Noobs First Grow - First In Ten Years

I think I got the info on the topical pain reliever over in Sweet Sue's journal. Probably the Cco journal. It was a while back.

We took the fan leaves (green or dry), broke them up and stuffed them in a Mason jar with 91% isopropyl alcohol. Shake it vigorously every few days. The alcohol extracts the oils, and the green color, (unfortunately). But when you use it as a topical pain rub, the alcohol dissolves and you are left with the oils and green color which absorbs to help with pain. That's what I understand of it.
The reason I'm even making that I'd because my dad had a 12h back surgery a year ago and is left with some pain still. I figured it couldn't hurt, ya know?

Thanks Canna. You rock!

That's one of the most basic pain relief concoctions you can prepare, and I hear it works well. Are you finding this to be the case?

Yes. I am curious as well. I would love to be able to rub some on my knees and back when they are inflamed, which is probably all the time. I just don't notice because I smoke most of the day. :)
Here is the jar of leaves that have been soaking since 4-26-2016.


I'm using a makeup applicator with this remedy so I don't get green coloring on my fingers and finger nails. Goes on cool, I can feel it evaporate off.


The nagging pain seems less nagging now. Maybe if I used it on a regular basis, it would alleviate the pain completely. I'll make an attempt to use it on more of a daily basis.
Thanks Canna! I want to make some for my lady. She's worried about failing a drug test though. I told her I didn't think this would have thc in it, but that I would ask you guys.

I'm pretty certain I've read more than once in my studies that a topical won't affect drug testing. It doesn't absorb into the circulatory system.

This really frustrates me though. Here we have pain, and relief from that pain that has no adverse side effects and the production and quality of which is controlled by you, so you know what you're using, and because we allow ourselves to live in an atmosphere of fear she might pass on it.

This insanity has to stop. If this president doesn't have the balls to reschedule cannabis before he leaves office I'm going to just scream. :straightface:
I'm pretty certain I've read more than once in my studies that a topical won't affect drug testing. It doesn't absorb into the circulatory system.

This really frustrates me though. Here we have pain, and relief from that pain that has no adverse side effects and the production and quality of which is controlled by you, so you know what you're using, and because we allow ourselves to live in an atmosphere of fear she might pass on it.

This insanity has to stop. If this president doesn't have the balls to reschedule cannabis before he leaves office I'm going to just scream. :straightface:

I hear you Sue. :hug: I just want to make sure because she has a really good job. I would beat myself up if something I made caused her to lose that job. Once she gets her next promotion, we won't have to worry about anything. They don't test the managers. Weird right? Thanks for caring sweetie.
What other things could I do with my fan leaves that I am just throwing in my compost? I know you know. ;)
That's what I use. She's too scared to use it. I've tried and tried to tell her how easy it is but she doesn't think she could pull it off. "I'm too honest. They would know I was lying". I just smile and hug her. She's so awesome.
Last time I used it, it was 106 when I pulled it out of my top. To the toilet water it went until I got it to just under 100°. Easy peasy. The only bad part was putting the toilet water soaked container back in my top. Lol. The things we do to stay medicated.
Last time I used it, it was 106 when I pulled it out of my top. To the toilet water it went until I got it to just under 100°. Easy peasy. The only bad part was putting the toilet water soaked container back in my top. Lol. The things we do to stay medicated.

I had mine in my pocket of my cargo shorts with the hand warmer rubber banded. Went in. Temp was 100. In the bottle. Whizzed in the toilet. Came out with a smile and washed my hands. They make you wash your hands in the hall like that's going to do anything.

I didn't get a chance to look in my garden this morning before lights out. When I opened the closet door this evening it looked like they had grown 2".
The seedlings are stretching so I decided to raise them closer to the light.

I decided to do some serious pruning on these girls tonight. I took a lot of fan leaves off . On the runt, I took all of the bigger fan leaves off.

On to the pictures...


It doesn't really look like I took that much now that I see the pictures but there is no growth in the bottom 4" of any of these plants.

Thanks for checking it out :roorrip:

Hey man everything is looking awesome except that girl in the middle. She looks like she is micro-nutrient deficient. Iron perhaps even Manganese. The most unlikely would be Zinc, but is a possibility. Have you any kelp meal on hand? If not Down to Earth have nurseries they distribute to. Has mild levels of micronutrients and has a plethora of macronutrients that would more than cover your needs for Iron or Manganese. A wee bit of that would go along way by the looks of things! I originally thought Nitrogen but that was my brain being dyslexic. Typically if you were Nitrogen deficient you would fade from the tip of the leaf inward as where Iron typically fades from the stem towards the tip of the leaf. So if I were to have to bet on it I'd go with Iron def. Hope this was of help to you mate!
...The alcohol extracts the oils, and the green color,... (unfortunately)

