OldMedman Goes Indoors

OMM -Great job again, Brother, on the last harvest! :yummy:

I think, with all those buds you've been pulling for the last couple of weeks, you should remind everyone how many patients you currently have! :)

I'm definately living vicariously through you, Bro (as far as the harvests go....no so much on the Greek prison and body cavity searches!)! :bravo:

Sorry it took me a couple of days to post, but things have been crazy and I've been mostly spreading around the "Likes" so people knew I was here.

Also, I gotta admit, I've really been enjoying "The Saga of OMM". Of course, having read the book, it will kinda ruin the movie later, but the book is always so much better! :grinjoint:

Hope you're feeling well & best to Jo!

Thanks Mr. Krip.:)

All right!

I grow for one other person....7 plants each, total of 14 not counting babies.

Harvest are fine. Wouldn't want to put you through that.

Like dropper too eh?

Yep, the book is always better.

Feeling real good, now that I'm harvesting.:yahoo:

Got Jo some really soft and big slippers for her.....she's loving them. :thumb:
prison....almost the worste period of my life, but I survived and learned from it, actually where I was it was like survivor school, or gladiator school as we called it, you fought at least once a week, I was lucky, I was local prizefighter for last 4 years, I rarely fought, only new guys that come in lookin for trouble, anyone who seen me fight knew better...I woke many times to cantene on my bunk, guess some people appreciated the guy that kept them from being robbed, or maybe they were scared, didnt matter, rarely had money on my books, but I had 3 lockers full of cantene...and no enemies, i always prayed with the trouble makers after knocking them down, most had the same wide eyed expression afterwards, many balled like big babies...but none ever retaliated , i see now how fortunate i am that i didnt get a toothbrush in my throat will i was sleeping...

Damn Man !:whoa::whoa:
Where were you Parchment Farm? At least you were prepared. I wouldn't have lasted an hour. You've had a pretty interesting life your self. Buddy.:thumb:
Hey Ya Smooth

As Mr Gator said......usually you end up with approximately .25 % of the wet weight after they dry.

You can find their seeds at the Single Seed center (one of our sponsors) or at the Attitude seed bank with gives 420 members 10 % off on their orders.
The reason I was looking at them, Chopper has had good luck with them.
Some of their seeds have outrageous yields. :yummy:
Good info to know will stop me being disappointed when I get my wet to dry weight.
Don't no why I thought e.t was a strain will have to check them out.
Thanks again
Hi OMM -

Love the autos - they look so healthy and they're really "xlr8"'ing their growth now, huh? Man, that prison time must have been tough and scary both - bet you were really questioning everything to that point... Glad you made it, and are here with us not still peeing through a hole in the floor!

:thanks: Me too..they are just looking so good. Probably put in some more CFLs
soon. Yes they are "xlr8"'ing.:yahoo:

Honestly once in prison and knew the rules it was OK. Much more freedom of movement than I expected. Actually, I didn't question anything at that point. I knew what I was doing and the chances I was taking. It was all a big gamble.
That holding House was horrible.

Kinda miss the hole....except the smell. :yahoo:
Me not know kemo sabe, my turf is PG, Pebble Beach, Carmel, and Big Sur [El Sur Grande] 'cause that's where my friends and family are. I tried to avoid going north to Monterey and The City whenever possible, too touristy for my taste, [who wants to get a case of the touristas, or as your people call it, Kamehameha' revenge?] If you were ever at The Feast of the Lanterns and saw the small fireboat hit the pier [it happened three thymes that I saw, too many beers], then we were on the beach at the same thyme, but it sounds to me that you got there after I left. The call of Ganjastan was/is strong. I'll email my cuz [he's a firefighter] and see if I can get you an answer eventually.

Hey no problem .... I was just wondering. :thanks: Kamehameha' revenge?:yahoo::yahoo:

That's one the reasons I live on this side of the island. Although Chinese tourist love it over here. I love the fire boat thing! Happens here too. I think I did get there after you left.

