Noobs First Grow - First In Ten Years

Evenin Noob.....all this talk of PH'ing , flushing , chem nutes,'s starting to give me a sore throat.:hmmmm:

Sent from my the future! :slide:

You won't have to read about them when my soil is cooked brotha. Until then, unfortunately, it's a reality that I must face.
Cheers Duggs!! :volcano-smiley:
Today I had a doctors appointment. I was going in to tell him that the medicine he prescribed didn't work as planned and I had to stop taking it. Well he's asking me questions and we get to the topic of sleep apnea. I explained that I can't breath out of my nose because it's been broken a few times and that's why I can't use a cpap machine. I end up taking it off in my sleep. So he asked to take a look in my nose. He asked me when was the last time I breathed out of my nose for 5 minutes without opening my mouth. I told him high school. Now he wants to send me to a ent specialist to see about clearing all that crap out. He thinks it will help me sleep too.

As we were leaving, he asked to listen to my heart because I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation about 7 years ago. It's rare for people my age to have it. He says there's a node firing in my heart and it's off. I was about to walk out when he asked me to listen just to see. Most doctors listen for 5 , 10 seconds. He listens to my heart for what feels like 5 minutes. He's looks up at me and asks me "don't you feel that?" I told him I didn't but that when my AF acts up I can feel the flutter and stop it by coughing. Now I have to go see a cardiologist who might want to operate on me to freeze that node so I don't stroke out. Lovely

All I was going in for was to tell him to take me off Flowmax. Now I have doctors appointments galore.

I'm smoking 3 bowls for this

:roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip:
Evenin Noob, thanks for sharing that , i for one am glad you have the appnts. Better being safe than ....well....dead.
Sounds like , ya maybe should of asked your Doc there , if he puffs...:thedoubletake:havin a good ol time , listening to your ticker.:thumb: All kidding aside ....he sounds like a keeper, what's his attitude towards our produce Noob. Cheers. :circle-of-love:

Thanks Duggs. Yeah, he's a good guy. He understands that I smoke to alieviate pain and anxiety. He knows I don't like pills. Now he has me on ambien and baby aspirin. Lol
Well now, that sounds like a treasure hunt my friend!:bravo: This is good Noob, that's easy and i'm sure a few will speak up give you some great strains to try. I can only speak for the one's i've had. Too much, of any of the stronger strains would knock me out for a good night's sleep. When my GF and I ate two muffins that i made on the couch and couldn't move, we started to laugh....I guess what i'm tryin to say is , there are so many strains ,...and ways to get their goodness... Anyhow ,have an awesome night Noob ...and gang!:circle-of-love:
Well now, that sounds like a treasure hunt my friend!:bravo: This is good Noob, that's easy and i'm sure a few will speak up give you some great strains to try. I can only speak for the one's i've had. Too much, of any of the stronger strains would knock me out for a good night's sleep. When my GF and I ate two muffins that i made on the couch and couldn't move, we started to laugh....I guess what i'm tryin to say is , there are so many strains ,...and ways to get their goodness... Anyhow ,have an awesome night Noob ...and gang!:circle-of-love:

Thanks buddy. I can't wait to experiment with edibles. We made them in college but we left the buds in the batter. Yuck. I have had them in Amsterdam too but they knocked me out. They were called space cakes. I thought they would lift me up and help me with the jet lag. That was an expensive nap. :rofl:

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Cheers. :roorrip:
Thanks buddy. I can't wait to experiment with edibles. We made them in college but we left the buds in the batter. Yuck. I have had them in Amsterdam too but they knocked me out. They were called space cakes. I thought they would lift me up and help me with the jet lag. That was an expensive nap. :rofl:

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Cheers. :roorrip:
Sue makes brownies weekly. Maybe she can give you her recipe to use, or maybe she knows a way to use Cco to knock you on your booty. Anyway, sorry to hear about all the dr appts. I know how that feels. Just think, they will have you up and running in no time. Have a good night Noob. See ya in the garden.
I hear ya on the whole heart issue. Everytime I go they tell me, "you know you have a heart murmur and an irregular heart beat?" Why yes I knew that, it is in my chart. I've been in and out of the hospital because of my heart and it sucks. But hey, you say you have chest pains in the ER and you go to the front of the line lol. Plus being almost 30 they freak out a bit. I've had my BP 85/35 before on a few occasions. But they still don't know what is wrong. But helps with the pain. Just talking about it makes it hurt...gotta medicate. Hang in there noob!
Thanks buddy. I can't wait to experiment with edibles. We made them in college but we left the buds in the batter. Yuck. I have had them in Amsterdam too but they knocked me out. They were called space cakes. I thought they would lift me up and help me with the jet lag. That was an expensive nap. :rofl:

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Cheers. :roorrip:

I don't understand this derisive attitude about keeping plant material in the brownie mix. I've always done it like that, and if you get it broken up small enough and make your brownies tasty enough you don't notice it. Maybe I'm just used to it. Maybe it's because I equate the taste of a brownie with an impending mind-blowing buzz. :laughtwo:

Noob, with my bio-bomb brownie recipe and a good indica instead of my trademark sativa-stuffed mix you'll sleep like a baby and feel no pain. :kisstwo: :love:
Word of advice on the ambien, take it when you lay down AND DON"T GET OUT OF BED UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN ASLEEP. If you take it and don't fall asleep fairly quickly, things can get really weird on you. Definitely don't take it and get on the internet. You might end up ordering all kinds of stupid crap from Amazon, with no memory of it until crap starts showing up on your doorstep. :trance:
Word of advice on the ambien, take it when you lay down AND DON"T GET OUT OF BED UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN ASLEEP. If you take it and don't fall asleep fairly quickly, things can get really weird on you. Definitely don't take it and get on the internet. You might end up ordering all kinds of stupid crap from Amazon, with no memory of it until crap starts showing up on your doorstep. :trance:

Is this a lesson your are teaching us from experience? :rofl: I guess it depends on how much credit is can only imagine what may show up.

