New City Grower 2.0

Ok Judges. Can we get a winner for #4? And participants can we get some input on #5?
Question 5

It's been said that hydro grown cannabis is more demanding on the lungs (harsher) than soil grown cannabis or any other solid medium. Is this a myth or is there some truth to it?

It depends upon the flush. If you flush with NO NUTES then harsher at all :)
Question 5

It's been said that hydro grown cannabis is more demanding on the lungs (harsher) than soil grown cannabis or any other solid medium. Is this a myth or is there some truth to it?

I believe it is true that hydro can be a bit harsh. Hydro lends towards rapid vegetative growth and IMO can be relatively flavorless. Again IMO I believe soil allows for a higher calyx to leaf ration than hydro.
Question 5

It's been said that hydro grown cannabis is more demanding on the lungs (harsher) than soil grown cannabis or any other solid medium. Is this a myth or is there some truth to it?

all my research into this has said it is a myth, it all goes down to nutes, how much nutes, how you flush, and how well your flush and cure is.
i believe people think soil cannabis tastes less harsh for a few reasons:
1) people who grow in hydro have to take better care of their plants than soil
2) hydro growers are more likely to sell their product rather than be growing for personal use
3) soil grows are more likely to use organic nutes because its easier in soil
4) hydro takes more skill to grow, there for more likely to be done wrong

but my answer is no, hydro does not make the cannabis taste harsh, poor growing,drying and curing makes weed tastes harsh
Led arent driven at a 1:1 watt ratio though so even if it is a 1200 watt led its never truly 1200 watt. If it was 1:1 those diodes would die so fast.
Pick a Curtain Bluefly​

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3
Led arent driven at a 1:1 watt ratio though so even if it is a 1200 watt led its never truly 1200 watt. If it was 1:1 those diodes would die so fast.

Yeah... That's why I said " LED that DRAWS 1000 watts." I expect the 1200 draws around 1000. So will 2 x 600s.
all my research into this has said it is a myth, it all goes down to nutes, how much nutes, how you flush, and how well your flush and cure is.
i believe people think soil cannabis tastes less harsh for a few reasons:
1) people who grow in hydro have to take better care of their plants than soil
2) hydro growers are more likely to sell their product rather than be growing for personal use
3) soil grows are more likely to use organic nutes because its easier in soil
4) hydro takes more skill to grow, there for more likely to be done wrong

but my answer is no, hydro does not make the cannabis taste harsh, poor growing,drying and curing makes weed tastes harsh

I have a problem with 4. Hydro requires the user to be more meticulous sure but in soil you can be as meticulous as you want to be as well.
Once again. Thank you all for participating. If the judges can give a winner for question #5 that would be great. Now for one of the most enjoyed segments of the show;
The pictures from your fellow 420 members that make you say



























The Open segment of the show continues and is encouraged. Ask any question you like.
Good Night Folks
HAHAHA just watched how not to drive a speed boat. lesson learned!

it depends who you ask :cheesygrinsmiley:
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