There are ways to "scrub" your solvent if you wish to not have the "green colour". Essentially removing the chlorophyll from the end extract. Some solvents react in a very interesting way against one another. If you did your process and got to your end product which would be dark green due to the amount of chlorophyll. Then took that extract and mixed into equal parts hexane which is a food grade solvent with purpose of dissolving it. Once mixed then mix into equal parts water. Put in a jar and shake vigorously. The cannabinoids will stay bonded to the Hexane and the Chlorophyll will bond to the water. Use a separatory funnel (Costs about 40 bucks) to drain off the water with the chlorophyll. Wash, rinse and repeat maybe a couple more times and you'll have removed the majority of the Chlorophyll. Evaporate of the hexane and you're good to go. I'll end up doing a demonstration on my journal and show just how easy it is. Just takes time. Hope this was of value to you :) I have links to videos but don't know if it would be considered off topic and end up being removed. I can always pm it if you're really interested.
There are ways to "scrub" your solvent if you wish to not have the "green colour". Essentially removing the chlorophyll from the end extract. Some solvents react in a very interesting way against one another. If you did your process and got to your end product which would be dark green due to the amount of chlorophyll. Then took that extract and mixed into equal parts hexane which is a food grade solvent with purpose of dissolving it. Once mixed then mix into equal parts water. Put in a jar and shake vigorously. The cannabinoids will stay bonded to the Hexane and the Chlorophyll will bond to the water. Use a separatory funnel (Costs about 40 bucks) to drain off the water with the chlorophyll. Wash, rinse and repeat maybe a couple more times and you'll have removed the majority of the Chlorophyll. Evaporate of the hexane and you're good to go. I'll end up doing a demonstration on my journal and show just how easy it is. Just takes time. Hope this was of value to you :) I have links to videos but don't know if it would be considered off topic and end up being removed. I can always pm it if you're really interested.
I'd love a pm link so I can check it out, if you don't mind. :Thanks:
There are ways to "scrub" your solvent if you wish to not have the "green colour". Essentially removing the chlorophyll from the end extract. Some solvents react in a very interesting way against one another. If you did your process and got to your end product which would be dark green due to the amount of chlorophyll. Then took that extract and mixed into equal parts hexane which is a food grade solvent with purpose of dissolving it. Once mixed then mix into equal parts water. Put in a jar and shake vigorously. The cannabinoids will stay bonded to the Hexane and the Chlorophyll will bond to the water. Use a separatory funnel (Costs about 40 bucks) to drain off the water with the chlorophyll. Wash, rinse and repeat maybe a couple more times and you'll have removed the majority of the Chlorophyll. Evaporate of the hexane and you're good to go. I'll end up doing a demonstration on my journal and show just how easy it is. Just takes time. Hope this was of value to you :) I have links to videos but don't know if it would be considered off topic and end up being removed. I can always pm it if you're really interested.

Thanks Growlow. It's a pleasure having another person in this community with a vast amount of knowledge. I hope you make a video about this but if you don't, I would like some links please.
I'd love a pm link so I can check it out, if you don't mind. :Thanks:

Send me those links too Growlow. Thanks.

Thanks Growlow. It's a pleasure having another person in this community with a vast amount of knowledge. I hope you make a video about this but if you don't, I would like some links please.

To make it easier and to educate those following my journal so far, I threw up a quick tutorial! So jump on my journal and feel free to share and take whatever you can from it! :)

I fed my plants last night. They are getting huge and I"m afraid that I can't keep them in the veg closet too much longer. I think I will see sex on them really soon (I already have a few predictions). I think I am going to leave the two sick Northern Lights plants in veg to try to turn them around. I have put too much time and care into them to just throw them in flower and hope for the best. If anyone out there thinks that's a bad idea, please say something.

The flower tent is a 4x4 Apollo grow tent. Everything is ready to go and it has been tested for temps and ventilation problems. The only things I still need to hook up are the two fans that still in their box. I plan to have one on the floor and another up high to get a good flow of air in the tent. There is also an oscillating fan that I have hung from the ceiling so it doesn't take up precious floor space. I have decided to put my light schedule on from 10:00 PM to 10:00 AM. I have to do that so I don't mess with them too much when the lights are on. Kind of saving me from myself kind of thing.

Pictures to come after lights on.

Thanks for checking it out :roorrip:
Surprisingly, the T5 seems to be the light that is heating the joint up. It was around 74 high and 70 low. Now it's 78 high and 70 low. I'm not air cooling the T5 though, and it's at the top of the closet. Thanks for the heads up Nismo!

Ya,...couple things...that T5 has a built in ballast that is like a lil friggen heater Noob, and those lamps throw off a bit of heat as well. Your idea of running the lights at night is a very wise decision , for a lot of reasons. I run mine from 5-5 during the night , when it's coolest and hydro is the cheapest (off prime time rates) i get to spend a lot of time with them , if needed, and i get to witness them coming "on" since i'm home before 5 most days. You have plenty of fans and a very good plan for proper ventilation ...this is good. If ya can , with those fans ,...start off with them on "low" , so ya have a nice cushion there, if ya need to crank them i do when they start to get crazy! Cheers bud.:passitleft: some Maple Leaf Indica ....:)
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