New City Grower 2.0

I know now. I will be reading the last 23 pages sometime today. What I have seen looks good .
sorry I missed the show BAR had some other things going on
It was cancelled Cronic.

I know now. I will be reading the last 23 pages sometime today. What I have seen looks good .
Welcome aboard Bill.

Hey BAR want to see where the cris cross takes you as you never know. That's how the FIM tech was made famous.

Well so far LB the Cris-Cross is looking promising.

2 Days Ago





On the 2 seedlings the POWER FLOWER is outgrowing the SLEESTACK X SKUNK. I may start germinating tap-rooted beans in their permanent pots from now on excluding the cup from the method all together.

POWER FLOWER (Feminized) Day 13



Wow the criss cross thingy is looking amazing...:goodjob: and the babies are beautiful. I like to start them in 1 gallon pots and avoid that first transplant too. I didn't do it this time with the Wild Thai but it reminded me why I don't like putting them in the little things first. I didn't do it with her cause I want it to be Growology and it is not here yet and you need to mix step 1 in the soil so I put her in a little pot with a little bit of the super myko until the Growology gets here and if I can figure out where to put her I am just going to pot her up in her final 5 gallon pot. Key word there being "if"......:circle-of-love:
Maybe the photos are misleading me, but the only concern I can see is the density of foliage in the center of the plant which is not really turned outward or up toward light and just look confused. I now how photos can be, so maybe it doesn't look like that in person.

Just have plenty of air circulation. Thinking about it, you have really low humidity in there. Who knows, maybe piling that up like you did will help with that!
I guess it's misleading Brooklyn b/c there's not that much foliage in the center & everything is stretching towards the light. It looks like all the nodes & branches from the middle and the lower parts of the plant b4 the training took place are turning into their own tops (if that makes sense).
After a week I'm sure we'll be able to see how this is working out.
One thing I noticed about root formations.

I've examined several root balls from my plants at last harvest.

I wanted to determine a good compromise sized pot for my future grows.

Now many growers will say bigger is always better.

What I found is if you put a plant in a large pot the roots will always grow out to

the pot walls and then start circling. There will be little filling of all the available

space in between. Kinda pointless then, big pots need more grow space and more

soil/medium to fill. There doesn't appear to be a direct correlation between pot size

and yield. I got an average 1/2 oz from small plants in 0.7 ltr (just over 1 US pint)

pots. You don't get 3 oz yield from the same size plant just because you went straight

for the 4 ltr (1 US gal).

What you will get from gradual potting up is a better filling of the space available, therefore

greater overall root mass. Better yield from smaller pots = happy grower.
Sup Reg how goes there in da city
Same ole Rotten Apple Dusty. Watching the Knicks on their run for the Playoffs while getting this update ready for you guys.

I hear you Brit. So maybe I wont abandon the cup method.

Finally! I seen a decent amount of amber trichs on what was left of
STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) and decided to chop her. Now she's in the Veg tent for Re-Veg.



And I removed QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) from the Veg tent and put her into the Bloom tent. It's Day 45 for her and tomorrow will be her first full day under 12/12.



And now the harvest of
STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) is complete. Remember, this is only the bottom half. We harvested the main buds awhile back. This is what became of the popcorn buds; 26.6 grams wet.





And the Knicks are winning!
Hey Reg,Congrat's on the Half-Harvest and goodluck with the Criss X training.:bravo:
I'd like to it back up an up-date or 2 and ask about the Power flower and Sleestack x skunk.
They look to be in different soil mix's?If so,could this be the reason behind the different growth rate?
Does one mix have myko's?I have never used the myko's on seed's so I am just curious if that made any difference?
Thank's Reg..:Namaste:
Thanxx all for your congrats & reps...

Hey Reg,Congrat's on the Half-Harvest and goodluck with the Criss X training.:bravo:
I'd like to it back up an up-date or 2 and ask about the Power flower and Sleestack x skunk.
They look to be in different soil mix's?If so,could this be the reason behind the different growth rate?
Does one mix have myko's?I have never used the myko's on seed's so I am just curious if that made any difference?
Thank's Reg..:Namaste:
Yes Jimmy. The Sleestack X Skunk has mykos in the soil. You're probably right; The Power Flower isn't growing slow, it's just that the Sleestack X Skunk is growing fast.
Reg, you are right about the roots. Remember when I gave a little primer on completely saturating a plant before transplanting it? This is one of the reasons why. If you go up a size and put a dry plant into the next pot of mix, if the inner soil of the root ball is not wet, those roots will continue to dry and die. That will leave you with a lot of space in a pot which is not being used by roots because once it is in the pot unwatered, it is very difficult to get the inner ball wet. Did that make sense? The result is a not so great root system because all you wind up with are a lot of circling roots which found the water in the outer edges of the pot, not within the center of its own root ball. I hope that made sense.
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