OldMedman Goes Indoors

A lot of the Blueberry/Blackberry strains have little potency....
Pipe tobacco had more THC than the original Blackberry.
**But you just can't beat that taste**
Subcool has what is likely the strongest, most potent variety of "Berry"
and it tastes like Lifesavers!:adore::adore::adore:
:goodluck: with the ETs.....The SSOG is the goods....(haven't gotten to my Grapefruit Krush yet)

Thanks Chopper. I will check out Subcool. Guess I just have one of the bad ones. It's not good at all.
The ETs are fascinating to read about...I'm looking forward to them. I know a couple are big monsters. :adore::adore:

Loved the pipe tobacco comparison.:high-five:
Greenie and OG13

Here is the seed picture.......save it and blow up...to view it better. :Namaste:

Thanks Chopper. I will check out Subcool. Guess I just have one of the bad ones. It's not good at all.
The ETs are fascinating to read about...I'm looking forward to them. I know a couple are big monsters. :adore::adore:

Loved the pipe tobacco comparison.:high-five:

all the (UFO) ETs tend to be larger, more Rubenesque (read "phat-so") plants if given the chance. They'll easily double after the flip, so it's all a matter of timing.....or just get out the christmas tree decorations
I love choices ;)
They were all fairly fast too....like 120 day, seed to jar, fast
You'll like this grow I predict
all the (UFO) ETs tend to be larger, more Rubenesque (read "phat-so") plants if given the chance. They'll easily double after the flip, so it's all a matter of timing.....or just get out the christmas tree decorations
I love choices ;)
They were all fairly fast too....like 120 day, seed to jar, fast
You'll like this grow I predict

That's very encouraging, guess we'll see. Got that hurry up feeling. Let's get it set up and grow! :grinjoint:
Nice pics and great haul :high-five: Thanks for the info on the seeds too !
Some of my UFO's were from E.T. and I was very pleased ..... I can report on each if you like..........Grapefruit Krush .....Emerald Jack.....and SSOG.
I have The Buddha Quasar in the dry box now.
I've been gone for awhile but I caught up on your journal the morning.......... interesting story ..... I am almost afraid to read the next one. But you are OK now so it must have a happy ending :peacetwo: Brother
Nice pics and great haul :high-five: Thanks for the info on the seeds too !
Some of my UFO's were from E.T. and I was very pleased ..... I can report on each if you like..........Grapefruit Krush .....Emerald Jack.....and SSOG.
I have The Buddha Quasar in the dry box now.
I've been gone for awhile but I caught up on your journal the morning.......... interesting story ..... I am almost afraid to read the next one. But you are OK now so it must have a happy ending :peacetwo: Brother

Hey Thanks. :)

Someone wanted me to post it...took forever to find it. I got to get organized right someday.
Hey that would be great, if it's not too much trouble. :Namaste:
The story is about half way through and will carry over to part 2 of this grow.
Some bad days ahead......but here I am, like you said. :)
Nice haul OMM WoW its been awhile since i heard the word lid it reminds me of the old 4 finger bags days nice lookin trichs on them plants im going to try a couple of the emerald triangle seeds next year outdoors i think there are 2 of them that finish around the end of September i believe they will be some monsters Ive got a DNA kushberry i think it will freeze before it finishes i got the sativa pheno had 2 but 1 hermyed on me hope you and yours have a great Labor Day weekend :Namaste: :)
Would that be similar to a '4 finger can?' I think that 'bag' came into the lexicon later.;)
Hey Heepie!
I'll sell you a whole kee-lo of this gold here...
200 dollars bro".....
"Carry eet home in dis stuffed armadillo here....
200 for you man...c'mon bro"
Man, what a journal! The story and grow are great! Oh boy, if I was at that X-mas party I would have started laughing; and when I found out it wasn't a joke, I would have been like you, angry. I can't wait for "the rest of the story".:popcorn:
Those buds are beautiful! Nice harvest. Looking forward to the smoke report.:bravo:
Exactly, I quit growing this beauty
because, despite the overpowering aroma an unreal taste, I had to smoke a whole lid to get a buzz. Didn't even bother to breed her.;)

Hi Buddy....how are things in Ganjastan ? :)

What a shame, such a beautiful plant.....looks are deceiving some times.
I got three jars of nothing it looks like. Win some, lose some.

I think you may be and old timer too...haven't heard "lid" in a while. :high-five:

Thanks for the post.:)
I have never heard of this, but assuming it's accurate, it's GREAT info! :thanks:

Hi Mr. Krip. ;)

I've never had any unknown seeds, so I don't know if it works, however I have checked some of my females seeds and many of them are almost exactly like the pictures.

I'm sure someone will try it.....and let us know. :popcorn:
Looks mostly clear to me.. so how are they in the vaporizer?

Heeeeey Sisco! :)

Don't know buddy...these are still alive.......they will be chopped soon though.

I think that makes the pictures even more impressive. :high-five:

Hello to my other family. :love:
Nice haul OMM WoW its been awhile since i heard the word lid it reminds me of the old 4 finger bags days nice lookin trichs on them plants im going to try a couple of the emerald triangle seeds next year outdoors i think there are 2 of them that finish around the end of September i believe they will be some monsters Ive got a DNA kushberry i think it will freeze before it finishes i got the sativa pheno had 2 but 1 hermyed on me hope you and yours have a great Labor Day weekend :Namaste: :)

Hi Buddy! Thanks. :)
I saw that "Lid" too. Sure did use it allot back in the day. 4 fingers...yep.
When I saw the yield figures on the some of the Triangle seeds....my eyes got bigger. Just have to try them. :adore::adore: Sorry about the hermi. Freezing sounds good.

Thanks for reminding me of the Holiday...I don't get out of my cave much.
Best to you and yours too! :cheer:
Hi OMM - My Blueberry in the end wasn't extremely potent either. I got a really nice quality, creeper high from it, but I did have to vaporize more of it. I really enjoyed it, (still have just a little left) but it wasn't as potent as I would have liked. I didn't figure out right away that I was just vaping more to compensate. Thing is, when I did vape enough I really liked the high. I wish it would have been stronger and it would have been a really great keeper. Still love the flavor, though.

Hope you get better potency out of the Sour Cream, Thai, etc. Nice harvests, and congrats! :high-five:

Take care my friend - hope you are having a great weekend!
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