OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

:hug:OMM:hug: Damn... I'm so sorry about Vicky being a Victor. Damn males just always lookin' to get their balls on those females!! Hope ya used yer SOB tool when ya saw that!

Got such a charge out of yer tool list! :rofl:!!! And the rest of the girls look fantastic in the Island sun!!! Yer doin' such a great job!!!:cheer:
:hug:OMM:hug: Damn... I'm so sorry about Vicky being a Victor. Damn males just always lookin' to get their balls on those females!! Hope ya used yer SOB tool when ya saw that!

Got such a charge out of yer tool list! :rofl:!!! And the rest of the girls look fantastic in the Island sun!!! Yer doin' such a great job!!!:cheer:

Hey Granny Glad to see your sweet self.:cheer:

Victor/Victoria is long gone.:rip:

I did use my sob tool on her.:headbanger::hmmmm::bigblush:

Like you say I have 3 beautiful girls left and are doin their best for me. ;)

Be round to see you soon. Big Hug :peace:
If I had HIS problems...I'd take MINE and through 'em away...Ha!Ha!

Hey OldMedMan....
.....Just dropped in to see what condition your condition was in....
....kudles on taking the plunge! You'll never learn to swim,if you don't
get your feet wet...! Much-luck....( I mean with your current living conditions and all...Hawaii! I don't know HOW you tolerate it!!)

Marijuana Highs & Mental Rainbows,
DeltaNine420 :popcorn: :cheer:

It's tough I tell you:welcome:
I mean we are always in 12/12. No daylight savings here.:popcorn:

We are a bit behind the times. Went to see a friend today who lives 36 miles away. Took an hour and a half to get there. Two lane road all the way. You can imagine how awful it was green mountains on one side and nothing but big 8 to 12 foot waves on the other side. I don't know how we all endure it.:ganjamon::ganjamon:

Thanks for looking in my friend :peace:
Hi All:welcome:
Well I went up to see my friend, He's even older than I am:cheer::cheer:
These plants we love are hardy as hell.:slide:
Like allot of us he's doing a poor man's grow. Here's some pictures of his plants.
This is his stealth place and we used it today. vistors.

This is an Afghani of some sort.


This is his bird. Don't put you finger in the cage. Talks and sings when he wants to.:rofl:

OK, the two on the left are Northern Lights and the one on the right is the Afghani.
If you would take a look at em and see if you know why they have such brown leaves in them. Thanks :peace:
@re they getting close to h@rvest?? @pp@rently the bigger f@n le@ves will n@tur@lly do th@t tow@rds the end of the life cycle. Be@utiful pl@nts by the w@y. Your buddy did @ gre@t job. They @re @ll clones, right?
@re they getting close to h@rvest?? @pp@rently the bigger f@n le@ves will n@tur@lly do th@t tow@rds the end of the life cycle. Be@utiful pl@nts by the w@y. Your buddy did @ gre@t job. They @re @ll clones, right?

Hey AmGrowR ;)
Yes, he did. With the conditions he had to work with, he did a great job.:grinjoint:
No they are from seeds. He thinks harvest in another month. They look ready to me now, but I have not harvested before. I didn't take my scope with me so couldn't look really close at them. :smokin:

See ya soon :peace:
you so called old guy's give me hope that i will be growing well into my socile securty days...peace

Hey DainTheres a real good chance you'll still be doing social grows,
security does not come with age.lol:grinjoint: Shame it doesn't:ganjamon:

Hate to say it but when you do get to this age there may not be any Social Security at all. :thedoubletake::hmmmm:

Boy I sound like downer this morning guess I better get some sleep. :peace:
:hug::hug::hug:OMM:hug::hug::hug: Hi honey!!!

I owe you a HUGE debt of gratitude!!! After seeing you had a hermie, I got worried cuz I haven't had a lot of time to really check every plant for awhile. Went home last night and ... well, it didn't take me long to see I clearly had an AK-47 hermie in my midst. THANK YOU!!!! God works in really funny ways... why I had time to check your journal... and then discovered this BEFORE it let any pollen go (I examined VERY closely cuz it had balls everywhere!).

I had thought about pollinating with every male I killed along the way here, but had my talk with the Big Fella and decided I best not cuz it might be way too tempting to set some seeds again. But now, I feel like He has sent me a clear sign to pollinate. The male has to be close, the females are all ready. And AK-47 would be a real good dad strain (except that it's a hermie and may carry that trait too - but should all be feminized seed???).


My goodness - if I hadn't caught it I could have ruined the entire crop I have going!!!!
I owe ya!!! if only I could get some seeds to you in the future???

Luvs to ya honey!!!
Well Th@nk You Delt@Nine420!!! :thanks: I @ppreci@te the compliments. Th@t w@s my first @ttempt which turned out m@le but I w@s still very proud of him, reg@rdless of set-up. Hey wh@tever works, right?
Yo OMM! Well it looks like a productive day at your friends! You were right about one thing, it is beautiful! So were those plants! If there close to being done, and he waits a month, he'll never get off his couch:popcorn:

Had to chuckle about that SS comment. I can remember guys talking to me when I first started working, saying SS would run out by the time I retired.

