Nick Hardy's Skunk Works #3 5x5 - Dissertation Grow

@Jon I ordered one of the lights sensors Delps8 recommends in that thread. Cheaper than a new phone which I need for Photon to work with any accuracy 😅

I paid $22 but direct from China so $32 he mentions probably right for US. The Pulse one takes an age to read. A lot of more knowledgable people (owners of the Pulse) the biggest complain is the light sensor. “Not much better than the Photon App”

Rather than spending $400 on an Apogee much as I’d like to - it’d be a way of thanking Bruce Bugabee for his videos! I’m gonna give a cheaper second sensor a whirl. To get low down readings with the Pulse its quite keen on saying 9 (yes nine) PPFD 😂 Its brighter than that!
Yeah I don’t know why people shit on Phototone. I tested it when I first got it by taking a ton of careful measurements and comparing them to the lights par chart. I was super close on every measurement. It’s not off by more than 5% in my opinion. And yes - who doesn’t want a $400 Apogee? I want all GGTs and all Fohse lights too. And all new extraction fans and filters. If only I were independently wealthy. I’d build a fricking warehouse.
All I can say is having knocked around with the 730w FC6500’s a likely too blase way, the 1000w is next level.

I have blue eyes (of course I do! You made me for that! 🤣) so I leave the house its baseball and/or sunglasses.

& Co has black with a hint of brown. Way better for bright light but this one hurt her even as ai was yelling get some sunglasses for her to the kids.

Even the 1000w HPS wasn’t as bright on the eyes as this.

I’m gonna just hang a bunch of cheap working UV lights protected shades put side every room. No joke as the light levels increase.
All I can say is having knocked around with the 730w FC6500’s a likely too blase way, the 1000w is next level.

I have blue eyes (of course I do! You made me for that! 🤣) so I leave the house its baseball and/or sunglasses.

& Co has black with a hint of brown. Way better for bright light but this one hurt her even as ai was yelling get some sunglasses for her to the kids.

Even the 1000w HPS wasn’t as bright on the eyes as this.

I’m gonna just hang a bunch of cheap working UV lights protected shades put side every room. No joke as the light levels increase.
They do make glasses for that…
They do make glasses for that…
Yeah I have a couple of pairs. They end up with the shoes by front door. I need to put them in pouches outside each tent snd the front door the room. I went down this morning still burry eyed from sleep to adjust the dehuey. Man that’s bright.
This is another thread I was bumped off "watch"! It seems to be happening to a few that I follow. There's a bug or something that stops watching threads grrr.
This is another thread I was bumped off "watch"! It seems to be happening to a few that I follow. There's a bug or something that stops watching threads grrr.
Maybe a bit of database maintenance required.

Its the holidaze get done soon enough I guess.
This is another thread I was bumped off "watch"! It seems to be happening to a few that I follow. There's a bug or something that stops watching threads grrr.

I find when I have several pages of notifications, that if I start at the back and work forward, that I can lose posts that would have been at the bottom of an earlier page if new posts in general are added to the front before I get to the beginning of the list.

I usually refresh the bell icon and click."show all" when I'm done reading all of my new posts and look several pages deep to see if I missed any posts. Any threads that I did miss won't show up in the future until I see a new post to that thread some other way. For me it's the lightning bolt next to the bell icon, and that will show in bold all of the threads you subscribe to that have a new post since you last visited.
I find when I have several pages of notifications, that if I start at the back and work forward, that I can lose posts that would have been at the bottom of an earlier page if new posts in general are added to the front before I get to the beginning of the list.

I usually refresh the bell icon and click."show all" when I'm done reading all of my new posts and look several pages deep to see if I missed any posts. Any threads that I did miss won't show up in the future until I see a new post to that thread some other way. For me it's the lightning bolt next to the bell icon, and that will show in bold all of the threads you subscribe to that have a new post since you last visited.
Thank you. I know. I too use this system effectively. There is a bug atm that is causing a lot of people's watched threads to become "unwatched". It happens from time to time I have noticed.
And how do you know they have been "unwatched" vs not looked at yet? I think there is a distinction and I've not noticed a change in status on threads that no longer show up in my notification list. It's mostly been threads I missed a new post on.

