep. Never went in the water after that.:):)
Stockpiling an arsenal of Air pots....are we? I know your just making sure you have one or ten handy if all of the sudden a skid of FFOF suddenly landed in you shed. Pretty slick!

Hey Sisco :cheer:

Got to be ready! I am care giving to another patient for a while, but he's dying.
I am actively looking for another so I can grow more. Have one lined up, but he's months away from getting his card. We'll see! :grinjoint:

I've got three bags of Happy Frog ready! :peace: I already have some small airpots for vegging. Soon as I can post pictures again, you'll see them.

Hope all is well for you Bro! :thumb:
Hello OMM, I've let myself out of the cage! Of course I've been away sooooo long, I've got no clue of what's happening! I was advised by some guy in Hawaii to do drive byes and pretend that I know what's going on...............Gee OMM your stuff is beautiful and so greeeeennnnn! How was that?:Rasta:

No I actually went back one page (or two) and saw your beauties in front of my summer home. Are you keeping the place ready for me and the rest of the group. Should only be a party of 34 this time so you don't have to cater. Should we put in the beverage requests yet?

Don't know when we're arriving as we haven't booked train tickets yet. I did get my haircut so I wouldn't scare Jo. :Rasta: Oh and let Jo know that we won't be having wild parties out there until 4 in the morning. I'm still trying to get the buckshot out of my arse from the last time.

Glad you like your pipes! By all means, use them! You can sand the bowl if you want it looking new again!

Oh ya! Is the train station close to your place? I have a lot of baggage (that sounded strange) and the ox drawn wagon you sent for us last time was a little bumpy.
Day 7 of Bloom

Hi Folks :) Well, I can post again!:cheer:
However, I am going just do a few at a time for a while to make sure all is working right and the problem is fixed.
This pictures are not current they are a bit behind. Tomorrow I will try to post
an update. Hopefully the problem was fixed.

Here is the new group shot :)

The Beautiful Church Girl :)

The Beautiful Columbian Gold :)

Another of the Columbian sporting 4 tops. :)

I will continue this update through out the evening :)
Day 7 of Bloom Contunued

The Sexy Super Lemon Haze ;)

Moby Dick feeling good ;)

Moby Dick showing allot of tops ;)

The striking Super Sliver Haze ;)

One more the Super Silver Haze ;)

Well, there's the Girls. I will try to get more updates tomorrow to bring the the pictures up to date. Hope your enjoyed them! :)
Beautiful garden you have my friend! I think you missed my earlier post, or could it be that you are suffering from such a tremendous shock after reading it that you had to get CPR from Jo in which case I totally understand. Should I send your personal nurse out to rescue you in case Jo catches you and preforms some sort of cruel and unnatural act? Is your 'Life Alert' subscription paid in full this month? :wood:
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