OG Kush From Seed RSQ


Well-Known Member
Back with a third grow journal because why not. In thinking that my other two grows only had a few weeks left (haha...) I sprouted my three freebee OG Kush photoperiod seeds from RSQ. I started them in solo cups, but then had to leave unexpectedly for four days. When I got back all three had sprouted but were very stretched. I repotted them in solo cups a bit lower down in the soil but one was definitely stunted. After one week they looked like this:

For the next week I just watered when the soil was dry, which was a couple times a week. Growth looked good and was pretty consistent.

The runt was still lagging behind.
By week three, which was this week they were showing signs of stress from lack of nutrients and possibly light stress, as they are in the same tent with my flowering autos under 100% light intensity. I was noticing dying back of leaves and purpling of the stems, so I up potted from solo cups to one gallon containers. After repotting I topped my two taller plants, and gave all three a light LST on the main stem. They were also watered with 1 gallon of water between the three plants and a half strength does of grow big(3tsp) and one tsp of calmag.
Here they are as of a few hours ago, the photos were taken before the LST but after topping.

Hopefully I didn't stress them out too bad, the weather here is crazy hot and my tent temps are around 84F with a humidity of 70%. There is a lot of air movement in the tent so I think they'll be ok. I do worry about my flowering plants that are into week 7 and six of flower respectively, but that's a story for a different journal. Once the flowering plants are out of the ten I'll up pot these again into their final 3 gallon pots and let them take over the tent before flipping to 12/12. I'm expecting that will be in about 4 weeks or so. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the ride!
Back with a third grow journal because why not. In thinking that my other two grows only had a few weeks left (haha...) I sprouted my three freebee OG Kush photoperiod seeds from RSQ. I started them in solo cups, but then had to leave unexpectedly for four days. When I got back all three had sprouted but were very stretched. I repotted them in solo cups a bit lower down in the soil but one was definitely stunted. After one week they looked like this:

For the next week I just watered when the soil was dry, which was a couple times a week. Growth looked good and was pretty consistent.

The runt was still lagging behind.
By week three, which was this week they were showing signs of stress from lack of nutrients and possibly light stress, as they are in the same tent with my flowering autos under 100% light intensity. I was noticing dying back of leaves and purpling of the stems, so I up potted from solo cups to one gallon containers. After repotting I topped my two taller plants, and gave all three a light LST on the main stem. They were also watered with 1 gallon of water between the three plants and a half strength does of grow big(3tsp) and one tsp of calmag.
Here they are as of a few hours ago, the photos were taken before the LST but after topping.

Hopefully I didn't stress them out too bad, the weather here is crazy hot and my tent temps are around 84F with a humidity of 70%. There is a lot of air movement in the tent so I think they'll be ok. I do worry about my flowering plants that are into week 7 and six of flower respectively, but that's a story for a different journal. Once the flowering plants are out of the ten I'll up pot these again into their final 3 gallon pots and let them take over the tent before flipping to 12/12. I'm expecting that will be in about 4 weeks or so. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the ride!
Looks like a great start.
Welcome back to 420 Magazine @Stizz1e

Nice looking garden you have there.
I will tag along if you don't mine?

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Tok.. :bong:
Thanks for the welcome!
Absolutely the more the merrier, its been like 16 years since I grew last and I got a little ambitious so all the eyes I can get to help me find issues early the better these grows will go!
@Stizz1e I notice your soil is a tad bit dried; do you have a specific way to water your ladies?
I water by hand, but those pictures were actually before I watered the plants into their new homes. I had just transplanted, and since I have other grows happening in the same tent the light is a bit high for them. I wanted to place these plants onto their riser before giving them a good water. So right after these pictures were taken they split a gallon of water between the three of them
Its week two of veg for these ladies, week four from sprout and we are trucking along. They all seem to have taken to their new homes, and the two that were topped look to be taking it well. The runt is still short, but is starting to develop side branches. I removed the main stem LST from all the plants to let them straighten out some. I'll be doing branching LST on them this week to widen them out some. I don't want them too wide yet as there are still the two flowering autos in the same tent. These plants seem to be a bit on the darker green side color wise so I'm hoping they are not developing a nitrogen toxicity, time will tell I guess. I fed them today with full strength veg nutes, 6 tsp grow big, 2 tsp big bloom and 1 tsp calmag in a gallon of water split between the three plants. How much run off if any should I experience? They all had a decent amount, and I don't want to over water/over feed.
Here are this weeks pictures:

I made sure to water them before taking the pictures, mostly for you @Tokin Roll ;)
I was wondering why you are using bloom nutrients already?
Does your bloom nutrients have nitrogen in it also?
That could be where you are getting extra nitrogen.

