OldMedman Goes Indoors

Yes, it absolutely will. It may not necessarily affect potency, but the taste will definitely be affected. Happened to me on my last grow....:Namaste:

Thanks Quix from both me and Smooth1 :high-five:
Crap, 4 pages in one day.....come on, I've got like 40 other journals to read too OMM.

Glad you are back Chopper, I've driven thru some places like that in the US....
The Story Continues……………………Busted !

Two days after RS and I made our plan. It was 7 am and our door buzzer went off. I punched the button and said “Just a moment. I have to get dressed”. We were already up, I had to go to work. We knew something was up, none our friends would be buzzing us that early. RS went into the bathroom.

Who ever it was, was now outside my door knocking……they had been let in. Crap!
With a big smile I opened the door. There stood two Greek plain clothes men.
They said one our neighbors had seen us selling guns and knives.
*Give me break guys I know what your here for! I thought.*
Of course I said “We don’t have guns and knifes take a look for yourselves". So they turned to go into our bedroom, then the toilet flushed and they went nuts…beating on the bathroom door. I thought to myself “A flush? Not supposed to happen. Something went wrong. When RS came out of the bathroom she wouldn't look me in the eye. She had panicked. The Greek cop only took a few seconds to walk back out of the bathroom holding the film container that the hash was in. He swirled his finger around in it and came out with less than a quarter of a gram of hash.

Then they tore our place apart. We had three big bookcases loaded with books. RS and I both liked reading.. They just turned them over and started kicking the books. They did the same all over the house. Then they searched our car. We had a big load ready to go to Johnny's. They didn't even notice. Finally, we locked the house and got in their car for the trip down town. When got there, they searched us, then put us in a holding cell.

By the way…the idiots never looked in the freezer…….. everything from Crete was still in there. Many life sentences.

A couple of hours later, they took RS back home. An hour later an MP picked me up.
He took me out to our base on the Greek Air Base. He turned me over to the Officer of the day. He explained that I would live on the base under house arrest until I had a court date. Later on I found out that getting a court date might take over a year. Wonderful.

I picked out a room in the barracks. On the base at night there was the Office of the Day,The Comm Center Crew, and the guy that kept our bar/tv room open until midnight, then he went home. There was one guy living out there by himself. I called him “Mutt” to myself . In uniform or not he always looked rumpled and kind of dirty.

RS would come out once every week with friends. I never did ask her what went on in the bathroom. She knew she blew it. Truthfully I wasn't happy with her and I'm sure she knew it..

After I had been there for a bit over a month, my Commanding Officer came over for a talk. He said he knew that it might take over year for a court date and that I had a wife living alone. His next words were like music to me. He told me if I took a chaperon, someone in the Army to go with me, I could go home every night!

Before everything closed for the night, I had Mutt agreeing to do it…I told him he would make a bit of money too. I marched his ass over to the Commander's office and I went home that very night and every night after that for a long while. RS and I just hugged for a long time. We had an extra bedroom for Mutt. RS had flushed the Crete stuff down the drain. Fine with me.

Well having Mutt there all the time was a bit uncomfortable at first. Then we decided to let him in on the fun, we made trips to Johnny's and he doubled his money too.

This went on for almost 10 and a half months. We had a court date!

To be continued……..
Crap, 4 pages in one day.....come on, I've got like 40 other journals to read too OMM.

Glad you are back Chopper, I've driven thru some places like that in the US....

Hey OG13 ! :) Man, it grows by it's self! I just watch most of the time. :) You know I love it! :Namaste:

That was too funny OG13........I've driven thru some places like that in the US...
well on second thought it isn't. :smokin: You live in DC? :whoa::whoa:
couldnt bring myself to "Like" the last part of the story....and thank you for the kind words, you would have liked him like we all did...
@Propa...so very true
@Chopper....my buddy Sheets tells me of these things....IF YOU STOP.... YOU DIE.... I have ALOT of friends that have fought in this war.....been to 8 funerals in 9 years
DAMN IT! You sure had some HUGE ONES to keep doing "trips" after that..

Hi Sisco ! :)

Maybe it was actually stupid. :smokin:

After the cops ignored my stuff for Johnny......I knew that wasn't high on their list of crimes. Actually you could buy your way out of jail on everything except drug charges. It was crazy over there. If you came home and found your wife in bed with some one and killed them, you probably would not go to jail. They are a passionate people and most would feel you did the right thing for shooting them.

