Noobs First Grow - First In Ten Years

Keep an eye on C99 2 and 3. I think you're right about C 2 being a male. Female calaxes will be nestled down in the crook of the fan right below it. That one is wonky, typical of male orientation. The other (C99 1) clearly sits like a female.

Congratulations, most favorite Noob. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: Let me jump for joy while I'm at it. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

:passitleft: pass to the left. It's a big crowd. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sorry to take so long to get back here Noob. This is a post from an archived journal by TheCapn on sexing. I may be wrong about the ones I suspect, but my experience was that the females were almost perfectly lined up whereas the males were askew.

>>>When does the plant show sex? I tried to gather info about pre flowers for last grow, but that bag seed plant was showing me 2 split hairs before it grew out into a leaf/branch.

6-8 weeks from seed. I've never had one take longer than that to show pistils.

>>>Can you show me how to screen genders with pre flowers or whatever other method there is to determine gender early?

Here are girls:

Here's a boy (actually this is a girl with a pollen sac):

See the difference?

My males weren't always that obvious, but they were out of line with the fan they sat above.
Looking great noob! Very exciting times coming up on your journal. Very exciting. Especially when you have some feminized seeds just glaring at you begging for you to start them. I've heard great things about c99 and would love to get my hands on some in the future. Have a good night brother. I'll check back tomorrow.

Oh and Sue, thanks for that tidbit of info. Stuff like that is good to know for the future when we try out some breeding. Thanks. :thumb: :thanks:

For the both of you :passitleft: pass that around, I'm already toasted this evening. Everyone else, just rolled this fat one for ya :blunt:
Looking great noob! Very exciting times coming up on your journal. Very exciting. Especially when you have some feminized seeds just glaring at you begging for you to start them. I've heard great things about c99 and would love to get my hands on some in the future. Have a good night brother. I'll check back tomorrow.

Oh and Sue, thanks for that tidbit of info. Stuff like that is good to know for the future when we try out some breeding. Thanks. :thumb: :thanks:

For the both of you :passitleft: pass that around, I'm already toasted this evening. Everyone else, just rolled this fat one for ya :blunt:

Thanks nismo. Mighty generous of you. :passitleft: Funny you should mention that, I haven't rolled a joint since the memorial one I did for Chewey's friend. I was just thinking I need to roll a Dark Devil Auto one in Dale's memory. When hospice brought him home for a couple days before taking him to the center we stayed blasted on my first DDA harvest, smoking joint after joint. I haven't had the heart to try one before tonight.

I can't believe it's coming up on a year. Ouch!

Ok girl, deep breath and roll the joint. I'll catch up later guys. :hug:
Well, that was a spectacular joint. :laughtwo: How glad am I to have one coming up behind? I believe I'll plan the next one for a transplant and tighten up the timelines. Oh! I could use the tier method with azalea pots! Ooooo....... Let me think on this for a minute.
So stoked for you finding some ladies mate! I just checked my Seedling last night and found I have at least 2 females :) so stoked!

That's awesome Growlow! I hope mine are ladies too.

since its the weekend and all, Let me take her out & pass her around for everybody.. :party: :ganjamon: :bong:

Thanks for the green hit cmay. Here's some PineappleSkunk :roorrip:

Keep an eye on C99 2 and 3. I think you're right about C 2 being a male. Female calaxes will be nestled down in the crook of the fan right below it. That one is wonky, typical of male orientation. The other (C99 1) clearly sits like a female.

Congratulations, most favorite Noob. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: Let me jump for joy while I'm at it. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

:passitleft: pass to the left. It's a big crowd. :cheesygrinsmiley:

:passitleft: Thanks Sue. I needed that. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Sorry to take so long to get back here Noob. This is a post from an archived journal by TheCapn on sexing. I may be wrong about the ones I suspect, but my experience was that the females were almost perfectly lined up whereas the males were askew.

My males weren't always that obvious, but they were out of line with the fan they sat above.

Now I get it. When I was upstairs looking at these pics on my phone I couldn't tell on mine. Thanks for the info Sue
Looking great noob! Very exciting times coming up on your journal. Very exciting. Especially when you have some feminized seeds just glaring at you begging for you to start them. I've heard great things about c99 and would love to get my hands on some in the future. Have a good night brother. I'll check back tomorrow.

Oh and Sue, thanks for that tidbit of info. Stuff like that is good to know for the future when we try out some breeding. Thanks. :thumb: :thanks:

For the both of you :passitleft: pass that around, I'm already toasted this evening. Everyone else, just rolled this fat one for ya :blunt:

I have my OG Kush and Carnival that are feminized. They will go in Doc's kit once my soil cooks. Some time around the middle of June after my vacation. Wish I could send you a clone. Maybe in the future. ;) Have a good weekend buddy!!

