OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Wow!!! Those @re some gig@ntic potted pl@nts!!! The buds @re coming in nicely, too. I wonder wh@t them gi@nts will yield? :dreamy: Guess I'll h@ve to w@it @nd see!!! :popcorn: @lso I w@s thinking, m@ybe gecko piss?
Looks like it w@s some sort or liquid th@t dripped down the le@f @nd dried there.

He he I was thinking the same thing. :grinjoint:

You know, I don't even care.:surf:
Just so I get them done is enough for me.:clap::clap::cheesygrinsmiley:
I think they are going to take longer than normal. They are only receiving at the most 6 hours of direct sun light a day. The story continues.:yummy:
Called a leaf miner, squash the little buggers (should be at one end of the trail of damage)or use neem oil or remove affected leaves. They don't usually cause much harm. The larva burrow inside the leaf, easy to kill em.

Those plants are absolutely loving your back yard OMM. Looking fantastic, growing like crazy.lol I love it.

Thanks Mmmmick:grinjoint:

Got the Neem spray sitting by the door. You can barely see it in the pictures.
By God, I'm ready.:blushsmile::allgood::blushsmile:

Will hit them where it hurts.:Rasta:
Good lord man! Do you realize how big those colas are going to be? Best be checking around for old telephone poles to hold 'em up! WOW!!

No way of getting them more sun? Even with the cool situation with your neighbors? If not, the 6 hours their getting now seems to be working out. Hell, if they had sun all day they'd be as big as Sequoias!

Watering Tad daily? Root bound?

No help here on the leaf issue, I kinda though it looked like something dripped on 'em too. Was it only those few leaves?

Great shots. Loved the scenery shot with pipe. Be temping to throw a few seeds out there:cheer:

Have a great Saturday bud.
Good lord man! Do you realize how big those colas are going to be? Best be checking around for old telephone poles to hold 'em up! WOW!!

No way of getting them more sun? Even with the cool situation with your neighbors? If not, the 6 hours their getting now seems to be working out. Hell, if they had sun all day they'd be as big as Sequoias!

Watering Tad daily? Root bound?

No help here on the leaf issue, I kinda though it looked like something dripped on 'em too. Was it only those few leaves?

Great shots. Loved the scenery shot with pipe. Be temping to throw a few seeds out there:cheer:

Have a great Saturday bud.

No, actually I don't know how big they will be. Since I have never seen one, except in pictures. Believe it or not I was just outside, yes in the dark, looking at them wondering how the colas are formed. Then I started worrying about my tying up some of the stems just to hold them up and weather I should untie them. It is a kick watching everything happen in slow motion. A small change each day. I am happy as hell that I've gotten this far.:surf:
I am going to be bolder in the next few days and get them as much sun as I can. It rained for a couple of days and then the yard people made me miss some sun today.
Tad is one that is growing taller. She is only in a 2 gallon pot. She is thirsty almost every day. I see no roots coming out the holes around the bottom. Sooooo?

Mmmmik (hope I spelled that right) told me what was it and I Neemed it.:grinjoint:

I know what you mean about throwing a few seeds out. That soil is so rich.

My guard said he wasn't posing any more since no one has noticed him.:Rasta:

Hope your day is a good one too.:yummy:
that's close enough Omm.

Your guard certainly appears diligent but he has a vested interest. he'll be back, heheh
Man I wish it was warm enough outside for reptiles.
that's close enough Omm.

Your guard certainly appears diligent but he has a vested interest. he'll be back, heheh
Man I wish it was warm enough outside for reptiles.

