Not So Rookie Anymore


Trained everything under the net.



When should i lollipop and take anything not at the net yet?
I have the greenlight for the cloning bucket.
Just have to put it together.


Im assuming the sooner the better right?

So then do i still defoil at day 21

And when do i stop training it under the net?

So many questions lol

I waited till the stretch was over and then defoliated. I was worried I went overboard at first but now I have buds everywhere getting good light. They are really starting to bulk up and the aroma gets stronger by the day. I got the information from another site. I'm not saying its right but I'm loving the results. You definitely look like your in the right track with the scrog.
I waited till the stretch was over and then defoliated. I was worried I went overboard at first but now I have buds everywhere getting good light. They are really starting to bulk up and the aroma gets stronger by the day. I got the information from another site. I'm not saying its right but I'm loving the results. You definitely look like your in the right track with the scrog.
Thanks killian! Yea thats more than likely what ill do
thats what i normally do wait til day 21 usually when the stretch is over.

Its getting pretty crowded in there lol
The first week isnt even over yet!

Luckily i have plenty of space between the net and light so ill probably stop training it under next week and let it all grow upward

Literally as i went to type barring any catastrophic events they flickered and went out for the whole neighborhood!

This has just fueled my search for total self sustainability and off grid growing whilst indoors!
If anyone can point me in the right direction for reading material you know its always appreciated!

Tried outdoors? :)) (joke)

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Tried outdoors? :)) (joke)

Sent from my SM-G935F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Lmao i wish!
So much so ive dreamt of digging a huge hole in my backyard to grow the plant in!
Thats obviously never gunna happen.

IT looks good :)
You can start cutting some of the lower leaves off slowly, without a problem..then after stretch, stops do the rest.
Thanks angry bird!
Ill get my cloning bucket set up today then.
I think i might try and put it in my closet to keep the temperature a little more regulated and on the warm side when lights off in my tent.

Ill cut the lower branches that wont make it to the screen and clone them.

Thanks again your advice is always appreciated!

Lmao i wish!
So much so ive dreamt of digging a huge hole in my backyard to grow the plant in!
Thats obviously never gunna happen.

I got mine in the living room yesterday because I was doing some work and was thinking of putting some seeds when I got more hours of sun. Now I got 6hrs at 85k lux (in spain), maybe around april it will be fine to put some seeds (mine are autos).

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I got mine in the living room yesterday because I was doing some work and was thinking of putting some seeds when I got more hours of sun. Now I got 6hrs at 85k lux (in spain), maybe around april it will be fine to put some seeds (mine are autos).

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. . .

I wish i could just put my plants in the window!! Thats awesome!
And they look very good i was thinking of trying some autos.
What breeders do you use?

. . .

I wish i could just put my plants in the window!! Thats awesome!
And they look very good i was thinking of trying some autos.
What breeders do you use?

Yes, that's why I moved the tent. If I have the door to the tent open the plants will get both LED and natural sunlight for some hours a day, let's see how they like it. . The seeds I got from the same company where I bought all the gear and when i asked them about the strain they said that it's something they produce themselves and they give then for free with every buy (these are Critical Bilbo). Got 25 of them in total and since I am newbie to this it has been great to learn with autos as they are very easy to work with. Next batch I am thinking about putting some seeds from Dutch Passion, I like the Night Queen; Auto Night Queen® | Dutch Passion

This is my setup :)

80x80x160 mylar tent with 130w Led.

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Quick update
today is day 8 of 12/12
I fed them week 2 of advanced nutrients bloom chart.
Full strength
Grow micro bloom voodoo juice big bud and the bud candy
Phd a little low this time to about 6.1

The screen is pretty full at this point there is a few empty spots tho you cant tell.
Im not really having to tuck too much anymore.
Everything is pretty even and starting to harden into place.

So far the scrog has exceeded expectations as far as space management goes and from the looks of things will be on par with my loose expectations of yeild as well.

Also because space so far isnt and issue it has made temp management almost unnecessary altogether along with the fact that its winter time lol

So far so good

Just before lights on


And after the light warmed up

Something else to mention the stretch hasnt been as bad as my previous grows and i believe it has not only to do with the net but the fact that im still using my metal halide which ill switch out for my HPS starting week 3.

Just came across this journal. Good read. Looks like a decent harvest coming up.
Thank you very much!

Im very proud of this journal so far.

Hearing that validates that feeling!

Your scrog is looking great. Looking forward to seeing all the buds developing.
Thanks killian funny you should say that ive got some pics for you guys!

Ill tie it all into my update if not tonight tomorrow morning.

Teaser lol


So i may need to update my title...

Because i made of hell of a rookie mistake!


The 4 i had in the pc case were still alive slowly degrading and becoming a pain to keep moist.

So i decided id set up my cloning bucket and scrap the little ones i had going as they were males anyway.
I simply cut the power and left it until today...
Of course the last one i checked the one i wanted to root most had a decent sized root still pretty healthy sticking out of the rooter...

The clone itself will be a miracle if it survives!

I was so upset because if i had just a little more patience id have my rooted male clone for next round :(

Anyway lesson learned on to the more important stuff.

Everything is looking very good and were starting to get buds forming on the 2 northern lights.



Not yet for the one in the back...
(which tells me that this did come from the ridiculous sativa that outgrew my tent and took weeks to actually start budding before i had to scrap it.)

The canopy is pretty even except for the runt and a few holes where the branch isnt long enough to tuck just yet.

I think ill stop tucking at the start of week 3.

Yesterday they got week 2 feeding and are already looking a little dry
i didnt go too heavy on water but now its clear their drinking much faster.

I set up my cloning bucket lollipopped the plants and used those branches for clones
hopefully their not to far in flower...

I only had 4 rapid rooters left so the best looking clones were cut diped in rootech
And put in the rooter

I made sure to cut at the 45 degree angle and went a little more to expose the white inner stem also scraped some of the tissue along the lower stem.

I wasnt stingy with the rootech but i was cautious to not go overboard.

The rest of the cuttings i did the same thing but just put them in the bucket hopefully they pop too!








I put my bucket in my closet so my ole lady doesnt even have to see it lol


I set the lights on the cloner to 18/6

I also put a tiny bit of great white in the bucket

I have disk airstone and a submersible pump at the bottom of the bucket
The water level is about 2 inches from the bottom of the net pot
So the bubbles pop up into the plants keeping things nice and moist
But also humid with the tupperware on top

The look i got grabbing that out the cabinet lol



Im going to give a good watering of just phd water tomorrow.
Ill update with more pics after

Thanks for stopping by! .

Hey man,

This has been a great read! Your grow is looking awesome, best wishes! Once I figure out how to sub, I'm subbing ;)
Hey man,

This has been a great read! Your grow is looking awesome, best wishes! Once I figure out how to sub, I'm subbing ;)

welcome to the :420: and once you post, you have subbed to thread:welcome:
Hey man,

This has been a great read! Your grow is looking awesome, best wishes! Once I figure out how to sub, I'm subbing ;)
Thank you very much.

I just went back and re-read everything and there is a lot of good info on here for sure.

I credit that to all the great feedback from everyone!

Im very excited about this journal.
I really wish i would've finished one sooner.
This is going to be a huge resource for me in future grows.

And i hope that it serves the same purpose for everyone who's been following along so far, and anyone who happens to stumble upon it after its finished.

Glad everyone has enjoyed it so far.
It really makes me happy to see other people enjoying my work.
So again thank you

We still have some time to go tho...
so stay tuned!

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