I didn't get a chance to look in my garden this morning before lights out. When I opened the closet door this evening it looked like they had grown 2".
The seedlings are stretching so I decided to raise them closer to the light.

I decided to do some serious pruning on these girls tonight. I took a lot of fan leaves off . On the runt, I took all of the bigger fan leaves off.

On to the pictures...


It doesn't really look like I took that much now that I see the pictures but there is no growth in the bottom 4" of any of these plants.

Thanks for checking it out :roorrip:
Plants are looking good noob. IM about 20 days ahead of you in flowering right now. Getting closer by the day and i just started the flush and im on day 63 of flowering.
Yeah ill be honest, I totally forgot about your OG Kush and carnival twins. That's my bad. Regardless your jungle is looking great. It's making that you can defoliate a bit and it feels like a lot but when you are done it's like you didn't do anything lol. I got to the point on our grow that if it isn't the top top, it was getting taken lol.
Yea you need to bush wack those girls..ha ha.
As for ur stretchy new ones..just put some more dirt around them.will strengthen them stem right got plenty of room in those cups..that's what I do. Had to do it with my new girls...I actually don't fill my cups up all the way just for that situation if I get stretching I can fix it easy. .
peace brother..
looking great !!!!
Plants are looking good noob. IM about 20 days ahead of you in flowering right now. Getting closer by the day and i just started the flush and im on day 63 of flowering.

I'm thinking these bad boys are going in within the week.

Morning noob. Hope you have a great Sunday

Good morning Mr A! Have some pineapple skunk to brighten your day. :roorrip:

Yeah ill be honest, I totally forgot about your OG Kush and carnival twins. That's my bad. Regardless your jungle is looking great. It's making that you can defoliate a bit and it feels like a lot but when you are done it's like you didn't do anything lol. I got to the point on our grow that if it isn't the top top, it was getting taken lol.

That's where I am on this one. I am leaving a little growth just in case I need to take more clones. But I leave the fans at the top only. All fans from two nodes down get pulled. And yet, it still looks like a jungle. What do you guys do with your leaves after pruning?

Yea you need to bush wack those girls..ha ha.
As for ur stretchy new ones..just put some more dirt around them.will strengthen them stem right got plenty of room in those cups..that's what I do. Had to do it with my new girls...I actually don't fill my cups up all the way just for that situation if I get stretching I can fix it easy. .
peace brother..
looking great !!!!

Thanks old school. Yeah, I need to throw more soil in the cups. I hate it when they stretch like that. Lol it's my fault though. I knew I could put them closer to the light but I left them.
Well she found some recipe to make a topical skin pain reliever. We put them in a Mason jar with isopropyl alcohol and let it sit for a couple months. Since we have 2 jars of that, the rest of the leaves go into the worm composter. We are trying to use as much of the plant as possible. :thumb:
Well she found some recipe to make a topical skin pain reliever. We put them in a Mason jar with isopropyl alcohol and let it sit for a couple months. Since we have 2 jars of that, the rest of the leaves go into the worm composter. We are trying to use as much of the plant as possible. :thumb:

Can you tell me where I can find the info on the topical pain reliever? Thanks
Can you tell me where I can find the info on the topical pain reliever? Thanks
I think I got the info on the topical pain reliever over in Sweet Sue's journal. Probably the Cco journal. It was a while back.

We took the fan leaves (green or dry), broke them up and stuffed them in a Mason jar with 91% isopropyl alcohol. Shake it vigorously every few days. The alcohol extracts the oils, and the green color, (unfortunately). But when you use it as a topical pain rub, the alcohol dissolves and you are left with the oils and green color which absorbs to help with pain. That's what I understand of it.
The reason I'm even making that I'd because my dad had a 12h back surgery a year ago and is left with some pain still. I figured it couldn't hurt, ya know?
I think I got the info on the topical pain reliever over in Sweet Sue's journal. Probably the Cco journal. It was a while back.

We took the fan leaves (green or dry), broke them up and stuffed them in a Mason jar with 91% isopropyl alcohol. Shake it vigorously every few days. The alcohol extracts the oils, and the green color, (unfortunately). But when you use it as a topical pain rub, the alcohol dissolves and you are left with the oils and green color which absorbs to help with pain. That's what I understand of it.
The reason I'm even making that I'd because my dad had a 12h back surgery a year ago and is left with some pain still. I figured it couldn't hurt, ya know?
That's one of the most basic pain relief concoctions you can prepare, and I hear it works well. Are you finding this to be the case?
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