New City Grower 2.0

Oct 28, 2014​

Don't think to much or ponder just make it reality! :) :)
With you and the others members here writing books LA, I may give it a shot. But I feel I need to wait until I have a little more skill with a few more grows under my belt first.

You got away lightly bro, babygirl would've kicked your ass :)

Light Addict;[SIZE=4 said:
2277816[/SIZE]]A few of us have been hit with males recently! Bad luck for baby girl but good news for you Reg, as I agree with Skunny, you were gonna have your ass handed to ya! :)

Yep I gotta say that was a sweet looking male

what jaga said :love: you got off easy Reg! :laughtwo:
And this is why my plant is now hers to grow until harvest. It has started to pre-flower.

(Plant 2/Unknown Strain) Day 83 / Day 14 under 12/12



Also in the Bloom Tent flowering:

STACK A DOLLAR (Cotton Candy, Double Re-veg) Day 120 / Day 89 under 12/12

She's getting close. We seen a few amber trichs last night so it's straight H2O feedings from here on out. Also we won't be PH adjusting her tap water. I read in Sphnx's journal how he has his PH levels high during the feed flushing as it locks out a lot of the nutes which is the whole idea behind quitting the nute feedings; letting the plant use up what's stored.


(Unknown Strain) Day 119 / Day 44 under 12/12


( Unknown Strain) Day 48 / Day 2 under 12/12

This is the newest addition to the Bloom Tent.


FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 244 / Day 53 Outdoors

Thanxx for the advice on her last update Professor Flux. We now have the canopy even again! Also we did some defol last night.




And here's the Clones:

All 3 of the Royal Medic clones have rooted & are showing new growth.



On the Kerala X Sunk clones 1 has caught while the other has not & is starting to wilt.
(I use the term catch or caught meaning the clone has rooted into it's medium & will not come out when you lightly tug on it)



The Bubble Gummer clone has caught.



Which is a good thing because I don't think we left enough on the plant to re-veg. But we're not giving up on it yet.


Now this little seedling from the 5th & final Wave of Street Girls this season is the stretchiest plant I've seen with my own two eyes. She's no further than 6 inches away from the CFLs but we're not worried because the roots look fine.


Thanxx Professor. I have a question which I'm almost sure of the answer; This weekend the night temps are going to plummet to the high 20s F. This will be like a 30 degree turn around. Do I need to start bringing my Fire Escape Girls inside at night?
I was thinking about bringing them in just for the night hrs until the cold front passes.
I was thinking about bringing them in just for the night hrs until the cold front passes.

.....never hurt mine! Colorado weather can be random. I've done so a lot for my outdoor plants. and 20 degrees, that is deadly cold.

but yeah quarantine if you can...don't want to bring mites (or anything else) in >.< some mites got my DCS membership reinstated recently. :lot-o-toke:
Thanxx SoulGirl. So if I throw them under a cardboard box inside for 12 hrs starting at 7pm, then put them back out in the morning, would that be sufficient?
Hello reg. Wat a good update :)
Shame the magic trees finished for the year. Fingers crossed she blesses you with a few next year :)

That cotton candy looks full of fruit :) 2x re-vegged thats sweet
The flux looks cool too So many tops there
Hey your soda bottle girl looks dam fine too reg just a couple days behind mine :) i realy am startin to like them. Were starting to collect 2l bottles for the next run

What an interesting thing that is about not ph ing the water for flush. I must of missed that on sphnx grow. It makes sense.
Awesome update my friend! Good luck with the little re-veg project :) it's the little clone that could lol
Macca, Monster, Fifi, & Cronic, thanxx a lot. And Sphnx, I'm at 90% plus re-vegging. It's about the only thing I've got down pat. I was walked through my first re-veg on my first plant by an older member who's user-name is Donpaul.p. He hasn't been around in awhile but he's legendary in helping other members in great detail. HERE'S one of his post on Re-vegging in my first Journal.
Yep Donpaul was a really awesome member, its a shame he disappeared on us. I have his email and have tried to reach out and drag him back here, but to no avail. :(
Its an all to familiar tale, too many great and experienced growers become dissolutioned and drop off the radar!
I wrote a little post on this in the growers lounge I think.
The older members need to stand firm and pull together to keep our second home travelling the correct path as it evolves onwards! :)

Sorry BAR :)
What are you apologizing for LA? I'm behind you 100%. Check your PMs.
Oct 29, 2014​

The Fire Escape was green; as of today it's brown.



Pepé Le Pew (Skunk) Day 178

Close call! /SIZE]





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