New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Question #2) Organic Nutrients are not advised in hydroponic mediums as the microbial life will either

clog sprayers and driper lines or contribute to a microbial bloom in the reservoir.The one

exception to this rule is the application of Heisenberg tea.
Re: New City Grower

trichromes keep on going. but it's slowed way down. when they turn from milky to amber it;s start to degrade
Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

John Pick a curtain

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3
Re: New City Grower

We're not giving you reps though. lol
Re: New City Grower

Does he regularly check the temperature of piss with his hand to conclude this?

I have not witnessed it but I wouldn't put it past him.
Re: New City Grower

where is everyone today
Re: New City Grower

Why is it advised to not use organic nutrients with certain mediums/grow styles? What the mediums and grow styles organics should not be used with (if any)?

Okay, so I'll input a little here. From what I know, organics are used for a 'more pure' smoke and better tasting cannabis as an end product. Strictly using organic nutrients derive all their micros and macros from natural biological sources from the earth. Some break down quicker than others and are available instantaneously to the root system. While other organic products are made to slowly break down the nutrients to become readily available for the roots.

Knowing the previous, you can state that mediums such as coco and soil are most ideal for organic growing. This is my opinion, and may vary from grower to grower, but I feel that any media that has 'substance' for the roots to hold onto would be ideal for organics. The only time I would avoid using organic nutrients would be when using a DWC/Aero or anything similar. I say this because the byproducts from the natural decomposition of the nutrients can clog up most hydroponic systems with micro sprayers or submersible pumps.
Re: New City Grower

What are we looking like on #3 (for the 2nd time LOL) Judges?
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