OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1LB!?

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Amazing Pictures, Amazing Buds, Amazing Grow, Amazing results! like a Boss!:bravo::thumb::adore:

Thanks Zion!
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Thanks Whiz! I'm not sure if you remember or not.
But I told ya that already last week. lol:lot-o-toke:


I definitely LMFAO!


Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey man,
don't sweat it..
We've all been guilty of selective reading here at one time or another.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Absolutely breathtaking Vick ;)

Just a quick fly by to say hello and get myself subbed, I cannot wait to see more. I have definitely been missing out on a great party in here by the looks of it :blushsmile:

See you soon,

Thank you for the beautiful pictures, that was a wonderful tonic to the day


Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

What do you have in mind for your next grow? :thumb:

Still trying to decide what I'm going to do before I start a new journal.
I have 5 OG kush clones that are back in the 5x5 tent being topped and trained as we speak.
Each of them are in 35 Litre Hercules pots with 50% Coco and 50% Promix.
Thinking maybe Scrog, or custom tomato cages.
I should have it figured out in a few days.
I'll definitely post up with my ideas, and of course smoke report from this grow.

thanks for dropping by!
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Absolutely breathtaking Vick ;)

Just a quick fly by to say hello and get myself subbed, I cannot wait to see more. I have definitely been missing out on a great party in here by the looks of it :blushsmile:

See you soon,

Thank you for the beautiful pictures, that was a wonderful tonic to the day


Thanks Fluffy!
Glad my photo could give you a lift!
And don't worry, you've got an automatic invite to the next party..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey vick got a couple Qs.

I read that in this journal your plants were in sunshine mix, who makes the sunshine mix your using? Did you add any coco to that?

Then your last post said you have plants in a coco/ promix mixture. Which promix and coco are you using?

Ive used coco and want to use promix and am just trying to see what people are doing. Do you not reccomend using just promix?
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

:bravo::welldone::clap:...congra...i knew you could do...now lets get 2 lbs...:thumb:

Thanks miwa!!
I'm going to have to veg these 5 for another few weeks at least if I wanna try and hit 2.
But so far so good, they're loving these Hercules pots with plenty of room to stretch their gams. So if I just keep doing what I'm doing they should blow up enough to create a pretty full canopy.
Never used hygrozyme or superthrive before this, and man I wish I had before. Adding these gems to the nute regiment paired with huge pots and Coco are making all the difference in the world.

I'm almost thinking to NOT go scrog now, just because I would miss out on a lot of weight that I have been getting under canopy. OG's aren't really known for their massive buds, and now that I know this strain is prone to hermie near the end if pushed too hard. I'd be sceptical to push for weight.

Maybe I can get some input from those that have done both. And help me make a decision here..

☐ Scrog?
☐ Let em go nuts!!
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey Vic congrad's on beating the mark you set. Buds look like some good meds. Hey I'm sending ya some rep's. I hope the buds smoke as good as they look Keepem Green
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Right on wood!
Thanks for the reps bro !
They're not just eye candy, but turning out to be great medicine to boot!
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Yayyy! I will bring cake! :cheer:

Thanks Fluffy!
Glad my photo could give you a lift!
And don't worry, you've got an automatic invite to the next party..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey vick got a couple Qs.

I read that in this journal your plants were in sunshine mix, who makes the sunshine mix your using? Did you add any coco to that?

Then your last post said you have plants in a coco/ promix mixture. Which promix and coco are you using?

Ive used coco and want to use promix and am just trying to see what people are doing. Do you not reccomend using just promix?

Hey Strickly!

In this journal's grow I used 100% Sunshine mix no Coco added. Which can be picked up at any Home Depot in Canada and some places in the U.S.. It's a basic (0.1-0.1-0.1) made with peat moss and perlite. It does contain some time-released fertilizer, like some Miracle grow soils. But has more peat and perl for added aeration. Not bad soil, pretty cheap, you just gotta watch ppm's & signs of nute burn when feeding heavily..
I've done 2 grows exclusively with this soil and the roots ate it up both times.:morenutes:

I kinda jumped the gun a bit there, and was referring to my up coming journal. (Thanks for reminding me to get my ass in gear and get that thing started!) Those puppies are in 50% Coco and 50% Promix. I'm using "Botanicare Coco Gro" coco, and "Pro Mix HP" Mycorrhizae.

It's completely up to you weather you want to run straight Promix, straight Coco, or combine. They're both great growing mediums. And seem to jive with each other nicely when mixed. But maybe if you've never grown in just Promix, give it a shot? Heck why not? You might find it works great for you!
The reason why I decided to not just use Promix, or Sunshine mix again, is because I'm creeping towards the switch to Hydro, and I think my grow after this will be a resulted jump into that arena. Some people would consider pure coco the final step before "hydro". There are no additives in the coco medium, so even though I'm mixing half with soil, I still introduce a Cal/mag additive.

I think of it like this: Bringing in half Coco is kinda getting my feet wet before switchin,
while hanging onto a little soil as a final, "Farewell Soil!!!"
with a little, "Hello Hydro, how are you?!"
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Thanks vick. Ive never seen your the promix in person and Im already using half coco(i buy the GH bricks). So maybe I will do a promix/coco mmix this next time...if you dont mind me copying lol Im not sure if I will ever do 100%coco I want to eventually do high brix stuff like icemud and docbud, their plants stay so healthy and produce well! But theres sooo much I want to try after joining this site, I dont think any oof my grows will be the same for a whiiillleeee lol
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Oh my goodness, I have no idea why but this made me panic! :laugh:

I don't know what it is about soil that makes me feel safe, and it makes me want to pick the pots up and cuddle the girls all the time.

