Old G's New Auto Grow

Thanks Bill, I’m waiting, I have plenty in the jars. I really wanna smoke this stuff at peak ripeness. The smell from the terpenes is really incredible, I harvested a little early with the rest, the weed is awesome but I wanna get the full flavor, I totally get why you have to wait . I’ve got seeds ready to go as soon as this is done.
I’m gonna plant an mephisto freebie, CDLC x Skywalker x samssquanch OG , and a double grape
This is my grow cured , it came out beautiful. Blue dream is has the liter hairs the zskittles beautiful orange hairs, I have a lot of large buds.
Blue dream weighs 3.22




Thanks Bill, I’m waiting, I have plenty in the jars. I really wanna smoke this stuff at peak ripeness. The smell from the terpenes is really incredible, I harvested a little early with the rest, the weed is awesome but I wanna get the full flavor, I totally get why you have to wait . I’ve got seeds ready to go as soon as this is done.
I’m gonna plant an mephisto freebie, CDLC x Skywalker x samssquanch OG , and a double grape
Get em popping. :thumb: Woohoo fresh beans.
Any time after all the white hairs are gone you can chop.
Just get the trics you like.

Stay safe
Meph double grape and CDLC x Skywalker x SamsquanchOG are in the soil.FF Ocean floor and Frog soil in 3 gallon fabric pots on gro elevators. My pots were too small for someone as inexperienced to growing as I am. Learn as I grow , the 3 gallons seem huge in comparison. I have 5 gallon as well but don’t have enough grow space. I have Geoflora veg and bloom I’m excited to try.Haven’t used dry amendments yet, I have FF Nutes on hand but the geoflora seems pretty easy to use

Congrats on your successful grow!
Are you planning on keeping this journal going as a perpetual, or start a new one?
Guess I’ll just keep it going.I like doing a journal to get you guys input.Seems the more I think I know makes me realize I need to learn a lot more.
My seedlings have sprouted, an inch outta the soil. I germinated 2 Mephisto beans, double grape and CDLC x Skywalker x SamsquanchOG. While they were in the paper towels I forgot which was which so I’m gonna figure it out as I go. These should do much better in bigger fabric pots. I’m glad my seedlings broke ground I really enjoy watching them grow
Day 6, I won’t post pics everyday anymore, once, twice a week is good. I’ve got a much better setup this gro. I’m in 3 gallon fabric pots on gro elevators with 16 inch saucers.
I’m using geoflora nutes this gro. Sounds easier then using liquid nutes. We’ll find out. I’ve heard great things about mephisto seeds hopefully I’ll get good results. I’m definitely gonna LST I’m debating on topping I’ve read good and bad.



Plants are starting to take off, autos look like something that grows in a swamp at first.Big leafy plants, I top dressed my soil with Geoflora yesterday. Geoflora you too dress every 2 weeks, I used the veg yesterday , be nice if it’s all I have to use,I have ff nutes just in case. They say to top dress your seedlings at 7 days it takes 2 weeks to get to full strength. They should be flowering in 2 more weeks so I’ll switch to the Geoflora bloom.
My last grow the pots were too small and it affected the plants in flower. Most of the plants were root bound when I took them outta the pots. Hopefully this gro will be better
I love the geoflora nutes, I love it’s organic. And applying nutes once every 2 weeks certainly makes it a lot easier.The plants will start to flower in 2 weeks so I’ll apply the bloom nutes the next feeding.
My last gro my plants started looking like they were lite stressed or had nute burn late in flower. Hopefully using geoflora I won’t have that problem again. Guess it’s all in the learning process
Plants are growing fast already, I added some bat guano as a top dressing. Everything I’m using gets put on as top dressing. I definitely screwed up feeding my plants last gro
I found this guy walking on the lite, lol, musta come in the FFHF, you guys ever find ladybugs . It’s winter here he definitely didn’t come in outta the cold

Plants have doubled in size since Monday, it amazes me how fast autos gro.I’m just gonna try getting by on the geoflora nutes, Meph advises you to use bio bizz tabs , put it under the plants roots when u transplant, and that’s it for the entire gro.Unfortunately you can’t buy them in the states , their only available in Europe. Hopefully geoflora will be all I need



Plants looked droopy this morning, I gave them a shot of FFGB, they stood straight up, guess the geoflora hasn’t dispersed enough nutes into the soil. I have the trio of all FF Nutes on hand and cal mag
Plants are doing well, I think I have the feeding figured out.It’s hard to tell how the geoflora is working at this point so I’m also using FF Gro big and bat guano. I’ve got my lites 20 inches high to avoid issues I had the last gro


The plants seem to be growing a lot faster now, not sure if it’s because of nutes or I’m in 3 gallon pots this gro, they have plenty of soil to set roots in. My last gro the pots were only a gallon. It’s all a learning curve for me. I’ve certainly have a lot to learn, that’s why I only planted 2 plants , and with 3 gallon pots it’s all I have room for.
Day 16 , fed and watered the plants are looking healthy. I think the freebie is the bigger plant. The double grape is the smaller plant. I’ve seen pics of the double grape, I’m hoping



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