New City Grower 2.0

Hi bar,
I have sexed my wild Thai seeds and have 2, very different looking, ladies.
I'm excited to see how they each perform. How many days or weeks are u letting your WT go for?
I'll get around to your thread & everyone else's when I get the time Organics. It been quite busy here lately. Your Question was answered in the update.

Looking good bro. I bet the smells in the BAR casa are pretty nice about now.
Without a doubt Cajun.
Brooklyn & Fifi, I don't have any auto beans but I think it'll be best to start her off with one of the seeds from NURSE BETTY's (Royal Medic) harvest. I have 4 of them.

Anything you use will be perfect. I wish we all lived closer so we could develop real life friendships. So many amazing people who I truly admire on 420. That is rare coming out of my mouth. I'm normally a huge HATER. lol

Example: I HATE "the beebs."
Hey Reg

With ref to B.Real's cup grow.

I've often commented that people are basically wasting space and good growing medium

putting our plants in huge pots/planters/growbags or whatever. The examination of many

a post harvest rootball reveals the truth. the yield ain't worth it !

I've just now got a compact grow on (as I had proved out in early spring) in 0.7 litre. Just over a US Pint

pots. They all produced at least a half ounce from the spring grow.

Way to go for a speedy crop if you don't mind plant numbers.

Small plants are much more manageable as a bonus.

I've got a future 16 clone in 40" square experiment coming up very soon.
I showed her you all's posts & now she's so up for this! She's loved audiences since she was a baby.

Hey Reg

With ref to B.Real's cup grow.

I've often commented that people are basically wasting space and good growing medium

putting our plants in huge pots/planters/growbags or whatever. The examination of many

a post harvest rootball reveals the truth. the yield ain't worth it !

I've just now got a compact grow on (as I had proved out in early spring) in 0.7 litre. Just over a US Pint

pots. They all produced at least a half ounce from the spring grow.

Way to go for a speedy crop if you don't mind plant numbers.

Small plants are much more manageable as a bonus.

I've got a future 16 clone in 40" square experiment coming up very soon.

I hear you Brit! I'm looking forward to that 40" square experiment. I even have a couple of canvas wine bags from Chinatown that I plan on using for my next two pots.

Hey Reg, have you ever tried a vaporizer? I finished my Product Review for the Arizer Extreme Q vaporizer.
I've tried vaporizing John but I guess I'm just stuck in my ways. For me there's nothing compared to a well rolled joint & since I've been using R.A.W. hemp papers I'll probably never switch.
I'll put it to you like this; The vape is so smooth I feel like I'm missing something if that makes sense to you.
That makes sense to me, Reg. Although I have become very fond of Sweetleef's vaporizer ( I have borrowed it and have no intention of returning it until he makes me!)
That makes sense to me, Reg. Although I have become very fond of Sweetleef's vaporizer ( I have borrowed it and have no intention of returning it until he makes me!)
I'll put it to you like this; The vape is so smooth I feel like I'm missing something if that makes sense to you.

I know exactly what u mean in regards to the smoothness of vaping. Someghing about that heavy smoke feel in ur chest. Nothing better. Hope all is well brother..
I'm planning on getting a vape when funds allow but a portable one to take to work,(I'm self-employed so don't worry) it's much more stealthy than the smell of spliffs wafting around. Has anyone got a recommendation for a pocket vape?
Whenever I see a new doctor I always ask about their position on MMJ. They always have this quizzical look on their faces. Each one of them said there were applications, but the worst part of it is the smoke. Every doctor said if people are going to use it, it's best to use a vapor or edibles. Every doctor, including my dentist said the same thing.

I cough when I smoke, so it is very irritating, but the buds I washed are much better. My next purchase is a vape machine, the one KJC just reviewed. I wanted it before his review, but now I must have it!
And The Saga Continues...​

4 days ago


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