New City Grower 3.5 - Our Perpetual Grow - Continued

Merry Christmas BAR & helper .... Hope Santa brings all the goodies on your wish list :peace:
Just doing a drive bye........................ Conrad's on keeping the L-Haze alive. I see a lot of new growth. As fast as I throw seeds aways,,,, being inflected with that 'Kid in a Candy' store virus the inter-net has giving me, I rolled over her. I grew a great couple plants outdoors which harvested, 'luckily' Oct 5th outside here. Whew.. I had some that needed it. But she was good inside girl too.
Been awhile so I figured time to check up on ya............. But as always, why? Looks like you got it down pat............
Merry Christmas and more important,,,,,,,,,, Keepem Green
:xmas: Thank you all for the reps, kind words, and Xmas wishes.

I've gotten away from cutting any of my plant away (besides the lowest popcorn nugs). I don't even top anymore. low stress training is a great technique if you need to keep em short and don't want to stunt your plant(s). I've said it and I'll say it again the silliest technique is defoliation.
I hear you B Really Real. Defol didn't really do much for me during our 2lt run and back then I would've have agreed with you whole heartedly. But since we've started growing bigger plants using larger pots and all this training resulting in more branches it's almost mandatory just to get light through the canopy.

sure topping and training an even canopy can increase yields, but is it worth the extra time you have to spend in veg?
In your case HECK NO! Short plants, quick run under 12/12, and on to the next plant.
In our grow it's a no brainer. No matter how long a plant stays in veg if we're flipping 1 or 2 plants a week it doesn't matter. There's always going to be something within a week or 2 ready to chop. I don't even remember how it feels to flip my whole grow at once since we've been growing perpetual for so long.

How long did you try to clone BAR ?

I noticed some take very long to root special from seeded plants, like 2-3 weeks in a cloner.
Cuttings from my C1 mothers take 4-5day to show roots.
Darkgrow, after a couple of weeks they would shrivel away into crumbled brown "leaves on a stem" while everything else in the same cloner would root. I've been doing some reading and found that some strains need nearly perfect conditions to root while others can be just tossed in soil with no fuss. Maybe those are a couple of fussy strains. Dated a few like that over the years; It's too hot, it's cold, why are you doing it that way, do it this way... and so on and whatnot. Lol

Hey broke re: your question about breeders being able to keep clones from being an option, My honest opinion and thats all it is is no they cant do that. Something is off, I went through a simliar thing a couple of years back and lost a couple of keeper cuts, sucked. I think it was my temps or lack of, winter gets cold where im at and the solution in my turbo wasn't warm enough. My thoughts is all.

Hope yours start rooting back how you like for xmas :)
That makes a lot of sense Hizzy. I've taken your advice and since heat rises and the temp/humidity gauge is located about center way up the veg tent and this is the first winter I'm using 3 different growing levels in there (4 if you count under the table where the cloner is) I put a heat pad under it. Dropped another Pineapple Chunk cutting, let's see what happens.
I'm so glad I took the time to visit Reg. :love: This is by far one of my favorite gardens to visit, and I simply must cull the subs list to get back to the yards I miss the most.
I know what you mean Sue. My subs are so far behind I don't know where to start. That's the problem with following so many; when you get backed up you get backed the F up! The worst part is you have to go back and read everything you missed or you feel you're going to miss something that can be used to help in your own grow.
Happy Christmas B.A.R!! And to all the super cool friends you have on this journal!! :high-five:
:high-five: It's you guys who make this thread the shisnick...


(Feminized, Flux) Day 315

Only fitting she comes down on Xmas. This girl is a month and 1/2 shy of one year old. She's been in the Veg Tent, on the Fire Escape, in the Bloom Tent, and the Big Tent. She's had her ups and downs; there was a point when we didn't even think she would flower. She got hit by a hermie, caught in a thunderstorm that ripped off crazy branches, left for dead, and even over feed and under feed.
Well her she is making her "not so remarkable" exit and if you ask me was it worth it I'd have to say yes. We've learned more from this plant (training, feeding, light schedules, recovery, troubleshooting, and timelines) than any other. Most of our older followers know who cared for this plant from start to finish.

So without further do... :rip: Liberty Haze Flux...

After flushing and letting her soil dry out for 2wks here she is.


After the clean up...




Beautifully done. :bravo:
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