New City Grower 2.0

I told you about a dome and how I do my cuttings is to breath into the dome several times a day to provide the plant with CO2. I do admit I have not been to most journals this week or I definitely would have reminded you. Sorry about that sweetheart.

Put a dome on there now and the soil needs to be more than a little moist because you do not have root hairs yet, only roots which are different when developed in water vs. roots developed in soil or as I do them, in peat pellets.

I do have to say the other street girls are looking simply fabulous! I am so impressed with this lot.
Don't keep the soil too wet. Spray the leaves once in awhile, not much, but leave soil dryer. You want roots out looking for water/food. They won't take off if too wet. Don P. taught me that & I get 100% rate.
Where is DonP? Haven't seen him since I left in March.
I don't know Reg.

The Obama was a clone given to me by NewRose. We potted it up into the rockwool neither of us having planted anything into rockwool before. She's a beauty. The three harlequin clones he gave me are all doing wonderful too.

He gave them to me with big roots though. seriously long beautiful roots on both occasions.

Maybe just let them get more roots?

When I potted them up, I filled the pot with soil, jammed my whole index finger and made kinda a wide hole. Then, as I lowered roots into the hole, I sorrta turned the plant, twisting the roots. Almost like ringing a mop, but not ringing.

I pictured making a very loose "root ball" as if you were suggesting root bound.

Don't know if that made sense?

You'll get it down Reg. Just don't give up!!

SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular)Harvested on Aug 8, 2014


This little Sleeper rolls in at a decent 4. It takes a half a joint to really start feeling it but if you put it out after that she starts to really come on; like a delayed reaction. The high is strong yet mellow but not long lasting. After maybe 30 minutes or so you'll need to smoke the other half.
She smells & taste just like Old School Skunk.

Don't keep the soil too wet. Spray the leaves once in awhile, not much, but leave soil dryer. You want roots out looking for water/food. They won't take off if too wet. Don P. taught me that & I get 100% rate.
Where is DonP? Haven't seen him since I left in March.
Thanxx for the advice Cajun. After disappearing the first time for about a month DP came back for a short period & then hasn't been heard from since. For a lot of you newer members, it would behoove you to take a read through DonPaul's old journals. He was one of the top growers here who specialized in explaining the hows & whys of all techniques he used.

Buy Seeds! I gave up on clones. Unless it's a rare one. :peace:
I hear you OldMan but cloning is just something I want to have in my arsenal. It's one of those things where you say
"Don't tell me what I can't do"...

He gave them to me with big roots though. seriously long beautiful roots on both occasions.

Maybe just let them get more roots?

I pictured making a very loose "root ball" as if you were suggesting root bound.
I was thinking the same thing Sweets. At least we're half-way there though, after over a year of trying we finally got a clone to develop roots...
Thanks for the dome info and thanks Reg for going through the process and letting me learn from your experiences! :)

Oh and Donpaul got dissolutioned and just packed up one day. I used to talk with him off site regular. He seemed a little fed up seeing others with less experience getting sponsored etc (myself included)
Ill actually shoot him another email to see if I can get any news of him. He was a huge influence on me and a source of encyclopedic knowledge on our precious plant!
Reg, use my 2 liter coke bottle hempys. It's easy, fast & puts out big. You can always change it up after a few if you choose to. I've shown 3 others who couldn't clone cuttings & they're getting 100% now.
I'll pm ya, you can decide. A "no" won't hurt my feelings either. Lol.
I'm so sorry Broke Ass... :sorry:... Hopefully you have put the dome on there now and make sure they get some air a couple of times a day and hopefully they will come back and even if they don't at least you know how to get it to that stage now and from there it's a piece of cake if ya remember to cover her up for a bit. I potted up the Wild Thai clone yesterday and I think she grew 1/2 an inch last night so hang on...:high-five: it will happen.....:circle-of-love:
don't give up Reg! I almost lost 2 clones when I moved them outside, they didn't like the direct light, but after a few days of shade and regular mistings, they looked right as rain.
trichs!! no DCS membership paperwork yet!! :;):
Thanks for the dome info and thanks Reg for going through the process and letting me learn from your experiences! :)

Oh and Donpaul got dissolutioned and just packed up one day. I used to talk with him off site regular. He seemed a little fed up seeing others with less experience getting sponsored etc (myself included)
Ill actually shoot him another email to see if I can get any news of him. He was a huge influence on me and a source of encyclopedic knowledge on our precious plant!

Huge influence on myself as well LA! He's missed around here. :circle-of-love:
BAR now that just sucks. :bitingnails: Looking at your babies to me it's planted a little to deep and did you really soak the soil after planting. Watering heavy the first time is to me a necessity to make sure the new roots have contact with the soil. there's a good chance they will make it. :volcano-smiley:
:bump: Dont worry about the clones mate they should pick up in a day or two as they adapt there roots for the soil from water all my clones droop in transition just keep them on the same windowsill untill they perk back up :passitleft: all the talk of humdity domes make me nervous ive tried using them and failed miserably :rofl: I think if you put them into vermiculite when roots first begin too show and place that on a saucer of water it would help save any stunting and promote vigorous root developement I just rooted straight in soaked vermiculite this time (2of which the clones where weak as it parts removed struggling for light) and there the best yet :roorrip:

Don't be nervous. Keep the humidity down. My guess in the dark is that you had condensation forming on the dome & little venting. If I'm off, not by much. This is the easiest thing I've done growing (cloning) & I'm a straight up PTSD'd out idiot.
You'll betterc with controlled humidity (a dome), just keep moist (not wet) & allow to breath/vent.
70+ clones of over 20 strains can't be too far off the range? Never lost 1 yet knock on wood. I've given them away cause I thought more cuttings would die. Nope, none did.
I got the soil all mixed up... well, I ordered my great nephew around while he did it for me actually....:blushsmile:... I can't wait till it gets through cooking.... I let my nephew put a Bubba Kush to germinate and since he did all the work am going to let him try out the new medium first..... Or maybe I am just letting him be the ginney pig...:thedoubletake:.... I hope you are having a wonderfully green Labor Day weekend......:circle-of-love:
I use a doom for germinating and clones but never after transplant. I don't clone using hydro. I use root riots in a doom. When I see roots coming out of the plug I transplant. Once transplanted it's time to start hardening them off. this is just how I do it. There are many trains of thought on the right way. Happy Shatterday BAR
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