New aussie Auto grower, looking for some advice

Sprouts looked good and ready this morning!!

So they went to their final pots, here we have autos blue dream, amnesia haze, northern lights and zkittles from our sponsors @Sacred Seeds
o ur planting them right in the sun thats cool. very hard for me here as i live in tornado alley lol bad storms and winds here.. my cousins wife grew about 15 plants this way just planting them on her patio at first. just watch the weather and keep them out of the wind and rain. did i tell you the silica protekt mix for bugs? dont rememeber but if buds are a problem there you can add it at about week 3 and get away with it. normally for larger plants. here man in the states its like a jungle haha with all the bugs.. last grow had aphids out but were from clones i bought i think.. watch out for grasshoppers or caterpillars or whatever yiu have there haha as their lil ones for now :).
o ur planting them right in the sun thats cool. very hard for me here as i live in tornado alley lol bad storms and winds here.. my cousins wife grew about 15 plants this way just planting them on her patio at first. just watch the weather and keep them out of the wind and rain. did i tell you the silica protekt mix for bugs? dont rememeber but if buds are a problem there you can add it at about week 3 and get away with it. normally for larger plants. here man in the states its like a jungle haha with all the bugs.. last grow had aphids out but were from clones i bought i think.. watch out for grasshoppers or caterpillars or whatever yiu have there haha as their lil ones for now :).
Yeah I'm in california and this year is my first year growing so far I have seen aphids,spiders,ants,praying mantis,lacewings,lady bugs and preditor beetles. Years not over yet either. My solution is diatomaceous earth placed on the dirt around your plants and spraying the leafs with a 1 liter bottle sprayer mixed with a few drops of blue dawn dish soap and strained garlic powder. The soap will kill any soft bodied insects and wash away any eggs, the garlic helps improve your plants health and the smell repels bugs. The diatomaceous earth is basically microscopic glass that kills every insect within 48 hours of contact and can stay on the ground all grow season. Hope this helps any pest problems you may encounter! I know it saved my ass.
What do you mean by strained garlic powder is there a mixture recipe for the garlic powder? I do not have a pest issue, but it would be nice to know. 🍋
So I just buy garlic powder and get a cloth so the garlic powder itself doesn't go into the spray and I put 3-5 drops of soap into the mix of garlic and make a tea bag out of it let it sit over night and squeeze any concentration from the cloth try to avoid getting any of the powder into the water. And from there I put the mix into a spray bottle and spray the whole plant tops of leafs bottoms of leafs all the branches and even the soil/container. If I need to clear anything up let me know, like what kind of benefits garlic has for plants and the anti pest properties of garlic. Hope this info helps. I'm an organic grower and like to use living soil so I care about the well being of my microbes... the microbes definitely make a difference in a plants over all health.
Yeah I'm in california and this year is my first year growing so far I have seen aphids,spiders,ants,praying mantis,lacewings,lady bugs and preditor beetles. Years not over yet either. My solution is diatomaceous earth placed on the dirt around your plants and spraying the leafs with a 1 liter bottle sprayer mixed with a few drops of blue dawn dish soap and strained garlic powder. The soap will kill any soft bodied insects and wash away any eggs, the garlic helps improve your plants health and the smell repels bugs. The diatomaceous earth is basically microscopic glass that kills every insect within 48 hours of contact and can stay on the ground all grow season. Hope this helps any pest problems you may encounter! I know it saved my ass.
cali nice you can get some great outdoor in Cali.. you guys got the emerald triangle or you are atleast close to it man some of the best weed i ever smoked was in and from ;) west coast cali and oregon... man... must be that elevation and just perfect weather.. i use protekt silica mixed with neem use 1 teaspoon silica plus 1 tablespoon neem oil per gal mixed very well. cant be beaten in my opinion once per week until week 2-3 of flower. DONT KILL THE SPIDERS they are your soldiers and friends. let them web up and eat the other bugs as they do no harm to your plants. i once when i was broke gathered up a box full of daddy long legs in my garage and put them on a 4 foot plant outside and they ate everything . they wil stay until you chop and ther rain wont kill them as they just go to the bottom of the leaves and ride it out. the neem kills everything lol and you gotta have silica in the grow. i add spiders after i quit the neem as too much is not good just here and there and it wont be a problem. im over here in the south where we get the storms lol
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