OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Long time no see Mr. J:grinjoint: How's the new job coming? Sorry, you don't much time any more. How's the stealth working out? :grinjoint: So far both those girls are looking good. Both strains I've been wanting to try for a while now.
How's your breeding coming along? Or did you have to stop. Gotta catch up with you. :cheer:

Aloha! yes, long time! It's coming slow but steady. we're working our way up to 20-25 strains, and I have to keep emaculate records on a hard drive. Phew, it's more work than I thought. Might actually have to earn my check. lol

The stealth Boxes are being planned and drawn out while I wait for the funds to get the materials, but Looks like they should be decent for my personals anyways. I was even running the thought of digging down a bit in a spot of the crawlspace for extra height, but dont know how I'd deal with any potential (but unlikely) flooding. So thats probably out. lol

Breeding Phase 1 is almost complete. Harvested the 2nd to last Rhino last night, and picked out about 100 mature seeds of Papaya x White Rhino I named Papanoceros. The small fully seeded Cindy99 is taking it's sweet time, but should have at least 200 - 300 seeds on it. I think that ones going slow due to the low wattage in that breeding chamber. She looks great though!

Medusa - the big Cindy99 will be harvested tonight, and will have some Cindy99 x Papaya seeds (named them Tropical Princess). should have around 100, maybe a bit less on her. The downside is that 2 of her buds started to mold. Fortunatly It's recent and localized on the opposite side of the plant from the seedbearing bud. Still a damn shame though. I think it only got to a small percentage of the buddage, but we'll see tonight.:goodluck:

lol, sorry about the book man, anyways, keep up the great work!:cheer:
Hey OMM, how is life on the isle today? I ended up cutting a decent branch off of my Ilene...will be smoking uncured bud again...oh well...:smokin: Better than NO BUD...that would be bad. :tokin: She looks pretty tasty to me, but hardly any amber yet...oh well. Smoked far worse....:hookah:, am actually quite blazed on scissor hash...loaded on cured Cheese. Seemed appropriate. :roorrip:

Aloha my friend.

Aloha High:cheer:

It's a nice day here in the islands. 85 degrees. 53%H, bright and sunny.;)

Ilene wont miss it Besides it's for Daddy. Loaded on Cheese is appropriate :grinjoint:

:peace: Brother :tokin:
Aloha! yes, long time! It's coming slow but steady. we're working our way up to 20-25 strains, and I have to keep emaculate records on a hard drive. Phew, it's more work than I thought. Might actually have to earn my check. lol

The stealth Boxes are being planned and drawn out while I wait for the funds to get the materials, but Looks like they should be decent for my personals anyways. I was even running the thought of digging down a bit in a spot of the crawlspace for extra height, but dont know how I'd deal with any potential (but unlikely) flooding. So thats probably out. lol

Breeding Phase 1 is almost complete. Harvested the 2nd to last Rhino last night, and picked out about 100 mature seeds of Papaya x White Rhino I named Papanoceros. The small fully seeded Cindy99 is taking it's sweet time, but should have at least 200 - 300 seeds on it. I think that ones going slow due to the low wattage in that breeding chamber. She looks great though!

Medusa - the big Cindy99 will be harvested tonight, and will have some Cindy99 x Papaya seeds (named them Tropical Princess). should have around 100, maybe a bit less on her. The downside is that 2 of her buds started to mold. Fortunatly It's recent and localized on the opposite side of the plant from the seedbearing bud. Still a damn shame though. I think it only got to a small percentage of the buddage, but we'll see tonight.:goodluck:

lol, sorry about the book man, anyways, keep up the great work!:cheer:

Hey Mr J :smokin: Man you sound busy, bummer on actually having to earn your pay. 20 to 25 strains will keep you busy for sure. :smokin:

Flooding ? Yea leave that part out.:grinjoint: Just for you personal stash sounds good thou. :cheer:

What a great name Papanoceros!!! Sounds good.:smokin: Tropical Princess is a perfect name for that mix too. Bummer about the mold,
Good luck on the trim....she should reward you well! :cheer:

Best of luck to you.....bet you will miss journaling.....but you have hell of a good job. :peace: Buddy!
Great lookin plants there my friend...I finally got mine in the ground and posted a few picts. in my sad journal compaired to last year. Startin on the new greenhouse tomorrow..Kinda backwards building around the plants but just had to get them in the ground. Keep up the good work jp...moslow..
yea, papanoceros is a great name, and might actually be viable if i get an F2 going...

....I cant help it......it'll be a done deal.......I plan to get the indaviduals to an F4 before I can call it my own...

damnn I'm stoned. Just thought I'd let you know Im still here!!

later OMM!!!
Hey Pops. Just driving thru looking at some back pages. Got to say to Mister J, Cindy 99, isn't that a off breed or a parent to Sweet Tooth? I did a trip with Sweet, and she took me to the moon. 'Here on Earth'. Great weed. I did a trip with her under 'All Fluorescent' Lights. Worked.............. That Gold,,,,,, Pops I'm awatching, wondering, waiting. I Wanna see GOLD.
Po's Keep it Green errrrrrrr Gold.
I wanna grow gold...........
Great lookin plants there my friend...I finally got mine in the ground and posted a few picts. in my sad journal compaired to last year. Startin on the new greenhouse tomorrow..Kinda backwards building around the plants but just had to get them in the ground. Keep up the good work jp...moslow..