One day a guy started shooting at people from his home and the police surrounded the place. They asked him what he wanted and he said he was declaring his home as an independent country. Guess what they did?
They declared his house an independent Country. No one was hurt and it was forgotten. :high-five:
There you are Mr. Mmmmick ! :yahoo:

My computer crashed a while back and I lost your info....been worried about you.....and ....the roof. So good to see you my friend. :yahoo: We have to catch up. Damn good to see you!!! :thumb:

Hi OMM, I'm just slowly getting back into the swing of things. I'm ok, sorta, lol. Passed on the roof so far, my buddy hasn't been able to get time off work and my back would never allow me to do the job myself. Maybe later this year or next Summer, it's not all that far gone.

Got my Black Widow clone and the room is almost ready but it's still too hot due to the 24/7 dehumidifier running. I'm gonna have to sell this place and move out of town so the neighbors aren't so damn close. I'd run an A/C unit but it's hard to explain when the weather doesn't justify it.

Thanks for the welcome back.:circle-of-love: :)

Great show goin' on in the tent. Some very nice looking colas and the drying boxes are starting to load up nicely.:bravo: And no leaf miners, heheh:high-five:

The Blueberry put out some decent weight. I think you'll like it.:cheer:

I'll mail ya a little later.
Hello OMM hows your day going mine not to good i think im going to have another surgery told myself no more but O well life goes on have a few pics thought you might want to see outdoor lucy she starting to fill out about 4 or 5 more weeks first one is vanilla kush the next 2 are lucy
hope you like them and they bring back memories :)
Mmmmick...to bad u arent in the SE, roofing is in my job description...
PAPA....looking great!!!
BayArea....remember you were having some troubles in the family, hope all is well
OMM....shoulda seen my boy today, jumpin in the creek trying to catch fish, what fun!! Vety agile and strong for a 3 yr old, an he swims like a fish....adked him what he would do if he caught one ofem, he says "Daddyyyyy, Imma ketch a fiss as big asshew !!!" HAHAHA!!!
I Love Lucy....
That would make a good book title
I'm finding "Barneys" to be wonderful resource. Sux they only offer femmed seeds now. My Lucy came from a few years ago when regular seeds were still sold here. Sadly I did NOT use the best fem as a seed bearer....Honestly I did the opposite and used a smallish girl....got a bunch o' seed though and all seems just fine.
They have Vanilla Kush, Acapulco Gold, Pineapple Chunk, Utopia Haze, and Lucy.....all 5 star offerings and those 5 strains are becoming my staples.
[can't stop digging the SSOG from Emerald Triangle.....like krak-bud. :)]
3 Cali Wildfire, an AG, a P-Chunk, a G13 Super Skunk, and a Vanilla Kush are just cracking to replace the** 5 Utopia Haze-s that're coming in this weekend. They're all about 4" tall now...(There was a Lucy pup, but it just rolled up and died at 3wks) 20/4 and I see no reason to change that since I'll be away more than home til the holiday season. Plenty o veg
Damnit this Quasar is good :).....little beads of sweat pop out on the forehead
(A Medusa is still out there....she's slow man. Maybe October.)
Never had any Blueberry...yet Tell us what you think
**These Haze plants are gorgeous...a long grow, but they're beautiful. BARNEYS rocks!!
Hi OMM, I'm just slowly getting back into the swing of things. I'm ok, sorta, lol. Passed on the roof so far, my buddy hasn't been able to get time off work and my back would never allow me to do the job myself. Maybe later this year or next Summer, it's not all that far gone.

Got my Black Widow clone and the room is almost ready but it's still too hot due to the 24/7 dehumidifier running. I'm gonna have to sell this place and move out of town so the neighbors aren't so damn close. I'd run an A/C unit but it's hard to explain when the weather doesn't justify it.

Thanks for the welcome back.:circle-of-love: :)

Great show goin' on in the tent. Some very nice looking colas and the drying boxes are starting to load up nicely.:bravo: And no leaf miners, heheh:high-five:

The Blueberry put out some decent weight. I think you'll like it.:cheer:

I'll mail ya a little later.

Hi Mmmmick !:high-five:

I'll say it again...Damn good to see you! :):)

Oh! I know you would kill you're back. I wish you could move a ways out of town...wouldn't even have to shovel snow if you didn't want to. No one would notice you had a flame thrower either! :high-five:

My Blueberry gave me almost 2 1/2 Oz. But she still isn't giving me a good high. Now that she is in jars, I'm hoping she will get better with a good cure.
THsea tested her today, but he felt the same way I did about her, not like everyone else's experience.

That Black Widow clone sounds so good. Be glad when it cools off for you. Your mind can get back into growing. :Namaste:

Just wondering, did THE hurricane get up as far as you are?

