New City Grower 2.0

I knew you had not left us.....:thedoubletake: They tried to tell you had but I would not fault er and I told them you were just out partying for the holiday with family and friends.... I knew you wouldn't leave me without a word.....:high-five:.....:circle-of-love:

That is what I thought too! I didn't think it would be a stretch not to tell me, but you? You the Fifi cutester. Right, Reg? I was totally worried something happened with the fire escape plant.
Sept 3, 2014​

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 189

She's gone bonkers since letting her go vert. I'm really ready to ship her to the Bloom Tent but it's over stuffed already. The first pic below was 20 days ago when we first let her go vertical.

Aug 14


This Morning



Everything following this footnote is in the Organic Soil Mix created under the guidance of Coach PJ.

( Unknown Strains) Day 35

On one of them I had an accident. I dropped the drain dish on it while pulling out FLUXY MOMMA for some training. She snapped but didn't break. I had to brace her to keep the stem erect.




Her sister is doing fine


While her other sister has been moved into the Bloom Tent. As B. Real suggested I figured out a way to get this one closer to the LED panel. This is day 3 under 12/12


( Unknown Strains) Day 30

One is doing fine


While the other one might be a mutant. Notice the weird new leaf on the top node.


Day 31

It appears she's going to make it.


Not bad :smokin:
Looking good brother & I hope your clone sends out some new shoots. :)
As do I Monster. I believe she will once the roots start drinking..

Thanxx for the compliments all...
Here's a look at Scotty's vermiculiute method of cloning.

Cloning in vermiculite- I have used two methods one pot of vermiculite is soaked and the other I have placed in a pot of water 500ml this will gradually be absorbed by the vermiculite and I will be keeping it topped up the reason for vermiculite is too hopefully help the roots develope air roots and not just water roots the plant stem will have constant air and moisture also I have used little new growths as imo they make the best clones as they are eager to grow although it does also help to have a clone with a node so have taken one of these aswell so 4 in total too see which works best as always they are in the shade direct light kills clones as I just found the hard way I thought she was ready but not quite she wilted in 24hrs but ok enough talk lets get into the pics :passitleft:

2pots filled with vermiculite

One soaked one in a more constant water supply (pot)


Time to cut sorry about the order gallery mess I hope its not to bad or I will have to correct tommorow

Now its a waiting game :bong:

sorry have not stopped in for a while BAR...

What is that plant in background in first pic?, it looking pretty good.

Hate to break it to you, but I be surprised if that clone lives for long, looks like all of its growing nodes are 'damped off', leaving no where left for it to grow from. I hope i am wrong as my Cotton Candy is strongest plant I grown yet. :)

THC membership stands Reg.

I've not given up on that clone just yet. If a good node can sprout at the healthy leaf stem,

I think she'll pull through, just go easy on the humidity.

The vermiculite method is the same principal as my own method (and all other methods)

Basically, keep the cutting very wet at the cut end of the cutting. Don't cut leaves (it just stresses the cutting)

Nature will do the rest. No domes required !
sorry have not stopped in for a while BAR...

What is that plant in background in first pic?, it looking pretty good.

Hate to break it to you, but I be surprised if that clone lives for long, looks like all of its growing nodes are 'damped off', leaving no where left for it to grow from. I hope i am wrong as my Cotton Candy is strongest plant I grown yet. :)
The plant behind the Street Girl is Kerela X Skunk, one of the original Fire escape girls I had to bring inside due to her explosive height & width. She has to be feed nearly every day or two. I'll be doing a full Photo Shoot of the entire grow once I've caught up on all my subs. I'm way behind. I finally got it under 50 though.
And trust me you won't be more surprised than me Cdaddy.
Looking good BAR but the clone looks like it may be struggling a little. Happy Weedsday :smokin:
no giving up on that clone yet Reg! She's not happy, but she's not dead either. Otherwise your plants look great... sorry I haven't stopped by as much as I should. I'm right there with you on the 50 journals but I'm not as selfless with my time/vigilant in keeping up with other's journals as you haha.

for what its worth, I used to try cloning my dad's style that he did for succulents and semi hardwoods which is just taking some lemon juice, like a tsp, putting it in a cup or 2 of water, adding the cutting and letting it sit by the window sill (sometimes inside of bags for humidity) and he swore by it, but I killed like 10 of my clones in a row trying that.

Lately, since I started this outdoor grow, I switched methods to rockwool cubes soaked in 6.0 pH water, putting them inside a cheap tray with a dome and enough water to fill the little trenches in the tray and then some (no I don't have my clones sitting above water level like many suggest, they're soaking that water up the whole time they're in the dome) and a little CFL reflector sitting right on top of the dome. I don't use a heat pad either, the CFL gives a bit of heat and I keep it inside ~70 degrees F. The only other thing I do is use Dip 'N Gro rooting concentrate (this is actually really cheap stuff too, and lasts forever) diluted 20x in clean water, and soak the root side of the cutting in it for no more than 5 seconds before putting it in the cube. I also usually scrape a little tissue off of the side of the stem where I want roots to grow before soaking and putting in the cube.

My latest batch, 3 reveg cuttings, all rooted in under 2 weeks, one was transplanted at day 10 actually.

Since switching 9/10 of my clones have all done great, the one that died was because I let it soak too much rooting concentrate up and also yanked it out of the cube when it was rooting, broke a root, d'oh...

Altogether its actually a really cheap method to get lots of clones and I'm pretty happy with it, if you were interested in trying it some time, the Dip 'N Grow small vials are only <10$ and could get you hundreds of cuttings if you did them in decent batches. A pack of 30 rockwool cubes on cramazon is 5 bucks, a cheap tray and dome probably 15$. and I bet you already have a CFL you could use for it. just a suggestion since it works for me and I know you could use a cheap decent way of getting clones consistently. My experience with cloning's still pretty limited but I'm super stoked about my recent successes lol and I really hope you can get to this point of consistent clone success too.

Ok bed time for me. Goodnight Reg, oh and thanks again for those posts on my journal, though maybe I got a bit too vented, lol. :circle-of-love::passitleft:
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