New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I love the two of you also. It's a family love. :green_heart:
Re: New City Grower

For all those who missed it here's the link to the complete show New City Grower 1.0
Re: New City Grower

damn you guys were going to town lol and I haven't read it all but reg that pic of the trichs and the seed and clayx up close is beautiful as is that huge commercial grow room with huge buds lol

some new shit I never seen before, how soma 1 keeps his plants in pots because in ?Amsterdam? it is humid so it helps keep them try and he creates "air roots" to help the plant really speed along

and my favorite, rub a joint into a bud. but he only likes 6 weeks in bloom resin! I wonder why?

when that dutch guy helps transplant and almost drops his plant I always laugh lol

damn cats! demon souls they wreck his plants on purpose he claims lmaoo

Soma's Sacred Seeds - Grow Secrets - Raised-bed Method - YouTube
Great tip from Soma - Rub a joint into your almost ready plant. - YouTube

reg, some supercropping for you as youre gonna need it on that bubblegummer

Re: New City Grower

i think he said for the taste

true I heard that too, and in other videos soma himself he says "if you think its done, leave it an extra week"

personally I harvest like that picture reg put up pic #2 that cola just finished and is beautifully ripe how I usually harvest

anyone with a real good scope are the trichs really cloudy earlier at any point? I don't personally check trichs until the end of the grow (except for real early when I started growing, but coulda always made a mistake)

that guy Coloradohigh is putting up some real good images of 70 day in bloom trichs and has a cool setup

come to think of it my big tomato plants grew those air roots a bit until they died from blight. they were in the real sun and were doing well until the disease came along. I cant wait to put some more plants outside next season

im gonna read through the shanagains you guys got into after I water my plants and post an update. I been letting the soil dry out real good lately.
Re: New City Grower

well you can find cloudy trichs on sugar leaves before its cloudy on the buds itself
Re: New City Grower

Sorry I didn't make it for the game, but it looks like it was enjoyed by all.

I was trying to thaw frozen pipes under the house -1 degree weather sucks.

A quick edit--It is now 2:09 AM and has warmed to 4 above. Break out the sandals and Margaritas!
Re: New City Grower

checked back this am... as Vick would say Wiw!
Re: New City Grower

Sorry I didn't make it for the game, but it looks like it was enjoyed by all.

I was trying to thaw frozen pipes under the house -1 degree weather sucks.

A quick edit--It is now 2:09 AM and has warmed to 4 above. Break out the sandals and Margaritas!

Damn I missed it again...Very informative read though,with a lot of laughs a long the way :laughtwo:

:D great stuff thanks!
It's not that serious guys. The post were coming at such a furious pace even I was racing to keep up at one point. I couldn't refresh settings fast enough!
to the three of you & anyone else, you can visit the threads the questions were linked to & continue to assist those members. Don't forget to let them know you heard about their problems on THE REPS ARE RIGHT
Question #6 was New City Grower 1.0
Question #5 was New City Grower 1.0
Question #4 was New City Grower 1.0
Question #3 was New City Grower 1.0
Question #2 was New City Grower 1.0
Question #1 was New City Grower 1.0
Re: New City Grower

Crap. Got lost in the haze and football. I logged in around 9:30p and it was mayhem. I was lost so I split. I can tell, though, a pre-arranged live chatroom would be so awesome for something like this in real time.
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