There are settings in the "My Account" section that set how you get notified of new posts including whether or not you get email notifications so there might be something I there that needs tweaking.
And how do you know they have been "unwatched" vs not looked at yet? I think there is a distinction and I've not noticed a change in status on threads that no longer show up in my notification list. It's mostly been threads I missed a new post on.

There are settings in the "My Account" section that set how you get notified of new posts including whether or not you get email notifications so there might be something I there that needs tweaking.
The status changes from "watched" to "unwatched" and the journal falls off the list of watched journals. It's not just me.
@NickHardy This was a fun read to get caught up on. Keep it up!
Thanks Jesse!

Just eating a packet of Jelly Belly tropical mix and saw the name of your current journal 😂

Def heading over there in a moment to check it out ! I’m of a fruity mind!
Day #12 Flower


Don’t remind Nick about the 10 Days he counted as “Transition”
Hmmm. I guess I'll have to check next time I noticed something missing.
I'm a 99% phone user.

I skim the reactions icon, very rarely if I have say 50+ notifications I'll skim them in the unlikely even someone has tagged me in another thread I don't follow. People don't tend to but I try not to miss them.

My main thing is subscribed threads, I follow quite a few but being an inbox zero kinda guy and posting when the Americas are often asleep, me, Carmen, Absorber, LeRugged are often keeping the home fires burning my daytime, similar to Absorber's. But recently both Carmen's and Absorbers (two of his) threads were marked as read. I'll typically go to page three of subscribed threads to look for a precious thread name in bold so I can read something new, the site is slower then and I like reading!

Both Carmen's and Zorbs threads stopped going bold for me for like 10 days, then they did again and showed up on page two or three with about ten days of posts I hadn't read. Another little bug, I keep reacting to posts with whatever emoji and then I go back and there is no reaction so I redo.

My totally random plucked from the air guess is the SQL database needs a refresh, you want to avoid a restore, first reboot it, then run like an integrity test then maybe something more invasive. No one likes dealing with SQL over Christmas and New Year. I might be wrong but its the kind of way some low level corruption can manifest itself in databases. None of that is critical of the site setup or IT setup or management at all. It just happens. Its particularly hard with something accessed 24/7. Someone told me once.
Even when notifications are working it's nearly impossible to keep up with your threads and posts but a few more journals in progress ought to fix it. JK. Honestly, alerts don't work for me half the time anymore so unless I go to and visit the threads with a Bold title (indicating new posts) then I miss out on stuff. Think I'm pretty much just echoing what you said.

The other thing that bugs me is if you take a break for a bit and return to the site then you need to manually visit each thread to have it marked as read and get notifications again. A mark all as read that actually works would be nice. Brought this up before to the staff but they inherit the forum software.🤷‍♂️
Even when notifications are working it's nearly impossible to keep up with your threads
What you sayin’ me! Moi? Plus de threads 😂

These are the two Tropicanna Bananas. Way more sativa like. Need the extra week over most the rest. I actually beheaded the top 3” of the last one. It kept trying to touch the light, burnt itself and the branches are so strong from the silica we’re way past bending. Off with its head.

You can see they’re way more bare still than some of the others. Its fine. Its Day #13 of 65 for them. Loads of time.


What you sayin’ me! Moi? Plus de threads 😂

These are the two Tropicanna Bananas. Way more sativa like. Need the extra week over most the rest. I actually beheaded the top 3” of the last one. It kept trying to touch the light, burnt itself and the branches are so strong from the silica we’re way past bending. Off with its head.

You can see they’re way more bare still than some of the others. Its fine. Its Day #13 of 65 for them. Loads of time.


Ah. The one downside to silica. Lol
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