OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Stay strong OMM, once you get the cure on those ladies you'll be so high that you'll never remember how bad the wait was...!
Question for you- other than a little height loss, have you noticed any issues with Rose and Mary growing in the same pot? I ask because I have limited bucket space and many females....Thnks, good luck brother!
resist, resist, hard aint it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im sure we all do it too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that what the bottom buds are for are'nt they ????????????????
looking good bro :surf:

Sounds like I'm fighting the Borg. Resistance is futile :grinjoint:

That's what I thought they were for.lol

Thanks for looking in my friend:surf:
Stay strong OMM, once you get the cure on those ladies you'll be so high that you'll never remember how bad the wait was...!
Question for you- other than a little height loss, have you noticed any issues with Rose and Mary growing in the same pot? I ask because I have limited bucket space and many females....Thnks, good luck brother!

Hi Buddy,:surf:

Thanks for the advise on being strong. I will resist:grinjoint:

Very good question about two girls in the same pot. setting sun has told me that they will probably yield about the same as one plant. First they are a different strain (Auroura Indica) than the others which are Blackjack.
I bought the Auroura because they are short growing plants. Maybe why they are shorter than the others. I have re potted them twice. If you do put them in the same pot, make it a big pot. Mine is 4 gal. One of them has more bud sites than the other, but it looks like each will have a single really big cola. I hope. They both look really healthy so I don't think the battle for root space is hurting them too much.

I don't know if that answer has helped you too much. All I could tell you is what I have observed, :peace:
Day 41 of Bloom

Someone asked for bud porn:surf:
Here it is.
Green Group Shot

Da Buds




Well couldn't resist. Took off a few small buds at the bottom that weren't going any where. Harsh, but couchlock. After drying and curing should be really good.:ganjamon:

Dont blame you on sampling....I always do... its all popcorn anyway
ladies are looking amazing
i think your girls look great, a lot taller than my girls
Plus reps for you OMM, the girls are turning into women, bush!:cheer:

Thanks Buddy:surf:
I'm starting to think of them as my portable girls. I move them to the back porch at night and into the sun during the day. :grinjoint:

This maybe a real plus starting tonight. The rain has started and by tomorrow it's s posed to be a mini hurricane. Warnings all over the TV. Lighting, flash floods, high winds and all. :smokin:

I take that stuff seriously. My second New Years Eve here, we had a night of 6 inches of rain per hour for 8 hours. Cars were floating by out in front of the house. Landslides blocked all roads to this side of the island, if you had gone over to Honolulu or Waikiki to party you didn't come back for a couple of days.:hmmmm::hmmmm:

Even Hurricane Iniki which actually actually bypassed us, took my solar panels and put them in guy next door's back yard.

Like I've said before Hawaii is raw nature at it's best or worst.:slide:

If I don't post or a couple of days, you'll know why, no electricity.:popcorn:
i think your girls look great, a lot taller than my girls

Well thanks friend. Yours just look much farther ahead than mine in flower.
Either way, we both have reason to be smiling.:cheer:
this is 1 of the dopest grows ive seen on here for what u started with and managed to overcome... im currently doin my first grow indoor in a cab with floros and a 250 watt hps... im a definitely keep up with the rest of this grow... it took me a bit to get thru ur journal but im a make sure im here for the rest:nomo::popcorn:.. best of luck to u with the rest of this grow.

First Grow - Hawgs Kush- Information Appreciated
this is 1 of the dopest grows ive seen on here for what u started with and managed to overcome... im currently doin my first grow indoor in a cab with floros and a 250 watt hps... im a definitely keep up with the rest of this grow... it took me a bit to get thru ur journal but im a make sure im here for the rest:nomo::popcorn:.. best of luck to u with the rest of this grow.

First Grow - Hawgs Kush- Information Appreciated

Glad to meet you zills:welcome:
Thanks for tuning in and wading through this tomb. I do the same when I follow a grow. I want to know the whole story :popcorn:
I've actually read your journal too. Great stuff so far. Looks great. I'll be around.:grinjoint:

I will return the favor: Best of luck on the rest of your grow:goodjob:
Whoa Nellie! Just read the severe weather report for your part of the Rock.

Frog's will love it. On the bright side, next Saturday looks good.

Just batten down the hatches, tie down the girls, get out the whale oil lamps, and practice that meditation mate......OMM, OMM, OMM......I thought that was very creative.

Good Luck bud
Whoa Nellie! Just read the severe weather report for your part of the Rock.

Frog's will love it. On the bright side, next Saturday looks good.

Just batten down the hatches, tie down the girls, get out the whale oil lamps, and practice that meditation mate......OMM, OMM, OMM......I thought that was very creative.

Good Luck bud

Yeah it's coming:smokin:
Thanks allot. SA
It's candles for us.:surf: Got plenty of water, batteries, and so on.
But I do have a whale oil lamp I bought in Greece. Hand blown glass and all.
Found it in a junk store.:grinjoint: Would never use it.:grinjoint:
If it gets really nasty, the girls are coming inside.:snooze:
Thanks my friend .................OMM
Greenpeace probably has a contract out on my ass already for even mentioning that, naturally it was in jest. Anyone selling whale oil these days would most likely be stoned to death sans trial. Still, that lamp was a rare find.

Sounds like we're both waiting, you for Rain City, me on the edge of my seat, waiting for the lights to go on. I gave Wanda a healthy nute bath yesterday. Have 6 gals of h20 flush standing by in case I blew it. 38 minutes, and counting:popcorn:

Get's nasty? From the report I read, sounds as if we pasted nasty....maybe it'll blow by you, one thing for certain. No VOG:slide:
Greenpeace probably has a contract out on my ass already for even mentioning that, naturally it was in jest. Anyone selling whale oil these days would most likely be stoned to death sans trial. Still, that lamp was a rare find.

Sounds like we're both waiting, you for Rain City, me on the edge of my seat, waiting for the lights to go on. I gave Wanda a healthy nute bath yesterday. Have 6 gals of h20 flush standing by in case I blew it. 38 minutes, and counting:popcorn:

Get's nasty? From the report I read, sounds as if we pasted nasty....maybe it'll blow by you, one thing for certain. No VOG:slide:

You Crack me up man: Greenpeace:grinjoint: They must monitor us all. :smokin::smokin:
Good luck with Wanda. Me and nutes haven't done well together so far.
Sounds like your prepared. Bet she's OK:surf:

I do hope it blows by too.:cheer:
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