New City Grower 2.0

Don't anyone laugh but I dry my jeans and towels in my tent. LOL. Kill two birds with one stone. Only problem is I live by myself and don't have to wash everyday.:thumb:
LOL... What do you mean you don't have to wash everyday? I hope you're talking about your clothes neighbor...


Keeps heat on the wash cloth which in turn draws more humidity.
If you notice Jay, I have a CFL right behind the wick cloth.


I missed this post...

That's a great idea Reg
If you use your water to shower you can kill 3 birds!
I think I may still that wick idea though...brilliant my friend :bravo:
That looks like a clean potato salad container. How do you live with yourself in that city of food and buy pre made potato salad? how? how? how?

Carry on.

If you notice Jay, I have a CFL right behind the wick cloth.

As promised, some crazy unorthodox training was just administered to KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze).

Day 91 / Day 63 under 12/12

The 1st thing I did was a radical LST on the 3 ft main stem.




Oh, and the pre-flowers are looking decent. I guess she's enjoying the nutes.



Next I took 1 of the 2 tall branches formed from a FIM job done way back when and the other branch in the rear of the next photo & Cris-crossed them.




Let's see what happens.

T-minus 1 day until THE REPS ARE RIGHT
Will do Brooklyn. What do you think about the crazy training?
Customarily, branches are not trained in toward the center of a plant. I'm speaking generically here. My educated guess would be that, you will get better results if you put in a small screen and train those tall leggy ones down to a screen and let them bush up that way. Then, light can penetrate lower and you'll have less air flow problems. Just a thought, but I think you're fine.
I hear you. This plant has turned into one big experiment anyway. Why not try something that hasn't been tried before with the cris-cross.
Jump, jump, jump, the cris-cross training will make you jump!
Nice plants Reg

..kris-kross- "daddy Mac'll make ya move"

...remember that crap? LOL :rofl:

Hey now. I have been wearing my pants backwards ever since to show my solidarity. Do you think this is why I still get followed around by mall security?

Beautiful plants and cool solutions to problems as always. :Namaste:
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