Meffa's Fall 2021 Organic Grow

How high are your lights and what percentage?
The lights in the flower tent are about 19-21" above the canopy. I don't want them reaching for the light so I'm letting them grow into it. I have a few inches I can raise them and will likely do that after they're done stretching, which should be just about over. For the seedlings I'm at 26". My lights don't dim, they're BD Phytomax-2's. I have two 600W in the flower tent and two 200w in veg, though I only have one of the 200w's on at the moment. When they get bigger I'll turn on the other light for coverage.
Wednesday 24-Nov || 17 Days in Flower || 0 Days Since Watered || 3 Days Since Top-Dressed

Something told me today that the crew needed to be watered today so I did. They looked ok, maybe not as energetic as they could be but ok. It's only been 3 days but they drank 9gl combined! I had gone 5 days the last two times and now that they're in flower mode they're drinking more, so 3 days or so will be the new watering period.
Wednesday 24-Nov || 17 Days in Flower || 0 Days Since Watered || 3 Days Since Top-Dressed

Something told me today that the crew needed to be watered today so I did. They looked ok, maybe not as energetic as they could be but ok. It's only been 3 days but they drank 9gl combined! I had gone 5 days the last two times and now that they're in flower mode they're drinking more, so 3 days or so will be the new watering period.
What are you using to judge when to water.
Droop? Lift pot?
Stay safe.
What are you using to judge when to water.
Droop? Lift pot?
Stay safe.
Hi Bill. I lift and visually get a feel. The pots weren't as light as after 5 days but they didn't hurt for me to pickup either. :pI'm using humidity readings in the tent as well, so all of the above I guess. I was just really surprised they drank quite so much.
And Happy Thanksgiving to Bill284!
Thank you my friend.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. :love:

Stay safe
Friday 26-Nov || 19 Days in Flower || 1 Days Since Watered || 5 Days Since Top-Dressed

I gave everyone a 1/2gl drench yesterday of SNS203, Coconut Water, Bee Pollen, and Fulvic Acid. This was one day after fully watering all plants on Wednesday as I wanted the SNS203 to primarily stay within the top few inches where the fungus gnats hang out. Indica Cream wept a little after the 1/2gl drench though not much, so this drench a day after their full watering tells me they're drinking approx 1/2gl per day.

I also switched locations between L.A. Confidential and Purple Punch to level out the canopy heights between each group of three.

Indica Cream lower front, Super OG on the left, and L.A. Confidential up top back. L.A. Confidential should be much happier with this group being a little closer to the lights.

Super OG GodFather OG at the bottom, Purple Punch on the left, and Pink Kush imposter up top in the back.
Sunday 28-Nov || 21 Days Since Light Flip || 3 Days Since Watered || 7 Days Since Top-Dressed

I did a bit of defoliation today and I do believe the stretch has officially stopped. At this point I decided to move the lights up to the recommended height for the area the plants occupy, which is 3x3 for both groups. If there's any vertical growth they'll just have to deal! I actually have a few inches higher I can go for the shorter trio.

I wanted to water today because of my upcoming schedule but after three days they're not ready. We'll just have to figure something out, but these girls are strong and can withstand anything I might throw at them with this weeks watering schedule.

I'm trying not to grow side branches with these mainlined plants, yet at the same time I'm trying to not over do it by removing branches that will grow to be part of the main colas. In past grows I tried to not let side branches grow but I didn't stick to my guns as much as I am with these. I'm hoping I'm doing this correctly and in the weeks to come it'll pay off with thick colas. :yummy:




Sunday 28-Nov || 21 Days Since Light Flip || 3 Days Since Watered || 7 Days Since Top-Dressed

I did a bit of defoliation today and I do believe the stretch has officially stopped. At this point I decided to move the lights up to the recommended height for the area the plants occupy, which is 3x3 for both groups. If there's any vertical growth they'll just have to deal! I actually have a few inches higher I can go for the shorter trio.

I'm trying not to grow side branches with these mainlined plants, yet at the same time I'm trying to not over do it by removing branches that will grow to be part of the main colas. In past grows I tried to not let side branches grow but I didn't stick to my guns as much as I am with these. I'm hoping I'm doing this correctly and in the weeks to come it'll pay thick colas. :yummy:





Stay safe
Monday 29-Nov || 22 Days Since Light Flip || 0 Days Since Watered || 8 Days Since Top-Dressed

Everyone got a drink today that included Cal/Mag, Humic Acid, Silica, and SNS203 for the last quart or so on each. They each drank approx 1.5 to 1.75gl All in all it's steady as she goes, just watching the colas take shape and doing my best to not screw anything up!
Monday 06-Dec || 29 Days Since Light Flip || 04 Days Since Watered || 15 Days Since Top-Dressed

I've been out of town for a few days but the tribe soldiered along without me and are doing just fine. I'm battling a little WPM and have been using Lost Coast Plant Therapy, which uses Soy oil, Peppermint oil, and Citric acid to combat it. So far so good.

I watered on Thursday before I left, and plan to water later today if I can get to it or tomorrow at the latest.


Monday 06-Dec || 29 Days Since Light Flip || 04 Days Since Watered || 15 Days Since Top-Dressed

I've been out of town for a few days but the tribe soldiered along without me and are doing just fine. I'm battling a little WPM and have been using Lost Coast Plant Therapy, which uses Soy oil, Peppermint oil, and Citric acid to combat it. So far so good.

I watered on Thursday before I left, and plan to water later today if I can get to it or tomorrow at the latest.


I guess they didn't miss you. :laugh:
Still beautiful.

Stay safe
good news is there are loads of non toxic diy ways to help control pm.

edit : i've had it in mild doses. my conditions are a bit drier but it seems to occur at a lower rh than most would assume.
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