Damned if I'll send these checks back though:ganjamon:

Bet your girls missed ya while you were gone.

Best get my butt off here, have a million honey-do's before the wife gets home:rip:

Posted some new pics when ya get a chance. Later bud.
OMM..Man That drive you talk about makes me want to start swimming out to the damn islands at this point...LOL..When i get out there I 'll definetly let you know. Love the background of your friends lil ladies. Nice tropical green, birds cherping and I'm sure on and off rain.
:hug::hug::hug:OMM:hug::hug::hug: Hi honey!!!

I owe you a HUGE debt of gratitude!!! After seeing you had a hermie, I got worried cuz I haven't had a lot of time to really check every plant for awhile. Went home last night and ... well, it didn't take me long to see I clearly had an AK-47 hermie in my midst. THANK YOU!!!! God works in really funny ways... why I had time to check your journal... and then discovered this BEFORE it let any pollen go (I examined VERY closely cuz it had balls everywhere!).

I had thought about pollinating with every male I killed along the way here, but had my talk with the Big Fella and decided I best not cuz it might be way too tempting to set some seeds again. But now, I feel like He has sent me a clear sign to pollinate. The male has to be close, the females are all ready. And AK-47 would be a real good dad strain (except that it's a hermie and may carry that trait too - but should all be feminized seed???).


My goodness - if I hadn't caught it I could have ruined the entire crop I have going!!!!
I owe ya!!! if only I could get some seeds to you in the future???

Luvs to ya honey!!!

Hey Granny sure glad I could be of help to you.:surf::surf::surf:
My one plant loss is nothing compared to what almost happened to you:loopy::loopy::thedoubletake:
I was looking at the bud sites on her/it/him and I noticed something odd, so ran in and got my magnifying glass and took a look. Holy Cats balls.

Granny he did send you a message.:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:
Kill that AK-47 Now!!!
Don't even think about It girl. They would most likely all turn out hermie too.:smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin:

I already got my payback young lady. Your plants are SAFE!
Yo OMM! Well it looks like a productive day at your friends! You were right about one thing, it is beautiful! So were those plants! If there close to being done, and he waits a month, he'll never get off his couch:popcorn:

Had to chuckle about that SS comment. I can remember guys talking to me when I first started working, saying SS would run out by the time I retired.

Damned if I'll send these checks back though:ganjamon:

Bet your girls missed ya while you were gone.

Best get my butt off here, have a million honey-do's before the wife gets home:rip:

Posted some new pics when ya get a chance. Later bud.

Hey OldSkoool:grinjoint:
Yeah, it is beautiful. His back yard is like a jungle. Life every where.
I actually wasn't in a hurry to get there or come back. I just enjoyed the beautiful ride......:popcorn::popcorn:
Thinking the whole time how lucky I am to be here.:yummy:

My Buddy has a big ass dog, about 1 and half years old. I think it's a Maston, if I spelled that right. She's not fully grown yet. Paws on my shoulders and looks me straight the eyes. Gulp:grinjoint:
While I was there I watched her take a green coconut and shred it in about five minutes. Then she brought to the stairs and keep rolling it down the stairs until it cracked a little and then she crunched with her teeth and drank the milk and ate it. Then she went out and got another.:surf:

I'm not giving my checks back either:thanks:

I have my girls in the bedroom today if front of a window. The yard people come today, so they are in hiding. Usually there are 5 or 6 of them and they cut the grass, trim the trees and hedges. Doesn't take but an hour. I can't do it anymore. Feeble old fart.:smokin:

Can't forget do those Honey-do's :grinjoint:
I'll get some pictures up tomorrow.
Peace Bro.;)
OMM..Man That drive you talk about makes me want to start swimming out to the damn islands at this point...LOL..When i get out there I 'll definetly let you know. Love the background of your friends lil ladies. Nice tropical green, birds cherping and I'm sure on and off rain.

Just like you described it:surf:
Be lookin forward to seeing you.:cheer:
Well the yard people got finished so thought I would post an update of the girls.
The first one is from my field trip yesterday. Stopped and had a bowl.:surf:
This is a Banana patch. Legends abound here about how 60 70 years ago the local guys grew cannabis between the plants for stealth. Ahhh they are still doing it.:grinjoint:

One of my guards on duty.;)

Ever seen anything like this???

Here's Tad looking good. Drinks water everyday.

Joanne in all her glory.:adore::adore:

Here's Rose and Mary with twin tops.:cheer:


Here's two group shots. Love the green:allgood:


And one more of hot Joanne.:cheer:

Happy Happy:surf:
Wow!!! Those @re some gig@ntic potted pl@nts!!! The buds @re coming in nicely, too. I wonder wh@t them gi@nts will yield? :dreamy: Guess I'll h@ve to w@it @nd see!!! :popcorn: @lso I w@s thinking, m@ybe gecko piss?
Looks like it w@s some sort or liquid th@t dripped down the le@f @nd dried there.
Called a leaf miner, squash the little buggers (should be at one end of the trail of damage)or use neem oil or remove affected leaves. They don't usually cause much harm. The larva burrow inside the leaf, easy to kill em.

Those plants are absolutely loving your back yard OMM. Looking fantastic, growing like crazy.lol I love it.
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