Hope this helps.


edit: aside from that your ladies look great.
I'm following the Fox Farms feeding schedule, and it says to, but also now after looking at it I realize that I got the feeds wrong.
Very nice ! OG Kush is one of my top three strains ever, it never lets me down. I'll be watching this grow.

Your plants are off to a really nice start looking green, healthy, and very Indica. Love it ! I'd take it easy with the Nitrogen though, I'm not sure if its the strain, lighting/camera but you may be on the borderline of too much N. The Fox Farm feed chart is very aggressive, many cut the dose in half or more. (gradually increasing and watching the plants)
Very nice ! OG Kush is one of my top three strains ever, it never lets me down. I'll be watching this grow.

Your plants are off to a really nice start looking green, healthy, and very Indica. Love it ! I'd take it easy with the Nitrogen though, I'm not sure if its the strain, lighting/camera but you may be on the borderline of too much N. The Fox Farm feed chart is very aggressive, many cut the dose in half or more. (gradually increasing and watching the plants)
thanks! yeah I think I messed up the feed a bit and will be backing it off again next week, i'll probably drop back to half strength. I might just switch off Fox Farms for the next grow. I like the idea of using gia green and just premixing my soil and then just top dressing halfway through. we'll see if I use up my fox farms supply though, I don't want to throw nutrients away, but I don't want to screw up my plants either
thanks! yeah I think I messed up the feed a bit and will be backing it off again next week, i'll probably drop back to half strength. I might just switch off Fox Farms for the next grow. I like the idea of using gia green and just premixing my soil and then just top dressing halfway through. we'll see if I use up my fox farms supply though, I don't want to throw nutrients away, but I don't want to screw up my plants either

I used Fox Farms for a few grows, there is nothing wrong with it and many have excellent results using the trio.

I followed the charts to a T for my first grow feeding full strength once per week. I also (foolishly) used Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and Cha-ching. My first grow was roasted and burned to a crisp feeding as the recommend. When using Fox Farm, you really have to get things dialed in and normally that means starting light (half strength) and gradually increasing as needed.

Just remember, less is more. More =potential huge problems. You'll have a bigger harvest and healthier plants underfeeding than you will over feeding.

My first grow following the Fox Farm feed-charts. Not good ! My second grow was much better and I ran half strength all the way through.

1st grow fail --- too much nutrients.


I used Fox Farms for a few grows, there is nothing wrong with it and many have excellent results using the trio.

I followed the charts to a T for my first grow feeding full strength once per week. I also (foolishly) used Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and Cha-ching. My first grow was roasted and burned to a crisp feeding as the recommend. When using Fox Farm, you really have to get things dialed in and normally that means starting light (half strength) and gradually increasing as needed.

Just remember, less is more. More =potential huge problems. You'll have a bigger harvest and healthier plants underfeeding than you will over feeding.

My first grow following the Fox Farm feed-charts. Not good ! My second grow was much better and I ran half strength all the way through.


that plant is gorgeous. Thanks for the advise, I'll keep at it, I only used fox farms in my earlier grows so its all I really know, but those never went the full length and I started from clones so it was a wildly different situation than where I am now.
that plant is gorgeous. Thanks for the advise, I'll keep at it, I only used fox farms in my earlier grows so its all I really know, but those never went the full length and I started from clones so it was a wildly different situation than where I am now.

That was my first grow and it was a complete and utter failure. Following the Fox Farm schedule caused salt build up and my plants were completely roasted. In fact, every single leaf died and fell off, nothing lived. The flowers (if you can call them that) were almost useless. I think I got 1/4 ounce.

Here is a more current grow after learning to take it easy with the nutrients. (same strain)-- Half strength Nutrients. I'm still learning though---Much better taking it easy with nutrients. Here is a case were less is more....

I was wondering why you are using bloom nutrients already?
Does your bloom nutrients have nitrogen in it also?
That could be where you are getting extra nitrogen.

Hope this helps.


edit: aside from that your ladies look great.
Yeah the earliest I had to break out the bloom was just after 3rd week on my 4 assed monkey auto from Mephisto when they started flowering. They ended up going 70 days then chop.
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