A Hui Ho
Good info to know will stop me being disappointed when I get my wet to dry weight.
Don't no why I thought e.t was a strain will have to check them out.
Thanks again

I hear that.....I was so disappointed my first harvest. They are worth checking out. OMM
I hear that.....I was so disappointed my first harvest. They are worth checking out. OMM

Hi Kiddies!!
Just a quick smoke report...I brought in some "Utopia" haze plants the other day...and after 72hrs hanging, I can ask with authority.....
Commercial guys need not apply....5 plants is gonna = 8 or 9 ozs......But it is 8 or 9 ounces of absolute Top Shelf weed. 1/2 a bone on the ride home, left me squinty-slit eyed and smiley faced.....no cure whatsoever....
WOW weed :yahoo:.....take that from Uncle Chop:thumb: {wait'll this has a cure on it....it's still wet}:yahoo:
***i hate jail....anyone's jail***
reading about it makes me claustrophobic
Hi Kiddies!!
Just a quick smoke report...I brought in some "Utopia" haze plants the other day...and after 72hrs hanging, I can ask with authority.....
Commercial guys need not apply....5 plants is gonna = 8 or 9 ozs......But it is 8 or 9 ounces of absolute Top Shelf weed. 1/2 a bone on the ride home, left me squinty-slit eyed and smiley faced.....no cure whatsoever....
WOW weed :yahoo:.....take that from Uncle Chop:thumb: {wait'll this has a cure on it....it's still wet}:yahoo:
***i hate jail....anyone's jail***
reading about it makes me claustrophobic

Got to buy more seeds now Chopper! However you haven't been wrong yet! :yahoo:

I hate jail too! Very unnatural way to live. :thanks:
Yep, GT, good ol' "Gladiator School".....Know it all too well, unfortunately. I was not fortunate enough to have a prize fighters training, just the school of hard knocks. I held my own, though, and didn't have many problems anyway. But nobody was paying me canteen for protection!

Funny, its been a while since those days, and hearing someone else describe their own experience with it, brings back a few memories, and strange feelings. I actually met some of the best people Ive ever known there, and learned much about myself. I was also probably saved by the stay, as my life was darker than dark until I was free of some evils....
This is for all the cruisers and lookers, members of 420 and non-members. :thumb:

I want to talk about why we put our girls in the dark before we put them in flower.

First of all, they have genetic programing in their DNA, just like we do.

When we put them in the dark, it wakes up those genetic time locks. By the end of the first 12 hours they are realizing something up, there is no sun.
The darkness wakes them up to the fact that the days are getting longer and that means winter is coming. With winter comes death.
At that point the plant's genetic make up sends a message to start flowering and to put out seeds so the species will survive. We have set the stage for them to have a growth spurt called the stretch. After the stretch, they then start growing buds, the bigger and stickier they are better. It's all about hopefully grabbing some male pollen with their big buds and producing seeds to continue the species. It's this drive for life, that we the growers love.
We do all we can to protect our girls from this pollen, so we can reap the really big buds for our own. :thumb:

Comments and additions welcome. :)

Watching the plants from start to finish is mind blowing! Seeing different strains show their many characteristics. Watching the buds slowly... O wait!! Now quickly forming! Buds swelling up, stinking but ooo so good!

Ever since my first chop, to me, growing is better than smoking.

Edit: that has almost nothing to do with the quoted post, thats just what happens sometimes when youre thinking a mile a minute while reading OMMs journal lol
The Story Continues ……………………………….Moses

Of course Mo and I talked from the fist day I got there. He and his girls were having a private party with some Greek Politicians, some one found out about it and they were raided.. He was in to wait on his trial date. His girls were in the women’s wing. He worried and worried about his girls.

Man can play a mean game of Scrabble.

He was absolutely terrified to go down for his court date. When they were raided, the newspapers had it all over the Front Page. There was crowd of over 20,000 women there to see the “The Big Black American Stud”. Some of them broke through the police lines and grabbed him. Scared him to death. Same at the Holding House. Honestly he didn't like the attention, at all. Years later when he came to see me, I found out that all they did to him and his girls was deport them. He was happy as hell and they moved to Denmark.

Mo was my main man, my soul brother, my alter ego. We even agreed on the meaning of life. He kept me in the here and now, He would not let me wonder about what was happening in my house across town.. There was no subject we couldn't talk about.


Sam was the other American there. He had been teaching the Greeks how to do maintenance on some planes they had purchased from the US. Sam drank allot.
One night he and his little Korean wife were having an argument. He was drunk,
of course. He slapped her and turned around and went to bed. He found her the next day.
She had fallen and hit her temple on the kitchen cabinet corner and it killer her. He called the cops.
He got life with no parole. Note…do not drink! Worst drug in the world….sorry folks but that is how I feel.

So it was us together as friends. He kept his head up and continued on, filled with regret forever.

To be continued……………..
The Story Continues..............................The Holy Man

I have posted this story before on 420, but I couldn't find it.

