OldMedman Goes Indoors

I just discovered what strain LUCY stands for, I will have a surprise for you in my journal in next few days.... I never connected the dots, The Beatles, hehe...Anyways one of my top 3 to smoke and use in my breeding, thought that may pique your interest my friend...:peace:
OMM it seems you have a green thumb weather you grow Indoors or Outside, either way you always have Beautiful Ladies. :yummy:

What a harvest on your bubblelicious and Thai. Wow that is a monster Wild Thai cola .. I wonder what it's weight will be by itself?


Thanks Light-1-Up!
:thanks: :thanks:

I give it my best shot...just as you do my Friend, that's all we can do. :peace:

By my reckoning about 20 grams. :yummy:
Hey there OMM!
Bummer about the BlueBerry being so dissappointing, I was really cheering her on this whole time! But you seem to have found a few that shine! Congratulations on yet another great harvest! (Why am I yelling??) Lol, Glad to see the garden is proving to be worth all the hard work though buddy.

The story is as interesting as ever, keep up the good work my friend:thumb:

Hi My Friend Quix! :thumb:

Just aired out the Blueberry.....she smells like blueberries now....don't think she will ever have a good high...who knows? She's spread out on a table now, drying a bit more.

Hey we all yell when one our friends do something good, Buddy!

Hopefully, I'll get back to the story tonight....been a bit busy! :thanks:
OMM great looking harvest. You really piqued my interest in the Frisian Dew. I Know your were singing the praise for it a few weeks ago. Do you still feel as strongly now.

Any others on the thread have any experience with the frisian dew. I know it says its an outdoor seed, but I assume I can grow it in a closet with 5 ft of grow height. Just need some lst and topping to manage the height?

Hi 420Dexter ! Welcome!

My mind hasn't changed a bit about Frisian Dew......she is a 10, for sure. She's long curing now.....don't know how she could be better though.

Well, I grew mine indoors.....only topper her a few times and finally super cropped her. After saying all that.....Yes I think you could grow her inside. Just crop her her and do a bit of LST and she would be fine. She is sure worth the effort! :yummy:
Hi OMM -

Congrats on another great harvest my friend! That is a monster cola on that Wild Thai - :bravo:

I sure hope all is well for you, I've been having a few set-backs, but nothing worrisome. It will all get better at some point, but it's making it hard for me to keep up in the forums here!

I'm really bummed about the Blueberry. I liked it a lot, but it did turn out to be a bit weak, and it sounds like yours just wasn't all it should have been at all. Damnitall anyway.

Great story so far, that Greek holding facility sounds so surreal and damn near unbearable. I'm riveted - sure is a great story, but I'll bet you had some hellacious time there.

Matterhorn is producing nicely my friend - inside? No problem! :high-five:

Thanks xlr8 ! :surf:

I couldn't wait to get my hands on that cola. You know me, looking for Murphy all the time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I know your frustrated by your condition. I would be too. It's going to be a slow process unfortunately. I do think of you everyday Buddy. Hang in there. :love:

Yea, the blueberry...smells like blueberry...smokes like rag weed. Can't win them all. THsea likes her though.

Yea that holding cell was bad, no other way to say it. At one time they crowed about 80 of us in one room. Couldn't move or breath and when you did breather it smelled like ...well, awful! When I was in there I thought about that movie "Midnight Express", except worse. I've been doing a bit of research and the Greek Prison System got slap ed on the pee pee for having inhuman facilities. Probably more story tonight. :thanks:
I just discovered what strain LUCY stands for, I will have a surprise for you in my journal in next few days.... I never connected the dots, The Beatles, hehe...Anyways one of my top 3 to smoke and use in my breeding, thought that may pique your interest my friend...:peace:

Hi GT! :yahoo:

The light bulb finally went off! :yahoo: I thought you knew partner.

You have my interest for sure. I'll be looking in your journal. :thanks:
I have 8,420 points, an exactly 420 rep points, hiw cool is that??

