New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

It should improve two grade levels? That's good to know.
It will sit! I like my everyday high to be a little more energetic. If I smoked Laverne everyday I'd get so laid back I wouldn't do or care about anything. It'll be for special occasions only.
Re: New City Grower

My latest two have cures of 50 days and 35+ days and it is night and day different. I gave a nice bowl to a local Independant pharmasict ;) and he actually said he would perscribe it to any of his patients. :):)

And it will get sticky and stinky. :) its 100% worth the wait sir. :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Everything is now in the tent under 18/6.

STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Oct. 10 2013 Day 12


RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) Day 5


Oh yeah! Cool beans, literally!
Re: New City Grower

I just had an :idea:

From now on Reg, anytime you smoke any bud less han a "6", turn to the guy and say...

"I've found weed growing on the Street thats better than that stuff!!"

So Kumiko Honey Haze has not popped yet? Did you do what I do and careully dig and look to see if she's cracked open?? I dont reccomend doing that, but I always do.
Re: New City Grower

I just had an :idea:

From now on Reg, anytime you smoke any bud less han a "6", turn to the guy and say...

"I've found weed growing on the Street thats better than that stuff!!"

So Kumiko Honey Haze has not popped yet? Did you do what I do and careully dig and look to see if she's cracked open?? I dont reccomend doing that, but I always do.
:rofl: I must definitely will! I can't wait to use that line... :high-five:
Your God-Daughter should be showing her face any day now.

Awesome job Reg, that must feel so good to have something you grew in a jar +reps! :) I hope I make it there soon! Lil Stax is looking adorable, and so are her sister :thumb: I put up some pics of Broke B. Clona for you, she is growing and has bigger leaves than Adonia (p4 clone) now :)
Stacks, your first harvest no matter how small (in my case a little over a 1/2 an ounce) feels like an extraordinary accomplishment to any real smoker. With the help of 420 I GREW THIS! & it's not corner bunk.
Yeah, I have to stop by & visit my god-daughter; be there shortly.
Re: New City Grower

if that ww x sk is the same pheno as mine then its going to grow like crazy, mine over took all the other plants and i had to lst it right over on its side to stop it from growing upwards, now its a huge bush in flower, hopefully it produces as well as it grows.

ive had bad results digging down checking if the seeds been popped, everyone says its a bad idea but i decided to try it anyway, i found some seeds had popped but then they never sprouted and when i dug back down they had died, others grew with no problems, so now i just leave them alone and as long as their not over watered they will sprout, some seeds sprout in a couple of days but ive had others including my own strains that take anything from 2 to 3 weeks to sprout, ive planted seeds and they never sprouted after 2 weeks so planted another seed in the same pot, then a couple of weeks later id notice another plant growing out the soil where the first seed was, so some just take a lot longer than others,
Re: New City Grower

if that ww x sk is the same pheno as mine then its going to grow like crazy, mine over took all the other plants and i had to lst it right over on its side to stop it from growing upwards, now its a huge bush in flower, hopefully it produces as well as it grows.

Yes DP, I've already noticed RACHEL SUAVAY (white widow x skunk) is out growing STACK A. DOLLAR (delicious cotton candy). I'm not sure if it's the strain or the difference in the size of the medium. It can also be the fact that STACK A. DOLLAR (delicious cotton candy) started in an outside environment or that RACHEL SUAVAY (white widow x skunk) wasn't soaked & tap-rotted before planted in soil.

Whatever the reason may be, RACHEL SUAVAY (white widow x skunk) is off to the races.:cheer:
Re: New City Grower

I just had an :idea:

From now on Reg, anytime you smoke any bud less han a "6", turn to the guy and say...

"I've found weed growing on the Street thats better than that stuff!!"

Re: New City Grower

How did the Burp smell today? :rofl:

Gee, without context that seems *so* gross.

And I'm risking life and limb here, but I must say that I may or may not be especially attached to Rachel Sauvey as my first name may or may not be Rachel :love:
Yes, gross. :laughtwo: But one thing is official now Dresney; Rachel Suavay has two god-parents. You have been appointed God-Mother which means you must follow her grow from seedling to harvest.
:circle-of-love: The circle of love continues...
Re: New City Grower

Yes, gross. :laughtwo: But one thing is official now Dresney; Rachel Suavay has two god-parents. You have been appointed God-Mother which means you must follow her grow from seedling to harvest.
:circle-of-love: The circle of love continues...

I'm touched and honored! I'll be here every day til you rip her down and smoke her. I think she'll be especially potent - all the Rachels I know certainly have a bit of extra spice in them :;):
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