Hello JJ my dear old friend:cheer: That's great, got em in the ground!;)
That sounds like you! Plant em and build the greenhouse around them:grinjoint:
I'll be around to see what your up to!:)

Way to go old friend! :blunt:
yea, papanoceros is a great name, and might actually be viable if i get an F2 going...

....I cant help it......it'll be a done deal.......I plan to get the indaviduals to an F4 before I can call it my own...

damnn I'm stoned. Just thought I'd let you know Im still here!!

later OMM!!!

Hey Mr J F2 and F4. You know I wish you luck on what your doing:cheer:

Scissor Hash does it every time.....you did say you would trimming tonight:)

Wouldn't work for me.....once stoned....forget it! :rofl::rofl:
Hey Pops. Just driving thru looking at some back pages. Got to say to Mister J, Cindy 99, isn't that a off breed or a parent to Sweet Tooth? I did a trip with Sweet, and she took me to the moon. 'Here on Earth'. Great weed. I did a trip with her under 'All Fluorescent' Lights. Worked.............. That Gold,,,,,, Pops I'm awatching, wondering, waiting. I Wanna see GOLD.
Po's Keep it Green errrrrrrr Gold.
I wanna grow gold...........

Yep, got busy with eating Damn necessities !:cheer:

Pictures coming up! :)
Day 3 of Bloom

A new family portrate ;)

The daring Moby Dick ;)

Another of the daring Moby Dick ;)

The beautiful Super Lemon Haze ;)

Beautiful Super Silver Haze ;)

For the gold lovers Columbian Gold ;)

Another Columbian Gold ;)

The breath taking Church ;)

Makes me want to go to Church ;)

Well, there's my little garden. The 6th one is germing now. She will be aliitle late. Actually got 3 germing.....may the healthiest win. ;)
Aloha OMM, dropping in to smoke some...wait a sec be right back...

:passitleft: Ere...sorry its a bit harsh...is my dregs that I kinda forgot about...it works good though. OH MY, I smoked a few bong hits before going walking and man oh man did I get high (you know that eye thing high)...I had been putting it off all day...was a bit warm so the walk was a bit of a struggle...and as we near the bench where we stop and rest then turn back...a black bear was sitting right in front of it...sniffing it, it turned and seen us...was a young-un, probably only 150-200 pounds...he turned and seen us on the road :yikes:...he looked one way, then the other and then bolted for the woods...is sooo scary to see how fast they run, but I knew that little guy was terrified to take off that way. People must of put some serious scares into him, he needs transplanted to another environment before he gets much bigger and decides he isn't quite so afraid and eats someone's dog...right in front of them, is a pretty popular dog walk. So another very interesting walk as I kept hearing faint snaps and with my crappy vision swore I seen shadows moving amongst the trees. Kept wondering where his mom was....:smokin: and remember I am very high...what a trip.

Oh Hey, Woods sent me a pipe and it is beautiful brother! You have one too so you know...I didn't expect the feel, smooth and has a nice weight to it.

And I wanted to say, great job on the transplants brother, that hydroton is a great idea, but I have some idea how much work they were. They sure look happy about it too...looks to be some fairly explosive growth happening on those tops.

Great Job brother, wishing you :peace: from my little cave in the mountains.
Aloha OMM, dropping in to smoke some...wait a sec be right back...

:passitleft: Ere...sorry its a bit harsh...is my dregs that I kinda forgot about...it works good though. OH MY, I smoked a few bong hits before going walking and man oh man did I get high (you know that eye thing high)...I had been putting it off all day...was a bit warm so the walk was a bit of a struggle...and as we near the bench where we stop and rest then turn back...a black bear was sitting right in front of it...sniffing it, it turned and seen us...was a young-un, probably only 150-200 pounds...he turned and seen us on the road :yikes:...he looked one way, then the other and then bolted for the woods...is sooo scary to see how fast they run, but I knew that little guy was terrified to take off that way. People must of put some serious scares into him, he needs transplanted to another environment before he gets much bigger and decides he isn't quite so afraid and eats someone's dog...right in front of them, is a pretty popular dog walk. So another very interesting walk as I kept hearing faint snaps and with my crappy vision swore I seen shadows moving amongst the trees. Kept wondering where his mom was....:smokin: and remember I am very high...what a trip.

Oh Hey, Woods sent me a pipe and it is beautiful brother! You have one too so you know...I didn't expect the feel, smooth and has a nice weight to it.

And I wanted to say, great job on the transplants brother, that hydroton is a great idea, but I have some idea how much work they were. They sure look happy about it too...looks to be some fairly explosive growth happening on those tops.