Hehe! No leaf miners! Loving that part. See you soon Mate! :love:
Hello OMM hows your day going mine not to good i think im going to have another surgery told myself no more but O well life goes on have a few pics thought you might want to see outdoor lucy she starting to fill out about 4 or 5 more weeks first one is vanilla kush the next 2 are lucy
hope you like them and they bring back memories :)

Hey papatater. :)

Oh! Man! I hope you don't need another surgery...that would suck!

Hehe...I'm trying to germ a Vanilla Kush at this very moment. Yours looks great.:)
I like your Lucy.....it's big as a house.:circle-of-love: You know I like them!:love:
About he surgery....I've said the same thing.....but in the end we do it. So hope you don't have to have it. :peace:
Just popped in to say aloha!! :eek:)

It's BAS! :circle-of-love:

My girl where have you been? My computer crashed and I lost your info, That's why you haven't heard from me. I hope all is well with you.

Been missing my daughter! :high-five: :circle-of-love:
Mmmmick...to bad u arent in the SE, roofing is in my job description...
PAPA....looking great!!!
BayArea....remember you were having some troubles in the family, hope all is well
OMM....shoulda seen my boy today, jumpin in the creek trying to catch fish, what fun!! Vety agile and strong for a 3 yr old, an he swims like a fish....adked him what he would do if he caught one ofem, he says "Daddyyyyy, Imma ketch a fiss as big asshew !!!" HAHAHA!!!

Hey GT ! :cheer:
I'm loving your boy......reminds me of other times with my boys.

"Daddyyyyy, Imma ketch a fiss as big asshew !!!" HAHAHA!!! That's just great! :love: :peace:
I Love Lucy....
That would make a good book title
I'm finding "Barneys" to be wonderful resource. Sux they only offer femmed seeds now. My Lucy came from a few years ago when regular seeds were still sold here. Sadly I did NOT use the best fem as a seed bearer....Honestly I did the opposite and used a smallish girl....got a bunch o' seed though and all seems just fine.
They have Vanilla Kush, Acapulco Gold, Pineapple Chunk, Utopia Haze, and Lucy.....all 5 star offerings and those 5 strains are becoming my staples.
[can't stop digging the SSOG from Emerald Triangle.....like krak-bud. :)]
3 Cali Wildfire, an AG, a P-Chunk, a G13 Super Skunk, and a Vanilla Kush are just cracking to replace the** 5 Utopia Haze-s that're coming in this weekend. They're all about 4" tall now...(There was a Lucy pup, but it just rolled up and died at 3wks) 20/4 and I see no reason to change that since I'll be away more than home til the holiday season. Plenty o veg
Damnit this Quasar is good :).....little beads of sweat pop out on the forehead
(A Medusa is still out there....she's slow man. Maybe October.)
Never had any Blueberry...yet Tell us what you think
**These Haze plants are gorgeous...a long grow, but they're beautiful. BARNEYS rocks!!

Chopper ! I agree, Barney's strains are first rate. That just proves it with you're little Lucy that put out good seeds. Been thinking of trying a Quasar too.
I have one of each of Emerald Triangle seeds on the cable box now. Wish me luck.
Shame you're on the road so much till the holidays......but it makes the rest of the year better! :high-five:
:cheer:Another Harvest Day :cheer:

Here is the Blueberry's dry weight !


She came in at 78 grams dry. :)

Next is the SourCream dry!


She gave me 45 Grams dry

Here is the the girl we chopped today...the Critical+


She is 204 grams wet!

Here she is in the boxes ready to dry. Since I had two boxes free, we tried to hang most of her.



Well, I've learned a bit more about growing inside with an A/C running at all times. They dry a day earlier than before. All the dry girls are in their Jars for burping now. Really hope the Blueberry shows more signs of life after a good long cure. Here's hoping! :high-five:

Three more to go!
Hi All ! A few pictures that THsea took with his EyeClopes. To bad one can not attach a tripod to it. These are all hand held. These are of the Wild Thai Bubblelicious and The Kandy Cush.






Not bad for a $29.95 hand held device!:high-five:
A lot of the Blueberry/Blackberry strains have little potency....
Pipe tobacco had more THC than the original Blackberry.
**But you just can't beat that taste**
Subcool has what is likely the strongest, most potent variety of "Berry"
and it tastes like Lifesavers!:adore::adore::adore:
:goodluck: with the ETs.....The SSOG is the goods....(haven't gotten to my Grapefruit Krush yet)
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