OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots


Damn OMM, I'm away for a few days and ya harvest without me. WOOHOO!!!
Nice pull from the Lemon Skunk man. Great trimming job there too. I bet your going to be nice and medicated for a while from just that girl alone!!

I was catching up and I read N. Caliwood about sampling the buds at different amber percentages, and I have to say that Personally I like the sativas like Haze's and other more pure sativa strains with little amber but NO clear trichs. For me it seems to enhance the sativa Mind effect without creating an intense couchlock. Great for those out and about social times. Just how I like em, but anyways, since you'll have enough around you might wanna give it a shot and have some smoke with a different effect around for those times. ;)

...anyways, I'm sure your busy, so I'll hit the post button. lol Nice work man!! +rep if I can!

Damn OMM, I'm away for a few days and ya harvest without me. WOOHOO!!!
Nice pull from the Lemon Skunk man. Great trimming job there too. I bet your going to be nice and medicated for a while from just that girl alone!!

I was catching up and I read N. Caliwood about sampling the buds at different amber percentages, and I have to say that Personally I like the sativas like Haze's and other more pure sativa strains with little amber but NO clear trichs. For me it seems to enhance the sativa Mind effect without creating an intense couchlock. Great for those out and about social times. Just how I like em, but anyways, since you'll have enough around you might wanna give it a shot and have some smoke with a different effect around for those times. ;)

...anyways, I'm sure your busy, so I'll hit the post button. lol Nice work man!! +rep if I can!

Hey Mr. J Thanks for the compliments my friend. I am happy as hell right now.:)

OK Guess I'll have to give up my "If it ain't Couchlock, it ain't shit" attitude and try something else!:grinjoint: Since I usually smoke alone I like it's effect and hardly ever do I smoke when I am working on something.

So on the Strawberry and the Kandy I will probably take them earlier than planned. To bad they are the largest plants.:smokin:

I guess I better get out of the stone age, wait that doesn't sound right, I like the stone age!:rofl::rofl:
Thanks for the +reps!
:cheer::cheer:oh, thats great....wonderful....i'm sooo happy for you...great haul...wonderful trim job, and yes, they do stink....sometimes nearly toooo strong....now relax and enjoy, for the moment...lavendar:cheer::bravo:
:cheer::cheer:oh, thats great....wonderful....i'm sooo happy for you...great haul...wonderful trim job, and yes, they do stink....sometimes nearly toooo strong....now relax and enjoy, for the moment...lavendar:cheer::bravo:

Yes Um, I will relax and enjoy moment :cheer:

Thanks Lavendar :)
I am doing the happy dance for you my friend and going to grab a bowl of my lemony goodness to smoke while thinking nice thoughts of a thorough dry and patient cure.
Hey Mr. J Thanks for the compliments my friend. I am happy as hell right now.:)

OK Guess I'll have to give up my "If it ain't Couchlock, it ain't shit" attitude and try something else!:grinjoint: Since I usually smoke alone I like it's effect and hardly ever do I smoke when I am working on something.

So on the Strawberry and the Kandy I will probably take them earlier than planned. To bad they are the largest plants.:smokin:

I guess I better get out of the stone age, wait that doesn't sound right, I like the stone age!:rofl::rofl:
Thanks for the +reps!

Are you really gonna change your chop based on somebody elses preference? I figure you know what you like by now. Not that something different is necessarily a bad thing. Why not take a couple of early buds and let the rest finish longer. You'll have a chance to decide which you prefer and we'll all get to benefit from two smoke reports per strain instead of one, lol.
Boy did I make a mistake, one shouldn't miss a day of this thread, too much reading to catch up on!

Great haul there OMM, a qp from one plant is very nice indeed!

Hi Fry.........now you know what I feel like trying to keep up with your journals:ganjamon:

Yep, I'm stoked that the big ones are yet to come. Think the Great White Shark will be the smallest.....at this point. I'm just happy that I can do this at all.:thumb:
Look who got new toys! Who da' man? You, you da' man! Good ol' OMM:yummy::thumb::yahoo::welldone::Rasta::clap::partyboy::whoa::woohoo::drool::rip:

Hey sisco Thank you! My friend:ganjamon:

Wait until you walk out of that forest in the fall carrying bags of BUDs :yahoo:
I am doing the happy dance for you my friend and going to grab a bowl of my lemony goodness to smoke while thinking nice thoughts of a thorough dry and patient cure.

Thank You ChicagoJoe:ganjamon:

This time I am not going to sample until she has been in the jars for a while and I can really see what she is all about. In the mean time you will have carry the lemon flag. You do believe that don't you????:yahoo:
Are you really gonna change your chop based on somebody elses preference? I figure you know what you like by now. Not that something different is necessarily a bad thing. Why not take a couple of early buds and let the rest finish longer. You'll have a chance to decide which you prefer and we'll all get to benefit from two smoke reports per strain instead of one, lol.

HeHe Mmmmick you caught me! Buddy, that is exactly my plan. I can't fool you. :ganjamon: Will take a good amount from the big girls for an airy fairy smoke, then on to couchlock. :yahoo::yahoo:
Very nice OMM, those are some amazing looking buds. Very nice haul... Great job....

Hi sonzor Thanks. These are by far the best looking buds I have ever grown. Once cured I think they should be some fine smoke. Wish I could share some with you.:thumb:
Are you really gonna change your chop based on somebody elses preference? I figure you know what you like by now. Not that something different is necessarily a bad thing. Why not take a couple of early buds and let the rest finish longer. You'll have a chance to decide which you prefer and we'll all get to benefit from two smoke reports per strain instead of one, lol.

Yea, I agree. Thats more what I was thinking too. Just to sample and see, not the whole thing. Who knows, maybe you'd like it, maybe you wont'......
Yea, I agree. Thats more what I was thinking too. Just to sample and see, not the whole thing. Who knows, maybe you'd like it, maybe you wont'......

Hi Mr J Way cool, kinda thought that's what you saying. At least I took it that way.:ganjamon:

My first grow was terrible and lots of problems. I was aiming at couchlock,
but most of it was light weight smoke, just a bit of it was very good, so I guess I am trying to make up for it! Its like, I've been smoking second tier buds and I want to make sure I smoke fist tier after this grow. :thumb:
High OMM!
Just catching up with your journal. Outstanding work my friend! I hope my first round of air pot buds look half as good as yours! Awesome job! Awesome haul! :yummy:

Hey Thanks Man I am proud as can be about those buds. Of course, lt was not me, but the AirPots. Last grow I had to repot 3 times because of roots.
These things just need watching for nutes and watering that is all there is to it. It seems almost automatic.:thumb:
Great Deal Pop's. Reap thy harvest. Congrad's are in order. Hey I see the same thing with the smart pots. The roots stay even thru out the whole pot. No wraps running around in circles. I cast a vote for the pots that self prune the roots. Lemon Skunk looks GREAT. I just started two myself. I've grown them before and loves the product. Enjoy your smoke Dude. And smoke you for me. Laters
Congratulations Old Med Man!

Finally, the fruits of your labors will be had! Great Job on that girl. Get those fingers loosened up though because it won't be too much longer for the others. Get the Ben Gay out!

:goof: :adore: :Rasta: :headbanger:
:tommy::theband: :scratchinghead: (me not paying attention)
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