Looking great 4x4grow, keep up the good work... Sorry to hear about your current struggles, positive thoughts brother :Namaste:

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Sue makes brownies weekly. Maybe she can give you her recipe to use, or maybe she knows a way to use Cco to knock you on your booty. Anyway, sorry to hear about all the dr appts. I know how that feels. Just think, they will have you up and running in no time. Have a good night Noob. See ya in the garden.

Thanks Canna. Sue will take care of my edible experiments, I'm sure. I have hated the Dr Office since I was a teenager. My doctor knew this when he brought it up too. He asked me to go instead of telling me to go. He knows how to handle the bear. :laughtwo:

Cheers Canna :roorrip:

I hear ya on the whole heart issue. Everytime I go they tell me, "you know you have a heart murmur and an irregular heart beat?" Why yes I knew that, it is in my chart. I've been in and out of the hospital because of my heart and it sucks. But hey, you say you have chest pains in the ER and you go to the front of the line lol. Plus being almost 30 they freak out a bit. I've had my BP 85/35 before on a few occasions. But they still don't know what is wrong. But helps with the pain. Just talking about it makes it hurt...gotta medicate. Hang in there noob!

I have, thankfully, only had to experience the ER for my heart one time. That one was a doozy. I literally thought I was going to die 3 times. When I got there, they immediately stopped talking to the guy with the broken arm and wheeled my fat ass back to one of the rooms. They started taking my shirt off and hooking me up to hundreds of wires. The only thing I though about was... Damn, two of these nurses are hot and here I am with my shirt off and my moobs hanging all out. Sexy.

I was flirting with these women the whole time while they were telling me I was going to be ok. I should have known at that moment I wasn't done on this earth yet. :rofl:

Cheers Nismo :roorrip:

I don't understand this derisive attitude about keeping plant material in the brownie mix. I've always done it like that, and if you get it broken up small enough and make your brownies tasty enough you don't notice it. Maybe I'm just used to it. Maybe it's because I equate the taste of a brownie with an impending mind-blowing buzz. :laughtwo:

Noob, with my bio-bomb brownie recipe and a good indica instead of my trademark sativa-stuffed mix you'll sleep like a baby and feel no pain. :kisstwo: :love:

I think the negative vibe you are sensing comes from the stupid college kids mixing the weed up to make blueberry muffins. They were horrible tasting. It was shit schwag so it REALLY tasted bad.

Can't wait to try your recipes :hug::hug::hug::circle-of-love:

Word of advice on the ambien, take it when you lay down AND DON"T GET OUT OF BED UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN ASLEEP. If you take it and don't fall asleep fairly quickly, things can get really weird on you. Definitely don't take it and get on the internet. You might end up ordering all kinds of stupid crap from Amazon, with no memory of it until crap starts showing up on your doorstep. :trance:

Yeah, my doctor warned me. I am more worried about the sleep eating than the shopping. Did you get anything good when you opened the package? Or was it some random thing you have never thought about buying?

Cheers Jayne :roorrip:

Is this a lesson your are teaching us from experience? :rofl: I guess it depends on how much credit is can only imagine what may show up.

Looking great 4x4grow, keep up the good work... Sorry to hear about your current struggles, positive thoughts brother :Namaste:

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Thanks Snid. Life is about up and downs. Handling the ups is easy. It's how we handle the downs that defines us. I am a warrior. I never quit brotha!

Cheers Stinky Snid
Yeah, my doctor warned me. I am more worried about the sleep eating than the shopping. Did you get anything good when you opened the package? Or was it some random thing you have never thought about buying?

Cheers Jayne :roorrip:
No. Crap like book marks, pens, a power strip? just a bunch of crap. Coulda been worse for sure. Oh, and about 6 albums off of iTunes. That was cool I guess.

Made myself some oil. My back has been bothering me since I broke my office chair and had to replace it with a stiff dining chair. I made the oil using the hair straightener, clamp, and parchment method. I made this batch in literally 8 seconds. Then I decided to see if I could get some more out of the puck. I got the same amount of oil but much darker and not as pleasant smelling. I have just been adding a little of the darker oil to my bowls until I get a rig. I can definitely say I'm baked as fuck right now. I haven't even tried the oil you see above yet.

Cheers guys :roorrip:

Made myself some oil. My back has been bothering me since I broke my office chair and had to replace it with a stiff dining chair. I made the oil using the hair straightener, clamp, and parchment method. I made this batch in literally 8 seconds. Then I decided to see if I could get some more out of the puck. I got the same amount of oil but much darker and not as pleasant smelling. I have just been adding a little of the darker oil to my bowls until I get a rig. I can definitely say I'm baked as fuck right now. I haven't even tried the oil you see above yet.

Cheers guys :roorrip:
We are seriously trying to get this to work right now. What temp are you using? How much herb are you using? Help please!!!
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