Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Honestly, my Dewey never worked for me - only a handful of cuts ever grew roots. For the past couple months, I've just been rooting them in soil. I cut 'em and toss 'em into a cup of water for a couple days, and then dust 'em with rooting powder and stick 'em in a cup of soil. I keep the middle wet, dribbling some water over it every couple days, and about 2 weeks later they're growing new green foliage. :slide:

The Dewey was really only useful for keeping cuts. I could hold them for weeks. And I haven't had trouble with the water, so ... dunno about keeping crud out..
I appreciate it.:thanks:
I'll search some of the journals I'm following to see what they're doing as well. I know the clones I've seen in the Q & A thread look stunningly healthy. I am definitely interested in those qualities!
Thanks for the help there Gray.

Damn Neiko, you and duggs got me wanting to run some sativas. I mostly do hybrids and indica dom. Cat drenches are strong aren't they, I've been giving 20ml of cat with 2ml of tea mixed with 1 gal of water. Seems like the bud comes out perfect but I'll burn up the fan leaves lol. Next round I'm gonna do 10 ml per gal. I'm loving the kit, it takes zero effort and energy, the 2 things I've been lacking lol

Yep the CAT's have some magic in them. I quit worrying about the post CAT fade. The end product is always excellent whether the plant leaves got burnt tips or started to fade. I've played around with different strength's of CAT drench and I have settled on 1 ml per gallon of soil. I've done them heavier but don't notice any benefit. They explode with resin whether I use 1 or 2 ml per gallon of soil. If the leaves are turning yellow but still healthy looking it doesn't bother me. If that color was purple nobody would complain some plants just change color. It's when they get all crispy that I look to change something or evaluate the environment.

Daj, I think your Destroyer looks great. We are trying to grow longer flowering sativas in small pots, there's going to be some hiccups. As long as the end product is top shelf don't worry about a yellowing leaf or 2 or 3.
Evening ladies and gents! I got a few questions that I have been unable to locate and I was hoping someone here might have some input.
First: I have a Dewey Mister cloning bucket (aero cloner is the same idea). Is it a no no to go from hydro clones, if you will, to soil like that? I think I'd rather clone in soil cause I've seen clones taken from and grown in Docs kit. I'm mostly interested in the science, if there be any. :)
Shit...I forgot the second question....stoner brain.....ugh

Oh Oh..
I have seen leaf wash mentioned a couple times, most recently on Weenmeoff's sponsored journal. Should I go ahead and grab that?

Lastly, autoflowers in the kit, how do y'all feel about em'? If you do grow em' in the kit, what size container? 7's seem pretty large for an auto.

Hope everyone is safe and sound tonight.
A few of us have Deweys and use them - perfectly alright. :thumb:

A yes on the Leaf Wash. It's better to have it on hand if you need it.

I've grown autos in the Kit but I have no appreciation for them, so another opinion is warranted. :Namaste:

@Graytail & @neikodog both have much more experience with the kit than I, but I do remember Doc saying (at one point!) that you want to start the seeds and clones in soil and not hydro because you don't want them forming "hydro roots". While he did give a regiment for "transitioning" the plant, it seems it had some issues when first transplanted from hydro into kit soil. Did something change on this?
Daj, I think your Destroyer looks great. We are trying to grow longer flowering sativas in small pots, there's going to be some hiccups. As long as the end product is top shelf don't worry about a yellowing leaf or 2 or 3.

Ok, thanks Neiko... I just want the pretty, dark green and shiny plants most you guys have.
Anyway, seems I screwed up cause I gave her that Cat on Tuesday, and only then realized I was getting low. Well damn if I dont have enough to get the second one done today, new bottle isn't here yet. I dont really want to let her get too dry, but dont feel I have choice.
I worry too, about the fading, because she's only (just started throwing pistils 10/20/18) around 4 weeks into flower...
119....she looks great...don't fret OK. As Neiko just said , all looks very well. Remember 119 Sativa's generally are much lighter feeders than indica's OK. Those leaves look as good as i would like to see them. Keep on doing wat your doing OK. Remember you are in a smaller pot so she will be somewhat stressed when she gets bigger like that OK. Try skipping the next CD and go with a Trans Drench....when she dries out from that, give her some GE ...that's what i would do OK....Also a light misting of DeStress may perk her leaves up some too, but keep that mixture on the weaker side.
Cheers 119...good job with her BTW!
119....she looks great...don't fret OK. As Neiko just said , all looks very well. Remember 119 Sativa's generally are much lighter feeders than indica's OK. Those leaves look as good as i would like to see them. Keep on doing wat your doing OK. Remember you are in a smaller pot so she will be somewhat stressed when she gets bigger like that OK. Try skipping the next CD and go with a Trans Drench....when she dries out from that, give her some GE ...that's what i would do OK....Also a light misting of DeStress may perk her leaves up some too, but keep that mixture on the weaker side.
Cheers 119...good job with her BTW!
K, gotcha Duggs! Would you recommend trying for a second round of Cats later on? Was thinking around 7-8 weeks of flower I’d do another recharge, then follow with Cats if she looks like she can handle it. Kinda going off your last sativa grow. Would love your input as well as Neikos... you can see the buds are still pretty small but only about 4 weeks from pistils. Does she look like she’ll flower really long to you guys?

