New City Grower 2.0

I need to catch up, did you kill all those clones that we celebrated? backing up to see update now,

my fingers are crossed :adore: (praying for clone health) :adore:
Nope Trix. They're doing fine. The only thing that died was one of the newest Street Girls. She wasn't looking too good from day 1. Everything else in my grow is alive & kicking but I'm still waiting for a few beans to sprout.

Reg, you did a fabulous job harvesting those street girls, but the ones which died are the result of causing damage to the stem. I've said this so often I don't recall if I said it on 420 or not, but whenever transplanting a seedling or any young plant, you should only pick the plant up by the leaf tip, never the stems. Even the slight heat from your fingers, even the most nimble touch can kill a seedling easily.

So, next time you harvest, water the plant the day before while it is in the dirt in the ground. That will loosen the soil and help the soil stay on the roots with less disturbance to the root hairs. Then, when you fork it out or use a spoon whatever you have, hold the root ball in your hand gently and if you must, only hold plant by the leaf. That is in the event all the soil falls away from the plant at the roots.

It is not the roots very temporary exposure to air, but the pinching of the tender stem which usually kills the seedling.
Good Gracious BKLYN! You have me thinking I'm in the wrong journal!!! LOL

I haven't harvested not one Street Girl yet. The dead one you see in the "Quick Update" was one out of 3 from my last rescue mission from the Magic Tree. She was weak from day one. The only reason she made it as far as she did was because of the advice you gave me (I know you don't remember :laughtwo:) about not shaking the original soil off of the roots & not grabbing the stem when transplanting them.

Here's something else you may have forgotten; Here's what it looked like when rescued.

The one to the left.


It's a never ending experience Da Tenshi...
Thanxx Jaga...
Good morning BAR The never ending story has a lot of good things happening in it. a lot of good info flowing out in every direction. :thanks::volcano-smiley:
Oh, I nearly forgot. I took these pics this morning Jaga. The Board of Directors accepted my DCS retirement papers yesterday...





What I don't understand though is why the roots started higher up on the stem than where I scrapped it. Any ideas? Not that it matters but I just like knowing the hows & whys.
great tip KJC, I will give my 2 cents about the rootlings emerging above the shaved area is due to the length of the stems. Roots are lazy, they find it easier to pop out closer to the energy source they feed upon. Now that you are blessed with clone success, maybe try shorter stems on the next round & always make your cut, at a node intersection.
Thanxx Judge John. I have gotten quite lazy with my cleaning of utensils, especially when attempting clones. I know I should & have almost always previously used fresh razor blades for scraping the skin. But after awhile I started thinking it's not going to work anyway so stop wasting your razors.

I appreciate the wake-up call KJC...

Clean the scissors!
This one's for you Trix.


And made a stop at our neighborhood cannabis friendly market again today. $20...

From what I have learned, :rofl: and admired from this guy, in this yard,

I feel confident, that I am now standing, within the perimeter, of the 2014,

420 Member of the Year's yard. IMO, it gets no better than members like Reg/ Broke Ass Reg/ B A R

and, he just keeps getting better, you my friend, are a true giver :green_heart:

just a thank you for your support in my yard and the MANY, other yards, where I see you helping out.:circle-of-love:
Hey BAR and Trichomes starting my next journal tomorrow just wanted to let you know .
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