New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Even the pubic hair has a smile for your harvest, Reg :)


Congratulations on just harvesting Laverne and not faffing about, looking for so-called "advice".

It's one of the hardest things in the world, looking at a trichome-encrusted companion, waiting for "the day"...

Enjoy the fruits of your labour and love.

I am certain that you will be richly rewarded with swathes of luxurious homegrown smoke :)

Plusreps :) Her buds look tasty :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

I trimmed mine up yesterday Reg. Its been 10 years or so since Ive grown and I forgot how much work trimming is. Its sucks but Mmmmm finger hash. I put a little in a joint and wow. Enjoy the fruits of your labor Reg its what its all about and Laverne is gonna be awesome.
Re: New City Grower

congrats man those nugs looks like some fire, matured to the "peak" window. what were they flowered under?

next time try and get the plant flushed by harvest day itll bring out the colors like yellow purple real light tints. 2 weeks prior to harvest start flushing heavy. gotta make sure soil is not full of slow release source. someone just said they added tire for some nutrient he seen it himself lol
Flower Lighting was six cfl's from the 99c store. I've ordered T5's complete with bulbs & fixtures for this next run with the seedlings & LAVERNE's re-veg.

Congratulations on just harvesting Laverne and not faffing about, looking for so-called "advice".

It's one of the hardest things in the world, looking at a trichome-encrusted companion, waiting for "the day"...

Enjoy the fruits of your labour and love.

Thanxx, It's like a boulder off my shoulder.

Grats, Reg! Can't wait for a smoke report. You did Laverne proud :bravo:
Thanxx. Me either.


Who can wait 3 months lol...
You can't be serious, another 3 months?
Re: New City Grower

PJ, and to believe I thought you didn't know funny!!! THAT'S FUNNY AS HELL... You nearly gave me heart attack. At first glance I saw the DAILY NEWS newspaper with a picture of my plant on the front page. I literally felt my chest jump!!!! Don't scare me like that... You are officially one of the crew now.:Namaste:
Re: New City Grower

Yes you can :high-five:

Unless you're being rude, of course :eyebrowsmile:

Your much better at that than me anyway. ;)

Congratz Reg. I do think its awesome that you had a harvest at the same time as your first seedlings. ;)
Re: New City Grower

Congrats on the harvest Reg! One month cure is good, If you can hold out;)
I'm betting it won't make it. Looks delicious.
Re: New City Grower

I have a couple jars that have been vacuum sealed for about 12 months full of Bubba Kush. I cracked one the other day. Absolutely delicious! It got a lot more potent also.
Re: New City Grower

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