New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Pick a curtain Mick; Jam you can still pick a curtain also
Re: New City Grower

Question 5

Is the drop in temperatures from lights on/off significant? (ie - lights on temp = 80, lights off = 70. Does the 10 degree difference impact plants in any way?) Should we be trying to minimize the difference or ensure that there is one?

I find that anything more than a 15F difference in daytime/nighttime temperatures can cause a slower pace of growth in most strains. If you check out the 'Plants Problem' thread on the forum it even states cases of yellowing of new growth in some strains.However some phenotypes are bred to with stand the most harsh of climates and will gladly take on the change in temperatures.

Overall, I think maintain relatively reasonable temperatures is a goal for any grower, as keeping the environment 'in check' should be our first priority in growing indoors.
Re: New City Grower

I think it may be best to think the questions through a shade more? It's a game and I really enjoy it :) but many answers may be right. A lot is personal preference with some questions. Kj and AG like transplants. I and others like 1 transplant. We all do kinda good.

Who's to say what's right?

The Judges (even the late ones) :partyboy:
Re: New City Grower

I think a plant needs to have a drop in temp to understand it's cycle. Growing outside the temp can drop 30 degrees or more and it doesn't seem to hurt it in any way. A 10 degree drop should matter at all.
Re: New City Grower

alex i agree, what ever works for each person, we all do things slightly different, i often do the 2 pot method myelf and it works out ok, i have started in a big pot and went from seed to harvest with it but i soon found i only had roots at the bottom of the pot, this could cause problems with ph or nute lockouts as the roots are getting everything thats washed down to the bottom of the pot instead of getting a new even spread of nutrients through the whole of the pot,

thats why i dont plant in just 1 pot as your losing a lot of root mass and less roots means less growth and smaller yields,
Re: New City Grower

We need winners for 4 & 5 If the judges have multiple winners it's ok.
Re: New City Grower

jon on here used air layering after i told him about the method, he had his branch rooted a few days longer than it normally takes, ive also found this to be the same as well, it takes a few days longer at the most, as long as the area is kept totally dark and moist then the roots grow very quick, you need to scrape back the outer layer of stem, apply rooting hormone then wrap soil or growing medium around it, then cover with cling film or foil and keep it totally dark, roots grow at the same rate using this method,

ive used it a few times and works the same as cloning, im not sure of his full name but im sure it was jon and he was testing one of sara's led lights, he couldnt clone a plant and i showed him air layering and he tried it and done it first go, took him no longer than regular cloning but he did say the clone he took was ready a lot further in veg than a regular clone due to how big it was,

Definitely anEYE OPENER for me. I had no idea it ahd been used on this forum. could you point me in the right direction of where I can find this information in the journals?
Re: New City Grower

alex i agree, what ever works for each person, we all do things slightly different, i often do the 2 pot method myelf and it works out ok, i have started in a big pot and went from seed to harvest with it but i soon found i only had roots at the bottom of the pot, this could cause problems with ph or nute lockouts as the roots are getting everything thats washed down to the bottom of the pot instead of getting a new even spread of nutrients through the whole of the pot,

thats why i dont plant in just 1 pot as your losing a lot of root mass and less roots means less growth and smaller yields,

I found the same wen I grew SLH in a 47litre pot. 1 transplant was not enough for this size pot. I harvester and pulled the stork out the dirt. Root masss was 10" across and strate down. Pot was 18" across. In 20/25l pots though I find one transplant good for me. Maybe as iv not known of this layering or other mentioned teq here before now
Re: New City Grower

I think it may be best to think the questions through a shade more? It's a game and I really enjoy it :) but many answers may be right. A lot is personal preference with some questions. Kj and AG like transplants. I and others like 1 transplant. We all do kinda good. Who's to say what's right?

I think I've found this to be true with almost all of the questions, honestly. At this point I just hope people explain/discuss why they choose to grow the way they do, so that others will see alternatives that may work for them. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' in most of these cases... just different ways.
Re: New City Grower

we can discuss air layering after, it takes no longer to root at all and you can end up with much bigger clones, ill try and find jons journal where he documented what he did, he was very happy with the end result as he had a huge clone instead of a regular sized clone.

air layering is growing roots while the clone is still attatched to the mother plant, you make sure its got roots before you take the cutting,
Re: New City Grower

i agree, mick for 4.

cant you remeber that jon grower on here, im sure some of us here can remember him, he was testing lights to top led or sara's company a while back, im sure his journal had jon in the title, ill try and find it after the show and link the air layering part,
Re: New City Grower

@king, thats it my friend, ill find the link after the show and show you what he did and how quick it worked, its never took me any longer to aiy layer than it has for regular cloning, even soil layering takes the same amount of time,
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