Where ever you are I feel for you. I hate cold weather. Before I moved here I was in N.J. There was a billboard close to my house with a thermometer on it. I swear in October it would go below 32 degrees and didn't come back up until April. Snow, ice, and slush. Brurrrrrrrrrrrr.:smokin:

I am totally attuned to Hawaii now. I keep all the windows open and do not use the AC. I'm not kidding I can tell when the temp goes down even one degree. I am wearing my standard uniform right now, a T shirt and shorts and it's 3 AM. I went to Cali to see my son a few years back and wore his P coat most of the time. It was 60 degrees and I was freeing.:grinjoint:
OdMeMan..LMAO..I arrived in cali from Chicago, dec of 75. I couldn't breath when I got off the plane, humidity was so high. Five years later I was stationed in the Phillipines, temps got down to 70 and we had to put jackets on...lol.
OdMeMan..LMAO..I arrived in cali from Chicago, dec of 75. I couldn't breath when I got off the plane, humidity was so high. Five years later I was stationed in the Phillipines, temps got down to 70 and we had to put jackets on...lol.

I know what you mean. I was in Vietnam twice and Thailand for a year. Our runway temp averaged 114 degrees. The blood gets real thin.

Hope you were stationed at Clark AFB. Best damn base I've ever been on.
Casinos and girls. I only visited though.
Cali was a trip for me too. Was up around Sacramento and I swear it rained for 6 months. :grinjoint:
Get the lights and garland out, decorate Tad and put the gifts under that tree for Christmas. Stella job!!!

Hi gorillagrow:welcome:
Great idea. She's basking in the sun right now, soaking it up. The presents will be on her. Hehe.

Thanks for looking in.:grinjoint:
OldMedMan, Naah...I was Navy, stationed in Subic Bay, actually worked in NavMag, but attached to Cubi Point Naval Air Station. When I was injured, I ended up at Clark for a little over a month. Did 18 months at Wright Patterson AFB, very nice place...for a hospital...lol. I went to Thailand in 78', Pataya Beach, was a great time...with great smoke!! So it looks like the shrubbery is coming along great!. You are gonna be smoking some mighty fine buds pretty soon bro. Keep up the great work!
Where ever you are I feel for you. I hate cold weather. Before I moved here I was in N.J. There was a billboard close to my house with a thermometer on it. I swear in October it would go below 32 degrees and didn't come back up until April. Snow, ice, and slush. Brurrrrrrrrrrrr.:smokin:

I am totally attuned to Hawaii now. I keep all the windows open and do not use the AC. I'm not kidding I can tell when the temp goes down even one degree. I am wearing my standard uniform right now, a T shirt and shorts and it's 3 AM. I went to Cali to see my son a few years back and wore his P coat most of the time. It was 60 degrees and I was freeing.:grinjoint:

Anything above zero is a good day, not that bad yet but it's freezin already and a light dusting of snow yesterday.
Sounds great on the islands, looks great in your pics also. Probably take me a good 20-30 minutes to get used to that environment and wanna stay. Your plants certainly love it.:goodjob:
OldMedMan, Naah...I was Navy, stationed in Subic Bay, actually worked in NavMag, but attached to Cubi Point Naval Air Station. When I was injured, I ended up at Clark for a little over a month. Did 18 months at Wright Patterson AFB, very nice place...for a hospital...lol. I went to Thailand in 78', Pataya Beach, was a great time...with great smoke!! So it looks like the shrubbery is coming along great!. You are gonna be smoking some mighty fine buds pretty soon bro. Keep up the great work!

I was in Thailand in 1962. Thing were incredibly cheap and I didn't want to leave. :grinjoint:
That's how I got to Clark in the hospital.
Yea the girls are basking in the sun today. :peace:
Anything above zero is a good day, not that bad yet but it's freezin already and a light dusting of snow yesterday.
Sounds great on the islands, looks great in your pics also. Probably take me a good 20-30 minutes to get used to that environment and wanna stay. Your plants certainly love it.:goodjob:

I hear you buddy. Anything above 0 is good. A friend in Colorado lives at 5000 feet. He want to leave really bad. :peace:
Yep 20 minutes.:grinjoint:
Dang OMM, you sure have some cool looking girls man. Never been to the Islands but sure looks great, hope you get them miners annihilated. Looking forward to some more bud porn.

Hey Sisco
Thanks for compliment, the girls like to show off.
I Neemed em good a few minutes ago. All good.:grinjoint:
I'm looking for more bud porn too!:cheer:
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