During my second week in prison, we got a new person in. He was dressed in black and had both a long flowing black hair and a beard. No prison clothes, He looked starved to death. It was not lock down, so after they showed him his cell, he took off...searching every cell for left over food. It didn't matter to him if it was days old. He ate everything he found and thanked each person for what he ate.

We kind of cornered him and asked what he was doing in prison.

He was a man of God. He was from England. He had walked to the Holy Land and was there for a while, and then he started walking back. Someone had told him to go to a certain Greek church in Athens. Athens has hundreds of churches. When he reached the outskirts of Athens he asked someone for directions to the church. It was all the way across town, so he walked. When he got there he asked for more directions.. "Oh no, that church is right where you just came from.". Back he went across town. In all, he walked all over Athens and never found the church. He was starving, and completely exhausted.
He had enough! He found a truck with the keys in it and hopped in. He didn't know how to drive...he went about 10 feet and hit a parked car. He was arrested and ended up in with us.

This man was so sweet. He never preached to us. However, from then on he some how paid each of us for what we gave him. I still have the two pictures he drew for me. One was of our cell block and the other was a picture of me. They were good. THsea has seen them. He was a good story teller too and told us many stories about his journey.

After about two weeks, he was back in shape and his health was good. The Greeks gave him some money and let him out. It's amazing what the Greeks do at times. They just couldn't justify him being in prison to themselves. When he left, we cheered.

To be continued...................

"The Ladies of The Red Cross from the embassy visited once every two weeks and would give out care packages. I never received one because I was in on drug charges."

That is a real crock of shit!!! Did they come in and give care packages to damn child molesters??? I'm not a hateful person, but somehow muster up enough HATE for child molesters and think they should be stoned to death, or at least close to it...Then let them heal and do it all over again...Thought the Red Cross helped everyone....Guess not....:nicethread:
The Story Continues .....................................Moses

Of course Mo and I talked from the fist day I got there. He and his girls were having a private party with some Greek Politicians, some one found out about it and they were raided.. He was in to wait on his trial date. His girls were in the women's wing. He worried and worried about his girls.

Man can play a mean game of Scrabble.

He was absolutely terrified to go down for his court date. When they were raided, the newspapers had it all over the Front Page. There was crowd of over 20,000 women there to see the "The Big Black American Stud". Some of them broke through the police lines and grabbed him. Scared him to death. Same at the Holding House. Honestly he didn't like the attention, at all. Years later when he came to see me, I found out that all they did to him and his girls was deport them. He was happy as hell and they moved to Denmark.

Mo was my main man, my soul brother, my alter ego. We even agreed on the meaning of life. He kept me in the here and now, He would not let me wonder about what was happening in my house across town.. There was no subject we couldn't talk about.


Sam was the other American there. He had been teaching the Greeks how to do maintenance on some planes they had purchased from the US. Sam drank allot.
One night he and his little Korean wife were having an argument. He was drunk,
of course. He slapped her and turned around and went to bed. He found her the next day.
She had fallen and hit her temple on the kitchen cabinet corner and it killer her. He called the cops.
He got life with no parole. Note...do not drink! Worst drug in the world....sorry folks but that is how I feel.

So it was us together as friends. He kept his head up and continued on, filled with regret forever.

To be continued.................
My ex had a friend who got into an argument with her man and got home and pulled into the garage and closed the door and cried herself to sleep with the car running because of the fight and never woke up...Alcohol also had played a factor in this one.....Very very sad situation..
"The Ladies of The Red Cross from the embassy visited once every two weeks and would give out care packages. I never received one because I was in on drug charges."

That is a real crock of shit!!! Did they come in and give care packages to damn child molesters??? I'm not a hateful person, but somehow muster up enough HATE for child molesters and think they should be stoned to death, or at least close to it...Then let them heal and do it all over again...Thought the Red Cross helped everyone....Guess not....:nicethread:

High willoby. :):)

The Red Cross ladies gave Mo and Sam Care packages. A pimp and a killer! :yahoo::yahoo: Go figure! The child molesters stayed in their cells, except to grab some food. They knew everyone in place hated them.
Sub Humans! :smokin:
My ex had a friend who got into an argument with her man and got home and pulled into the garage and closed the door and cried herself to sleep with the car running because of the fight and never woke up...Alcohol also had played a factor in this one.....Very very sad situation..

Willoby such a sad story. Bet her man felt like sh*t. I think this kind of stuff happens everyday. :smokin:
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