You never know though ... a few grows down the line I might just want the challenge ;)

I think of it like this: Bringing in half Coco is kinda getting my feet wet before switchin,
while hanging onto a little soil as a final, "Farewell Soil!!!"
with a little, "Hello Hydro, how are you?!"
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey Vick, everythings looking sweet bro, can't wait for some pics!!

I don't know if you knew, but Promix HP is basically "hydro". Coco, Promix, Ortho and Sunshine are all soilless mixes, being very inert of nutrients. Coco is buffered using water, then enriched with a little Mg and Lime, while Promix is Peat Moss with a little Myco and Lime (97% Calcite and Dolomite), using either of just these two will lead to nutrient deficiencies quick. I myself am steering towards the high brix style (I have only ever done hydro in my life) so Promix, SuperSoil, rock minerals and water is all I need, not a single synthetic fert. Hydro's results are undeniable but there's a lot of necessities/maintenance like a chiller if your doing dwc, cleaning up floods from the ebb n flo, and clogged emitters/un-even pressure from top-feed lines. I think that's why Promix is sold at every hydro store in Canada but honestly the results from dwc are just mind blowing if dialled in. You could run a drain to waste with Coco/Promix and it would be considered hydro? No matter what tho, I know you'd be ready for the jump and I'd love to watch you rock the shit out of the boat lol, just wanted to give you a heads up
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey Vick, everythings looking sweet bro, can't wait for some pics!!

I don't know if you knew, but Promix HP is basically "hydro". Coco, Promix, Ortho and Sunshine are all soilless mixes, being very inert of nutrients. Coco is buffered using water, then enriched with a little Mg and Lime, while Promix is Peat Moss with a little Myco and Lime (97% Calcite and Dolomite), using either of just these two will lead to nutrient deficiencies quick. I myself am steering towards the high brix style (I have only ever done hydro in my life) so Promix, SuperSoil, rock minerals and water is all I need, not a single synthetic fert. Hydro's results are undeniable but there's a lot of necessities/maintenance like a chiller if your doing dwc, cleaning up floods from the ebb n flo, and clogged emitters/un-even pressure from top-feed lines. I think that's why Promix is sold at every hydro store in Canada but honestly the results from dwc are just mind blowing if dialled in. You could run a drain to waste with Coco/Promix and it would be considered hydro? No matter what tho, I know you'd be ready for the jump and I'd love to watch you rock the shit out of the boat lol, just wanted to give you a heads up

I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there brother. I wouldn't classify Promix as hydro at all. It's close! But like you said, it contains Dolomitic and Calcitic limestone (pH adjusters) plus it contains mycorrhizae: which is a fungus that works as almost extentions of the roots themselves to help the plant to uptake nutrients and water better, but it aint hydro. I know Coco, Ortho, and Sunshine mix are all considered soilless mediums. Although Sunshine mix (the stuff I was talking to Strictly 420 about, that I've used before) contains time released fertilizers (not much) but enough so I wouldn't call it inert of nutrients at all.
Coco on the other hand is "basically" hydro seeing as it's pretty much void of nutrients. and like you said, must be enriched to avoid deficiencies.
But still, when it comes down to it, all of these mediums are just drain to waste..

OK, so you got me really confused on this part brother.. You mentioned that you have only ever grown hydro in your life, so this will be your first soil grow? That's great that you're steering towards hi-brix bro. You could be growing some seriously high quality meds with that style when dialed. And only needing Promix, SuperSoil, rock minerals and water to do so!? then rock on! and all the power to ya!! Tons of people have proven that the whole less is more theory really does produce amazing crops. So why are you posting feeding charts and talking about the nutes you're going to use in your journal then? wha? gat me confoos ed?
To clarify, I didn't say that running a drain to waste with Coco/Promix would be considered hydro, what I was implying was that it would be a good final step into the hydro world. Getting myself used to adding all my nutrients/enzymes/vitamins with my water, and just relying on the medium as just that, "a medium".

UG, I hope you don't mind but I have to ask and have been meaning to for a while now. Why did you decide to go soil/soiless if you only have experience with hydro? That just seems odd to me that's all.. If I was setting up a massive new growing environment as you are, why not stick to what you know for the first couple of grows, then switch to hi-brix, soilless mediums once things are dialed, and you've stockpiled some meds? I don't know maybe there's something I'm missing..

I'm actually quite excited to try hydro, and I'm sure I'll come back to soilless again in the future. The buds just seem to taste different, and I want to experience both.. If I'm just going to try out 5gl DWC buckets, I won't be needing a chiller and all those necessities you speak of. You'd only have to worry about chillers and floods/clogged emitters/uneven pressure etc, if you were running a RDWC. (re- circulating system) DWC would just be 5 gallon buckets (each their own res), net pots, hydroton, a few airstones & air pumps, and boom I'm off and running with hydro! with no worries of leaks!
All in all would probably cost me about 80.00 maybe less if I DIY'd my setup. wiw !!
Plus I hate the mess soil/Coco makes. With hydro all I would have to worry about after buying everything would be what's coming out of my tap! And of course monitoring my temps, PPM's, and PH. And no humping bails and bags of used soil anymore. (my fucked back would certainly thank me for that!)

People might have other views on what hydro is or isn't. I just wanted to let people know in this journal what I was doing to get the results I got without confusing anyone.
I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way my friend, I just want to educate people as to what I'm doing here. To each their own! That's the best part!! There's no laws to this shit! (other than the "LAW" part..lol) We take what we want from here and there, and try to make it our own.:high-five:
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