Great Job brother, wishing you :peace: from my little cave in the mountains.

Aloha High:cheer:

Hold on a minute.......:lot-o-toke:.....Ok, now we can talk!:smokin:

A Bear? A fu*king Bear! Feet let's get moving! :smokin::smokin::smokin:

What in the world is a bear doing there? :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:
You CO folks must be hearty people. ;)
Do your mmj laws vary from one place to another? Saw a person doing allot more than you are as far as growing.

I have two of Woodsman's pipes. They are so beautiful I don't want to use them. Just beautiful work.:cheer::cheer::cheer:
Just cleaned my glass pipes up. Boy are they easy to clean. I better stop, I feel a ramble building up.:grinjoint:

So now your living in a cave? :thedoubletake:

May :peace: be with you in the cave.:)
Aloha High:cheer:

Hold on a minute.......:lot-o-toke:.....Ok, now we can talk!:smokin:

A Bear? A fu*king Bear! Feet let's get moving! :smokin::smokin::smokin:

What in the world is a bear doing there? :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:
You CO folks must be hearty people. ;)
Do your mmj laws vary from one place to another? Saw a person doing allot more than you are as far as growing.

I have two of Woodsman's pipes. They are so beautiful I don't want to use them. Just beautiful work.:cheer::cheer::cheer:
Just cleaned my glass pipes up. Boy are they easy to clean. I better stop, I feel a ramble building up.:grinjoint:

So now your living in a cave? :thedoubletake:

May :peace: be with you in the cave.:)

Ha, my compartment feel like a cave some days when it is too hot to go outside for long.

Yeah glass pipes are easy to clean but I think this one will be a whole lot cooler for me to smoke from, I hope.

You got it man...A BEAR, a panicked baby bear at that. Well maybe it is away from mom, but maybe not, didn't want to find out, we did turn around and start walking back without the rest...so was added work for me.

Just glad where we are, there aren't many big cats...they are the real worry, very unpredictable. Bears come to the river though and sometimes that just happens to be through town and our riverwalk is kind of like a long wild park that follows the river, not very domesticated but lots of paths, so I guess lots of wildlife, haven't seen the deer for a week or so now...they were much less worrisome. :smokin:

And there is a grey area where doctor's have been prescribing different amounts than the state laws and the doctor is supposed to go to court with you when you get arrested. I wouldn't consider asking nor would I trust a doctor that way as far as I can throw one, but I know some do and low risk atm for any issues, but who knows when the cold winds will blow...and the more legal the more likely to bend under it, instead of getting broken. Just my standard paranoia...:tokin:

Couldn't afford the electricity either. :grinjoint:

Peace brother and much Aloha to you.

(You were right, a ramble was coming on....:))
Aloha High! :)

Sometimes I have to read things twice, my own thinking gets in the way.

I imagine seeing that bear while stoned was a rush! :) What a picture I have of you in my mind. Poor man. :smokin:
One big cat is too many! :helpsmilie: You guys are tough in CO.;)

That Doctor testifying in court, just sounds strange to me. Guess we'll see how that works out.

I think I take too much blood thinner. It's 85 in here and I feel cool. My electric bill would jump $250 if I turned on the AC. Hawaii charges more for electricity in summer. :smokin:

May you have cool breezes in your compartment and of course :peace:
Hey someone forgot to tell me this was part of the National Geographics Channel...Bears! I saw one (black) 200+ lbs. in the back yard having his way with our bird feeder, it just bent over a 3"x6' metal pole and ate everything then walked down the bank to the neighbors house to take a shit. :tokin:
No more bird feeders around our property.

I just love coming into this journal!
Hey someone forgot to tell me this was part of the National Geographics Channel...Bears! I saw one (black) 200+ lbs. in the back yard having his way with our bird feeder, it just bent over a 3"x6' metal pole and ate everything then walked down the bank to the neighbors house to take a shit. :tokin:
No more bird feeders around our property.

I just love coming into this journal!

Hey sisco I love you coming here too! :cheer:

A bear in the backyard, It's time to move.:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

Keep the women and children inside.:helpsmilie::helpsmilie:

No wonder you don't worry about growing in the woods. You have a guard Bear! :rofl::rofl:
When I was living on the West Side of Colorado Springs, we lived close by Wilson Ranch and the Flying W Ranch. One day the cows were grazing in the pasture, and a Mountain lion came down the mountain, and killed a cow. Me and my boys were all sitting out on the porch. We were just stunned, it was kinda like a Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom moment...

Now I live in the mountains west of Co Springs, and we have all sorts of wild animals. I had a YAK in my yard, Elk, Badgers, Bears, Deer,Mountain Lions. Just have to be careful outside. Most of the time they avoid human contact. We just had a pretty hard winter, so the bears are hungry, and are looking for an easy meal.

/end hijack :bigblush:

Man your plants look good!
hey omm,
everything looks great....going thru weather again...hot hot....i like it, plants no...the small ones do.....later, just wanted to say hi....L
will try to get a couple of evals and pics up this wks...too pretty outside...L
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