It is cool! :yahoo:

Now to find out what the hell they are! :thumb:

Sorry I was thinking of 420 points.
Hi All ! Another small update....this time the Autos :yummy:

Day 45 from seed. :)







Had to give the two on the right a bit of P, they were showing a bit of a deficiency. Other than that...they are healthy as can be! :yummy:
Those autos are budding in quite nicely... Theyre so perky they look prickly!

Hi Magic Beans. :)

Took the words right out of my mouth. Perky. These things are so new to me.
Learning as I go. Been wondering what they would do under my 400w lights.
From birth they have had only 2 waterings. Crazy. :thanks:
The story continues………….Korydallos

The Big House, just like an old James Cagney movie. I think it had 7 big wings.

If you would like to learn more about it. Google for Greek Prisons and you'll see what I mean. They've been in trouble for years for bad living conditions and prisoner treatment.

When they checked me in, they took everything I owned. Gave me some prisoner clothes. Ragged what else? First time I had a real body search….ouch and more.

Then they had me pick out a crappy single bed mattress that I drug through the halls on my way to my wing. My wing had all the foreigners, murderers, child molesters, and other dregs of the earth in it. They opened the door, what I saw was a steel and concert massive big room. It was three stories high and of course all the other prisoners were looking at me. I had the first cell on the left. It was immediately lock down time, signaled buy a bell ringing. Everyone disappeared.

I drug my mattress in the room and put it on the steel frame bolted to the wall. The door slammed and was locked. I looked at my cell mate. He was maybe 19 and his name was Nabil. He was from Iraq.

He told me his story…..he spoke 6 languages. He had bedded a Greek Politician's daughter. That was his crime !! 3 years, which had been increased to 6 years because he threw anger fits of rage in another prison. He hated everyone…but he liked me because I was an American. Go figure! He liked anything American.
Since it was lock down we talked for hours. I liked the kid. Man was he angry. .
I would be too, if bedding a girl was a crime. He was working his way out of prison.
Everyday he worked he got 2 days off his sentence. He absolutely hated the Greeks.

Our cell had enough room for 2 bunks, a place where we could wash our face and a hole in the floor for a toilet, It had a window that was barred and screened. No way out.
There were dirty food dishes in the corner. Welcome home.

They opened the door about 5 pm and we could go out and walk around. In minutes I was surrounded by 2 Americans and a couple of English men. They quickly told me to fight back if any one messed with me. Even if they were twice my size……they would leave me alone. They wanted the guys who didn't fight back. I later learned about 2 French guys that didn't fight back and they were turned in to bitches for two big ass Greeks.

Of all things, one of the Americans was Moses!

Too be continued…………..
The Story Continues.........................General Prison Life

The prison was three stories high. Each level had the same number of cells.
There was a walkway around each level. And of course stairs at each end.
On the second floor there was a clear space at one end and people did exercises and actually put on shows. The mid eastern guys could contort their bodies into some shapes that seemed impossible, they could dance too. While I was there they put on two shows for everyone.
Believe me some of them were incredible. They would lock us up 3 times a day, once in the morning for an hour, afternoon two hours. At 10 pm it was lights out and we were locked in.

If you heard "Fogeto!" it was time to grab a plate and go downstairs, where the entrance was. It was time to eat.
Morning meal...an egg over rice.
Lunch boiled macaroni no sauce
Dinner Some really bad bean soup.
We got a loaf of brick hard bread at lunch.
That was that.

We had a cold water showers every Saturday.

Outsiders could bring you food and what ever. RS brought me two bags the first week....I was given one. She increased it to three, I got two then. If someone had put money in the store account for you, twice a week you could buy things.. Thank you RS. She brought me things very week. She was scared sh^tless, but she did it.

My Commander tried to see me.....He wasn't allowed in.

The Ladies of The Red Cross from the embassy visited once every two weeks and would give out care packages. I never received one because I was in on drug charges.
They wouldn't even talk to me. Thanks girls.

