Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

don't mention it. Just 2 passionate hippies that love to medicate and grow and learn picking eachitgers brains.

Yes I'm back in school. 8 weeks. 9-4 ughhh. But I always have time to make slight detours lol.

Awesome! This high five emoji was made for us! We make a Great team brother

Stop by on your way home if you have time? text me and I’ll have an Ase j rolled! If you liked that first stuff, this gal is solid. A bit more harsh but definitely more potent!
@newty I saw your manifold and it rekindled my interest a bit. My Chocolope was just so tall, managing the 8 tops was a nightmare, but the outcome was high yield and quality buds. I figure a stout plant will be easier to manage, and develop some really picturesque colas.

I intended to grow Blue Dream in my current veg round - sucks that the seed didn't make it, even though it was a freebie I ordered as I did specifically to get the freebie. You should definitely grow it, it's one of those strains everyone seems to enjoy.
Looking good Newty!
I've to try this strain again. I had one plant and loved it!!! Was limy!
The liberty?? I’m so excited!! Lol also I wonder what they will send it in this time?? That’s just as exciting for me, I hope I get LEGO!
@newty I saw your manifold and it rekindled my interest a bit. My Chocolope was just so tall, managing the 8 tops was a nightmare, but the outcome was high yield and quality buds. I figure a stout plant will be easier to manage, and develop some really picturesque colas.

I intended to grow Blue Dream in my current veg round - sucks that the seed didn't make it, even though it was a freebie I ordered as I did specifically to get the freebie. You should definitely grow it, it's one of those strains everyone seems to enjoy.

Oh yes I have a few accidental manifolds lol

I’m finding them much easier to take care of so depending on yield I might jump around some more...what’s the sweet spot manifold? Tri? Quad? Hmmmm so many experiments to do! So what’s the difference between flux and manifold? I’m even scared to ask but have not found a good answer lol!

I like a strong stout plant and my tri-fold/tri-line is the best one so far but that could be because she’s a clone and the clones I’ve raised seem to be sturdier and bigger with better stacking!

Yes blue dream, I have a couple new sources I’m snooping out...420 or Nukeheads hmmmm? I’ll watch yours and see how it goes;) I’m in love with Van’s Blue dream but I’m watching what they do in flower boys!

I also love @Asesino85 blue dream and will get to try some when I go that way next month so I could lean anyway at this point. I have a few months to acquire one.
Hahaha I’m so high these days I really need to chill...I got half through posting my update and never came back for 2 hours;)

PegLeg Update time -Tri-line quad WW Xtrm clone. Day 25 of flower.

On half strength AN sensi bloom line, PPM 375 (she could be higher but I’m feeding them the same and I have to wait a couple weeks for the new girls to catch up)

The new girls look sad and droopy today, they were very dry so i gave them all 4 L of food, lots of run off. I hope it’s just all the stress and will be happy tomorrow, I raised the light back up a couple inches just to be safe. I see pistols on both but I’m not surprised as they were vegged a loooong time;) so yay!! Back to PegLeg...

Ain’t she pretty:p
I forgot to take a pre hair cut shot! Dammit!
Here is the after and she’s super happy today after I took a bowl of leaves! This was her last haircut after stretch so I’ll leave her alone now.

Even the fan leaf got a karate chop in the cross fire...look at that bounce back:laugh:

Ooooh and still 100% for success on clones;)

Rollin a lil Ase to get me though the mid day blues:slide:
I followed the Nebula manifold method, I'm not sure it's OK to link to it but you'll find it if you google it. It seeks to produce 8 even tops in an ideal equal shape. You top once to the 3rd nods to establish the initial 2 stems, and then top those stems when they're ready, but leave node 1 in addition to node 3. That gives you 8 tops.

If you want to see how I did with it, it's in my first journal, around page 25 when I did the 2nd topping. Beware though, as my skills last summer were definitely behind where they are today! :D

I have never fluxed, but it's a little less specific in how it is formed based on my understanding. Light Addict's guide is considered the approach as I understand. It results in more than the 8 tops from the manifold.

I'm on my phone so it's not simple to go find the link, but have a look for the fluxing journal VexGrows did last year for a good example. I'm not sure if Vex is still active these days as I haven't seen him around in a while but PW and Growchy followed his grow closely and could probably answer flux questions.
Thanks @DobeWan I will google some stuff, thanks for those suggestions and the explanation. May your Pk be strong and resilient! Mine is going to be trouble, I can tell the little fucker :D I’ll go snoop around in your old journal now!
I hope the high from the Liberty Haze is good, and I expect it'll be great - because the grow has gone really well for me so far. She's been my big feeder by about .5 of a litre for weeks now, and her thin sativa leaves really allow light to get far down the plant. My colas didn't stack as tightly as my indica and indica crosses but I bet she'll lead the way in yield.

Jgrowlove puts this strain in his top 5 he has grown and we know the lineage so I think we should have high hopes.

We'll have some good overlaps with Pink Kush side by side and you running Liberty Haze soon. How are you planning to train your Pink Kush? I'll probably just do the usual quadline style given the short timeframe, but I want to try manifolding again on a stouter strain than Chocolope.
Love a good pink kush strain f1 would be killer ?
Hahaha I’m so high these days I really need to chill...I got half through posting my update and never came back for 2 hours;)

PegLeg Update time -Tri-line quad WW Xtrm clone. Day 25 of flower.

On half strength AN sensi bloom line, PPM 375 (she could be higher but I’m feeding them the same and I have to wait a couple weeks for the new girls to catch up)

The new girls look sad and droopy today, they were very dry so i gave them all 4 L of food, lots of run off. I hope it’s just all the stress and will be happy tomorrow, I raised the light back up a couple inches just to be safe. I see pistols on both but I’m not surprised as they were vegged a loooong time;) so yay!! Back to PegLeg...

Ain’t she pretty:p
I forgot to take a pre hair cut shot! Dammit!
Here is the after and she’s super happy today after I took a bowl of leaves! This was her last haircut after stretch so I’ll leave her alone now.

Even the fan leaf got a karate chop in the cross fire...look at that bounce back:laugh:

Ooooh and still 100% for success on clones;)

Rollin a lil Ase to get me though the mid day blues:slide:
Awesome stuff jealous a little shh
I haven't tried a pink kush yet. I was looking at Kosher Kush and Kimbo Kush but didn't pull the trigger.
I love pink kush but I like the f2 &f1 Verizon of it best
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