New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower


Have some reps PeeJay because this was some funny shat
Re: New City Grower

No doubt! I had to even show my daughter that one... She asked were all the people on :420: fun like him. I explained to her that's why I'm online so much now.

LAVERNE weighs in wet at:


Re: New City Grower

Nice looking buds sir! I love this site, my wife calls it my "weedbook", since this site has all but replaced fb for me, and I love the antics here, really helps me get through the day.
Re: New City Grower

Everything is now in the tent under 18/6.

STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Oct. 10 2013 Day 12


RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) Day 5

Re: New City Grower

Nicely done Reg, and congrats on your harvest. Self grown bud always has a sense of fulfillment when you take that FIRST puff of smoke :blunt:

Ha we have the same scale bro, you must have picked one up at the bodega near my old house :)


EDIT: I almost forgot, +Reps to you sir ;)
Re: New City Grower

Awesome harvest Reg, you took something that someone else tossed away, gave a love and TLC, and a few months later, viola! +REPs for the harvest.
Re: New City Grower

Nice BAR have some reps +++ I decided this morning I would chop my first one down in 2 weeks and then go from there on my plants.

Nicely done Reg, and congrats on your harvest. Self grown bud always has a sense of fulfillment when you take that FIRST puff of smoke :blunt:

Ha we have the same scale bro, you must have picked one up at the bodega near my old house :)

EDIT: I almost forgot, +Reps to you sir ;)

Awesome harvest Reg, you took something that someone else tossed away, gave a love and TLC, and a few months later, viola! +REPs for the harvest.
Thanxx for the reps & also thanxx for the reps that were given without being mention in a post. I'm not sure what makes me feel prouder; Completing my first run or the acknowledgement from the 420 community.

:circle-of-love: The circle of love continues...
Re: New City Grower

Your a true gent Reg! You spot a lady out in the wilds of NYC all alone and vulnerable. You escort her home to warm her up and give her some food and care. Then within that first fateful meeting she started to fall for you in a big way. This love became steadily reciprocated and grew, blossoming into a wonderful relationship. In the end she made the ultimate sacrifice just to please you!

Good Day my buddy!
Re: New City Grower

+Reps for you buddy :)

Everything I've read tells me the proper conditions for Drying and how to check to see if the buds are dry enough for Curing. But nowhere have I found an approximate time limit.
Re: New City Grower

From my experience, anywhere between 5-10 days depending on how much air movement is in my dry room. Obviously hanging will get them drying faster whilst laying them in something like a brown paper bag might not get you an even dry all around.

The best rule of them to always fall back on when in doubt is to check the biggest stems to see if they 'snap' when bent, then this should tell you how far along all those buds on smaller stems are.
Re: New City Grower

between 5-10 days

The best rule of them to always fall back on when in doubt is to check the biggest stems to see if they 'snap' when bent, then this should tell you how far along all those buds on smaller stems are.
Thanxx AG; Snap not bend when bent, yep that's the method I'll be using. I just wanted to get an estimated time before I roll that pre-cured Joint.
Re: New City Grower

I can wait. I have plenty stash. But I just want to know how good it is. 10 days... :rollit: no problem
Re: New City Grower

Your a true gent Reg! You spot a lady out in the wilds of NYC all alone and vulnerable. You escort her home to warm her up and give her some food and care. Then within that first fateful meeting she started to fall for you in a big way. This love became steadily reciprocated and grew, blossoming into a wonderful relationship. In the end she made the ultimate sacrifice just to please you!

Good Day my buddy!

Ya missed the part where he Hannibal Lectered her brother ;)

I have used the snap stem method on a branch that was donated by a gopher in a round about way. I had no problems with mold in the jars. I just burped it at least once a day. It took about a month for the flavor to develop, and for harsh grassyness to go away; but this was stuff harvested very very early.
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