We had a court yard that we could sunbath, exercise, or just and hang out in.
There was an old man there named Papu. He had killed his wife 40 years ago.
I think he was 80 years old. He finished his sentence a few years ago, but had refused to leave. So he was still there. He was a trip.....when new guys were in the yard he would walk over bump into them and throw kisses to them and smack his lips.

If you were lucky enough to get a magazine....every picture of a woman was torn out.

I could see my house from the third story. I quit looking after a day or so.

There was a guy from Nigeria that ran all day every day. Some of us would lope along with him for a while. He had smuggled hash.

The rule of the land was "Live in the moment!". Don't worry about the past,. it was over. Can't change a thing. Forget the future, you can't live there It doesn't exist.. The present is where we live and we deal with that. as it comes. This was kind of drilled into me by all the friends I'd made. I still try to live by it. I did get better at it in the future. Not completely or I wouldn't be writing this.

About 15 of us were dopers. We traded secrets and learned where to go in different countries. Fat City Café in Amsterdam was one such place. Probably isn't there any more anyway. We were the French, American, English groups, but there were others Some how we translated it all.
There were 3 murderers in with us. Two pervert child molesters. No one would talk to them. They were spit on allot. They had mail call once a week....of course opened.

If the Greek Soccer team was playing ,we could watch it, no matter what time it was. There was some limits to cruelty. Miss a game...hell no!

Dice and cards were not allowed.. But Scrabble was! Yes sir!

To Be Contued.........................
I am really digging this story!!! It must have been terrible to live but also is very interesting!!

I am a stoner that has donated to the Red Cross. They will not get another cent of my money. :nicethread:
I am really digging this story!!! It must have been terrible to live but also is very interesting!!

I am a stoner that has donated to the Red Cross. They will not get another cent of my money. :nicethread:

Welcome Closet Farmer ! :)

Yep! That's all one can ask for ....an interesting life. We all have good and bad, it's just part of being alive.
As for the Red Cross....remember this was in the late seventies. They may changed their mind and they do good for some folks any way. Actually once in prison it was not as bad as I had expected, but bad enough. :Rasta:
OMM -Great job again, Brother, on the last harvest! :yummy:

I think, with all those buds you've been pulling for the last couple of weeks, you should remind everyone how many patients you currently have! :)

I'm definately living vicariously through you, Bro (as far as the harvests go....no so much on the Greek prison and body cavity searches!)! :bravo:

Sorry it took me a couple of days to post, but things have been crazy and I've been mostly spreading around the "Likes" so people knew I was here.

Also, I gotta admit, I've really been enjoying "The Saga of OMM". Of course, having read the book, it will kinda ruin the movie later, but the book is always so much better! :grinjoint:

Hope you're feeling well & best to Jo!
prison....almost the worste period of my life, but I survived and learned from it, actually where I was it was like survivor school, or gladiator school as we called it, you fought at least once a week, I was lucky, I was local prizefighter for last 4 years, I rarely fought, only new guys that come in lookin for trouble, anyone who seen me fight knew better...I woke many times to cantene on my bunk, guess some people appreciated the guy that kept them from being robbed, or maybe they were scared, didnt matter, rarely had money on my books, but I had 3 lockers full of cantene...and no enemies, i always prayed with the trouble makers after knocking them down, most had the same wide eyed expression afterwards, many balled like big babies...but none ever retaliated , i see now how fortunate i am that i didnt get a toothbrush in my throat will i was sleeping...
Hi OMM -

Love the autos - they look so healthy and they're really "xlr8"'ing their growth now, huh? Man, that prison time must have been tough and scary both - bet you were really questioning everything to that point... Glad you made it, and are here with us not still peeing through a hole in the floor!
Hi OMM -

Love the autos - they look so healthy and they're really "xlr8"'ing their growth now, huh? Man, that prison time must have been tough and scary both - bet you were really questioning everything to that point... Glad you made it, and are here with us not still peeing through a hole in the floor!

My guess is, the peeing was the easy part! :rofl:
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