Niwashi's First Grow

@OTM, can you share a link with an example of a bubbler you're talking about? Sounds like you're referring to a little bubbler used for cloning or something along those lines.

If I go that route can I just stick the peat pellet in some Coco in the basket?

Should I use a smaller basket for the bubbler then move to a larger one for RDWC.

Would it be better if I just bit the bullet and built my RDWC today and planted directly in the RDWC?

The best would be to build the RDWC and move them to that, pick out the size of net pot you want to finish with, while it can be done, changing net pot size is not fun and you could break the plant doing so.
When your roots start to peek out the bottom of the rooter its the time to take it to the next level, I used rapid rooters and just put them in the hydroton with no ill effects.


This is my DIY bubble cloner and bubble tub, basically the same thing only one is bigger.
IMHO the bigger the better, that net pot is what will keep the plant stable, in my bucket system I used 8" pots, probably could have gotten by with 6" but the price was about the same. At harvest my 5 gal buckets were basically full of roots so it acted like a counter balance to keep them standing up.

Are you going the bucket route or are you thinking tubs?
I think I am going to stick with the 3" pots for now. Interested if I should run the drip 24/7 or on a schedule like x amount of time.every hour. I have an air pump with 2 airstones that I will be adding to this setup when it arrives.

Now I need help on what nutes to use. I already have a bottle of PH up and PH down.

Once the plants develop enough to determine sex, I will move the female plants to a 5gal bucket RDWC system with an 18gal tote serving as the reservoir.

What do you guys think of that?

Here are some pics of the setup so far. I will be enlarging the 6 1" holes to fit the 3" net pots.

The tent arrived! How long should I wait before moving the seedlings under the 1500w lamp. Any suggestions on transplanting the peat pellets into hydro? The 3" netpots arrived today and the clay media will be here friday so I can start fine tuning the drip DWC system.

Air pump and airstones also arrived.

I decided to go with General Hydroponics Trio for nutes. I picked up the GH calmagic as well. My tap water is 140 ppm, is this alright? If my tap water is OK, will I need to add the calmagic too? Any recommendations for feeding schedule? So far tap water is all the seedlings know.

The tent arrived! How long should I wait before moving the seedlings under the 1500w lamp. Any suggestions on transplanting the peat pellets into hydro? The 3" netpots arrived today and the clay media will be here friday so I can start fine tuning the drip DWC system.

Air pump and airstones also arrived.

I decided to go with General Hydroponics Trio for nutes. I picked up the GH calmagic as well. My tap water is 140 ppm, is this alright? If my tap water is OK, will I need to add the calmagic too? Any recommendations for feeding schedule? So far tap water is all the seedlings /QUOTE]

140 ppm is not bad for tap water, mine is over 300 so I purchased a RO system. You have to take in consideration the base water PPM's when you develop a feeding schedule, I use the complete Skunk Labs line for my grows but am considering switching down the line. In the seedling stage my PPM's were 170-200 and from there slowly shot up to 600-700 before flipping to flower. The highest mine got was 900-1000 around the 6-8 weeks of flower and then dropped back down to the 700-800 range.

Scrogdawg is a better person to advise on a nute schedule and has posted some on his journals and hopefully he will swing by and advise. Another couple things you should consider is a product call Flying Skull's Z7 which is a beneficial bacteria that works wonders in hydro and a silicate additive for building stem strength in the veg stage. You will want to keep the temperature in the reservoir 70 degrees or lower to keep the dreaded root rot at bay, the Z7 will help do this if they are slightly over.

I would get everything set up and run your system with the lights on and fans working for 18 hours straight and monitor your tent and reservoir temps to see what they do before transplanting, you may have to adjust things, that pump in the tank will heat up the water and the lights will do the same to the tent. Its a little hard to monitor the RH without plants transpiring in there but you will want the RH to be around 35-40%. I run a cheap gallon wick style humidifier when the plants are in veg stage and remove it a week after I switch to flower as the plants are big enough to maintain it

Another couple tips is to rinse the hell out of your hydroton, before using will be surprised on how much dirt/grit is in it, and also to have your lights off cycle happen during the warmest time of the day in summer, this helps keep things cool.
Tap water is fine for the first week or so. They will let you know when you should start giving them a very, very light feeding. Silica in the schedule into early flower is also very good. As for the big light I would turn it down as far as it will go and place it to the very top of the tent. Then keep an eye on your plants, they will start doing what they can to get less light if its to much. If they look good after 2 days or really start stretching for light lower it 6". Do that every 2 days till you see them say its to much then go back up 6". Most don't give any nutes till plant has complete set of true leaves.
Hey everyone, need some help. Roots we're starting to poke out of the jiffy pellet on the first sprout. Transplanted into the dwc and fed 1tsp of each of the GH trio. I have not been able to test/adjust PH because I can't get my PH meter calibrated. She's not looking too hot. Over half of the two main leaves are yellow with grey spots. She's been in dwc for 2 days. Any suggestions?
Hey, first time grower here, too! Just posted my journal today, 7 days in and I'm amazed at nature already hahaha

Yours is looking pretty fly too! Tho I'm wondering, 1200w x2 ain't too much light for a small space like 4x4? Rock on with the hydroponics, also, I'm too much of a scaredy cat for going straight for that haha but if you've got the technical background you will surely make it happen. Subscribing right away to this!

I will just ask: Could any of the experienced guys verify the light issue for me? I'm running a Piranha COB LED 1440w with half the grill off 'cause it really felt like way too much light (I've got the same space).

Love and good smokes,

Drain it, flush it a little and refill with straight RO water. That plants to young yet for nutes. You'll set it back a few days but it will recover.

And to repeat JM's comment, fix yours or get a new PH pen. You can't do hydro of any sort without it.
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