Old G's New Auto Grow

Day 20, plants look good. The geoflora seems to have kicked in and I’m using FF Grow Big . I don’t need to top dress with the geoflora bloom for 12 more days , so far so good.

I looked at my Meph freebies , I received 2 5pak of beans. I thought I planted CDLC x Skywalker x SamsquanchOG but I actually planted SourStomper x CDLC x Skywalker.
Does it make a difference, probably not, I’ve never grown any of their beans. I’ve read a lot of good things so I’m curious how they’ll grow. I can already tell the freebie is gonna be too big for my lite. I’ve been looking at new lites , I’m tight so I’m looking to get the best bang for the buck. If anyone knows a cheap lite that only draws 80 or 100 watts please lmk. My lite now works well for me , it has a timer which I noticed a lot of lites under 150dollars don’t have timers, a lot don’t even have dimmers
The double grapes parents are Sour Stomper and the freebie has Sour Stomper in its lineage also. The freebie is really growing fast, it’s bigger than the circumference of the 3 gallon pot already. Meph says both are 65days from sprout, we all know that’ll never happen,I figure 85 if I’m lucky , very lucky , I have plenty so it is what it is , I’m just happy to have plants growing
The double grapes parents are Sour Stomper and the freebie has Sour Stomper in its lineage also. The freebie is really growing fast, it’s bigger than the circumference of the 3 gallon pot already. Meph says both are 65days from sprout, we all know that’ll never happen,I figure 85 if I’m lucky , very lucky , I have plenty so it is what it is , I’m just happy to have plants growing
They're looking great so far!
Nice vigorous growth.
I notice when I wake up the plants always looked stressed, it’s the morning temperatures , it’s usually 65. I put it on 74 and almost immediately the plants perk up. Unfortunately for me I can’t sleep if it’s too warm so I’m kinda stuck , I tried even 70 and I wake up sweating.
Day 24, I’m using a litre of water for the 3 gallon pots. Seems to be sufficient, I’m watering every 3rd day with this gro. I watered every other day last gro , I got a nice yield from that but the plants were stressed late in flower, I believe it was the lites were too close, these plants are growing nicely, no flowers starting on either plant yet



Day 25, these plants are really growing beautifully. I get why people want these beans. Apart from leaf tucking and watering all I’m doing is watching them grow. The freebie is big



Day 26, I have preflowers on the freeebie, plant is gonna be big. The double grape is small in comparison. Geoflora seems to be working well, application is simple and they have a calculator to tell you how much. In my case 3gallon uses 1/3 of a cup , simple , nutes for dummies like me



Leaf tucking is working well on the freebie, the double grape the branches are too tight . The branches on the freebie are turning wooden already haven’t had that on anything I’ve grown yet.
Gave a shot of cal -mag yesterday, these plants liked it , noticed a tiny discoloration in a fan leaf on the freebie. Guess from here out it’s a ml a week , what a difference in growth in a 3 gallon , nite and day


I’ve been lucky with my gros as far as smell goes, these plants are giving off that skunk smell already. Thankfully the weather is turning warmer and my plants are near the window, hopefully that’ll work
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