Newbie First Grow - Outdoors - Bag Seeds

Auto Pouder has a longer grow time up to 80 days but you are right it does seem small. This is a hard question to answer because of all the variables. You did top it so being an auto it may take much longer to recuperate since they really don't have a veg state. It pretty much goes right into flowering. It looks healthy. Did you "pinch it" or top the plant more than once? The pounder grows pretty tall too. In my opinion you just let autos grow and only train branches but that is only my opinion from growing like 8 of them so someone with more auto experience might say differently. The other things that make a huge impact are the amount of sun, soil, dud plant and nutrients. So honestly I don't have a definitive answer besides topping it and recovery time. It should be showing signs of flowering by now too.
I planted her in the ground 8/10 and topped her 8/15.
There is a bush that was blocking the sun and I gave it a haircut last night. This is a pic of it before the haircut. When I get off work at noon I will go look and take a new pic.

I am new to all this...remember that when I give my limited advice
He has so vicious bugs in his yard that are eating my plants. I am going to spray with neem again tonight and lay down some more coffee grinds. I found a large green grasshopper on one of the plants last night.

Wondering if o should use this

I also have some rosemary juice that has been sitting in the sun for a couple of months.

Suggestions please

I am new to all this...remember that when I give my limited advice
I never had an insect problem which is strange after a bunch of outdoor grows so I know nothing about which insecticides to use but that answer has to be somewhere on this forum. Frigin grasshoppers are chewing those leaves up. And that Bush is huge so I would think it would be beneficial to shave that bush as far as you can. The more sun the better. I see the flowers starting.
It is so exciting to see my plants do what I have been watching so many others plants do. I thought I would never get to this point. But heirloom told me to be patient my time was coming.

I just get so excited seeing more and more flowers everyday

So much to many journals to follow.

Use the Pyrethrin if you must. But it works by smothering/contact with the insect, so you must get it on the bugs. I know this because I JUST used it on some lower branches of one of mine. If you're spraying flowers, you are now committed to washing the buds when you harvest.

For training and spacing....My largest plant (bagseed cross) is about 7ft wide, maybe a bit more. If you go 10 ft you may end up with a about a foot between plants, depending on strain and training. 12ft should give you plenty to work around them. If you get them to touch at 12ft, then good for you, you hit a home run.

Bagseed cross plant was a seed I stuck in the ground in late Feb or March. It germinated early April. I'm zone 7a iirc, and around here they say wait until Mothers Day, frost can happen before. This year was an El Nino/La Nina transition and it was warm earlier than normal with no frosts. If you want to start indoors then transplant out, I'll tell you what I do. Start them when ever you feel like. Light cycle of 15 or 16, no more. They sometimes stress if you take them from 18 inside down to 14.5 or 15 outside. So match light cycle to your target transplant date, plus an hour or so. Inoculate the root balls with myco's and water in with vitamin supplement and kelp extract. You DO NOT want to put out and leave a mature, sexed plant in April, many will begin to flower and then you're all fuckered up. Some will, some won't. After doing it to a few I decided I was matching light to my transplant date and moving them in/out as needed.
You'll have to gauge it on a per plant basis. I can't tell you yes or no because some plants sip, some gulp and size makes a huge difference. You'll need to figure out the nuances of your different plants. For instance my fruit punch sips, blue dream is a gulper. So they get watered 1:2 or 1:3, that is FP gets watered every other or third watering. But, I will say they seem to be happy with what you're doing.

Generally 1-3 inches of rain equivalent per week, adjust as needed. An inch of rain on 1 square foot is about 1/2 gallon (.46). So one gallon over 2 square feet is the equivalent of 1 inch of rain. Water 3-6 inches away from the stalk and out to 6 inches beyond the drip zone. You don't want to run the risk of rotting the stalks from being wet all the time, and you want the roots tips to keep searching outward.

The above assumes in ground plants. Pots, especially fabrics, are different.
Last night I went to stir the compost pile. It was 8pm...87 degrees and there was stream coming off it as I turned it.....I would have to say it is hot.

I put some coffee grinds in there from my Starbucks score.

This is how much I got for free from Starbucks in one run only

So much to many journals to follow.
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