New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

We've Photo Shopped Dresney into a hideous looking thing over there by curtain #1 because we don't want you guys drooling all over your computers.

Curtain #1
Curtain #2
Curtain #3
Re: New City Grower

We realize there is no absolute way to know the solution. These are ideas and suggestions for a fellow grower to figure out his problems. If you feel there may be another possible issue, please, sub to his journal and help him out.

We're posting questions here that haven't been viewed by a lot of people.

We want this to be fun and informative. Make some new friends; read some new journals. Help some new growers. :peace:
Re: New City Grower

Now dennise, you've already gotton a green dot on your reps. you can choose whichever curtain you like
Re: New City Grower

Dres open curtain #2
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