Thanks Duggan!!
She is looking very proper will just have to finish growing her out to see about total bloom time.
To hard to guesstimate that now bud. Also ya might wanna clean her up a lil down below OK....prune off some of those lower shade/fan leaves,..but not too very selective OK.
Yes sir, I usually keep an eye on that kinda thing. I’ve been taking a couple branches and large low fans here and there. Anything that looks like it’ll be fluff goes! All that sounds good, thanks again Duggs. I’ll give her a 12-15ml tp later today and see if I can get my journal updated... beem too long.
@Graytail & @neikodog both have much more experience with the kit than I, but I do remember Doc saying (at one point!) that you want to start the seeds and clones in soil and not hydro because you don't want them forming "hydro roots". While he did give a regiment for "transitioning" the plant, it seems it had some issues when first transplanted from hydro into kit soil. Did something change on this?

I clone in root riots under a dome then into soil as soon as I see roots. A lot of people use those clones with great success. I just don't do enough clones to justify buying one when my method works great for me. I do spray them every other day with 1/2 strength destress until rooted.
I clone in root riots under a dome then into soil as soon as I see roots. A lot of people use those clones with great success. I just don't do enough clones to justify buying one when my method works great for me. I do spray them every other day with 1/2 strength destress until rooted.

Yeah, I do clones pretty much the same way - only using Rapid Rooter cubes. But, that is what Doc recommends and is different than an aerocloner, which is what I believe the Dewey is. I'm not saying, for a second, it can't be done easily & successfully, I just remember Doc pointing out potential issues when transitioning to soil with hydro roots .
OK...this is only because I was starting to wonder if I was going crazy or losing my memory, especially because it does seem many things have changed with the kit since it first came out, but here's what I was remembering:

The clones were in they had hydro roots. Taking out of perlite and into living soil is a huge shock to them and it will take some time for the roots to get all hitched up with the biota. Trim them up to the top 3 or 4 nodes, Transplant drench and wait a week.

Look to the new growth.
one thing I forgot to mention:

Hempy is passive hydro. The morphology and physiology of the roots in a passive hydro environment are very much different than roots that form in living soil.

Hempy roots are incapable of hosting mycorhyzae like soil roots. For one thing, perlite is sterile...or should be. Soil is filthy, dirty and full of bacteria.

Hempy roots grow to soak up salty water, while soil roots should be very fine hairs, barely visible, that give massive surface area to the mycorryzhae to live and work.

In other words, starting the plants in small hempy buckets is a no-go. Don't do it.

Follow directions and start them in High Brix soil!

The reason the leaves are drooping is because the roots can't keep up, cuz they're not the right kind of roots.

Prune them up to the third node, dunk them daily in strong drenches and be patient for 10 days or so and things should be right.

Next time, start them in soil as recommended. :Namaste:

Ah...clones in perlite. You went from hydro roots with no microbial action to living soil. It's gonna take a bit for the roots to re-tool and re-orient to the very new and different environment. Makes perfect sense with the history.'re gonna grow hydro style roots. Great big, thick white things. We want the fine, spidery roots that are hard to see, not the fat white ones.

I don't know how the leaf/calyx ratio would be effected, but the plant will definitely grow differently, especially in a biological grow. I think the SWICK might work super well in a salt based grow but from what I've seen the plants grow better without when it comes to High Brix and other biological methods.


Now, I trust you guys 420% when it comes to the kit and I've never had any issues transitioning from hydro to soil, but did want to be clear on what, at least what I thought, was Doc's position. :Namaste:
Radogast uses one and the only problem I've seen him have is when he dusted the roots directly, instead of the soil, with Roots when he transplanted.

The bucket clones seem to work fine the few times I've done then as well. Its the elaborate to systems they build up over time in hempy or dwc that can cause problems.
Regarding the dewey:

I am pretty sure Rich Farmer used one to save his Tut that was having problems, then transplanted into kit soil. That was one hell of a save from what I recall.

Brix! The Quest For Grade AAA Organic Cannabis

Like I said, Brother, I trust guys like you & Neiko 420%. As long as I know I'm not losing my mind or my memory, I'm happy! :thumb:

So....What were we talking about, again??? :bongrip:
Like I said, Brother, I trust guys like you & Neiko 420%. As long as I know I'm not losing my mind or my memory, I'm happy! :thumb:

So....What were we talking about, again??? :bongrip:

No your not losing your mind, DrDoob had some plants he had veg'd in hempy and transplanted that gave him problems.

When I transplant clones to the kit, I will dust the hole with roots, insert clone and cover with dirt.
Then i put a little water at the base of the plant, then water the outside edges to moistened the soil. I want to encourage the roots to adapt and seek out the water.

I never had any problems with this method, I did try adding extra perlite in the hole but that only made the plant less stable in holding its' footing.
Like I said, Brother, I trust guys like you & Neiko 420%. As long as I know I'm not losing my mind or my memory, I'm happy! :thumb:

So....What were we talking about, again??? :bongrip:

BTW Happy upcoming "420" 8 year Anniversary, You are officially A BRONZE member :goodjob:

What is 8 year anniversary called?
8th Wedding Anniversary – Bronze. Bronze is chosen for eight years of marriage as it is very strong! It's a mixture of two metals (copper and tin) that come together to result in a strong combined substance. Bronze gifts are a good way to recognise the tradition.
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