New aussie Auto grower, looking for some advice

Hey @Bill284 just wondering, how much of each (myco, frass, bokashi) do you reckon I would need to buy for 4x 5 gallons and 1x 7 gallons pots?
Good morning TT. :ciao:
Zon sells a good sized bag of bokashi here lasts me a 20 to 30 pots.
Frass goes further a small bag does 50/60 pots easily.
A few grains goes a long way.
Here is a pic of both together.


Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning TT. :ciao:
Zon sells a good sized bag of bokashi here lasts me a 20 to 30 pots.
Frass goes further a small bag does 50/60 pots easily.
A few grains goes a long way.
Here is a pic of both together.


Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning/night bill 👋
That's great news for me! I was reading up on the 3 this arvo and I can get a 500g bag of each for around $90 all up.
So when I'm doing my layers, should I just sprinkle say a teaspoon worth of each on each layer of dirt?
Good morning/night bill 👋
That's great news for me! I was reading up on the 3 this arvo and I can get a 500g bag of each for around $90 all up.
So when I'm doing my layers, should I just sprinkle say a teaspoon worth of each on each layer of dirt?
A table spoon or so per layer of Bokashi.
A teaspoon of frass is tons.
I use a kelp or b1 spray to activate it.
I usually mix a bag in that tub and let it sit for a day to activate then put it in pots.
It’s 0-0-0 both are so no worries of burning roots or plants.
Then a little in each layer aswell.
Very effective and simple.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
A table spoon or so per layer of Bokashi.
A teaspoon of frass is tons.
I use a kelp or b1 spray to activate it.
I usually mix a bag in that tub and let it sit for a day to activate then put it in pots.
It’s 0-0-0 both are so no worries of burning roots or plants.
Then a little in each layer aswell.
Very effective and simple.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Alright cool, so basically I should mix a little of all three into my super soil mix and then add more as I build the layers.
I'll have to look into a kelp or b1 spray
Alright cool, so basically I should mix a little of all three into my super soil mix and then add more as I build the layers.
I'll have to look into a kelp or b1 spray
I add seaweed to each feed it’s great for them.
I always have a bottle on hand.
Superthrive is great too.



I add seaweed to each feed it’s great for them.
I always have a bottle on hand.
Superthrive is great too.



I'm pretty certain I saw that superthrive in my local hardware shop the other day, I'll be sure to pick some up! So I'd be able to make a spray out of that? Or will I still need kelp/b1?
I'm pretty certain I saw that superthrive in my local hardware shop the other day, I'll be sure to pick some up! So I'd be able to make a spray out of that? Or will I still need kelp/b1?
Superthrive is expensive for a little bottle so I use kelp mostly.
Superthrive goes in their feed water and a foliar spray sometimes.
Grab a bottle of seaweed or kelp what ever it’s called there.
It’s inexpensive and works great in their feed water aswell.
Plain water will work in a pinch.
You just need moisture to activate the microbes and fungi.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Superthrive is expensive for a little bottle so I use kelp mostly.
Superthrive goes in their feed water and a foliar spray sometimes.
Grab a bottle of seaweed or kelp what ever it’s called there.
It’s inexpensive and works great in their feed water aswell.
Plain water will work in a pinch.
You just need moisture to activate the microbes and fungi.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Alright easy done, I actually didn't check the price of the superthrive, I just remember seeing it there, I'll get some kelp online with the other 3 ingredients you mentioned and make up a spray 👌
Okay guys, I'm having a flippin crisis atm, would love someone to jump in and set me straight. I've just spent $280 on the greenplanet deluxe nutrient kit, which includes.
Dual Fuel 1
Dual Fuel 2
Massive Bloom
PK Spike
Plant Guard

Now here's the killer, in their informational booklet, Massive Bloom, Vitathrive and Rezin all say suitable for soil, hydro, etc etc. Every other ingredient says "suitable for hydroponic substrate" does this mean basically everything I bought is unsuitable for soil? If so, I will cry 😢 lol
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I'm sure I'll have many questions along my journey. So should I bother getting a ppm tester @Bill284 if there is one or should I just kinda guesstimate it?
Yeah I'd be happy to have you tag along @Ramblinrose1965 I'm still learning how to navigate the site, but as soon as everything has arrived, I'll be sure to start a grow journal, are your Moby's autos or photos? I wish you the best of luck with your clone, I know they'd be photos seeing as there's no point cloning autos from what I've read 🤔
In regards to notes, I'm gonna use the feed schedule that comes with the greenplanet kit, but seeing as I'm doing autos, should I start with 1/2 doses of their recommended? Also how many times per week should I feed with nutes?
Has anyone on here ordered from sacred seeds? There an Aussie seedbank with some pretty top notch reviews, so I figure they're okay 🤔
I got my seeds from sacred seeds, showed up in about 3 or 4 days.
Awesome @Metalfish thanks for letting me know, I ordered this morning, so that's a big relief! Only thing I thought was strange is they don't mention the breeders
To be honest, I had been trying to chase up some seeds for some local smokers but wasn’t having much luck. So like everything these days “Google” found me what I wanted, and like you chose Sacred Seeds because of their reviews. I’m too much of a novice to know or care about all the technical details.
To be honest, I had been trying to chase up some seeds for some local smokers but wasn’t having much luck. So like everything these days “Google” found me what I wanted, and like you chose Sacred Seeds because of their reviews. I’m too much of a novice to know or care about all the technical details.
Ahhh okay, fair enough, well if you happen to ever get into photos and want a local strain, a close mate of mine has an unlimited supply of his custom version of blueberry kush x blue dream that he happened to accidentally create
Okay guys, I'm having a flippin crisis atm, would love someone to jump in and set me straight. I've just spent $280 on the greenplanet deluxe nutrient kit, which includes.
Dual Fuel 1
Dual Fuel 2
Massive Bloom
PK Spike
Plant Guard

Now here's the killer, in their informational booklet, Massive Bloom, Vitathrive and Rezin all say suitable for soil, hydro, etc etc. Every other ingredient says "suitable for hydroponic substrate" does this mean basically everything I bought is unsuitable for soil? If so, I will cry 😢 lol
I've used their nutrients before with success in soil and coco.
I don't think you will have an issue in soil :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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