Neikodog's High Brix Sativas

Neiko nice group in flower. You have a lot of plants. Sativa in the mix looks pretty good. You'll be harvesting every week I bet.

Good job in the flower room all the ladies look healthy and fat.
Hi, I'm new to your journal Neikodog. I'm currently soaking up all the info on Doc's kit that I can and my path led me to here. I understand you've been in Doc's kit quite sometime.

Just watching and learning, whike my current round of autos in coco finish up. Got my kit and cooked the soil. Waiting for some "souvenirs" from seedsman to show up and we going for it!
Hi Archie.....welcome to these parts.
Got the kit eh....great choice sir!
Yes sir! Matter of fact, I need to jump into your journal as well. Sub list is filling up fast! Lots of reading and great people!
Hi, I'm new to your journal Neikodog. I'm currently soaking up all the info on Doc's kit that I can and my path led me to here. I understand you've been in Doc's kit quite sometime.

Just watching and learning, whike my current round of autos in coco finish up. Got my kit and cooked the soil. Waiting for some "souvenirs" from seedsman to show up and we going for it!

Welcome Archiweedies, glad to have ya along. You made a great decision to try the kit. There are a bunch of great growers around here. You should follow Duggan and Graytail too.
Great looking plants Neiko!
Thanks for reminding me of CannaT too, I really gotta find a good CBD plant. :Namaste:
My wife loves that Cannatonic, it's 20% CBD and .08% THC. It smells and tastes like orange sugar. My only complaint with it is it is a slow grower. I have to veg it for about 5-6 months to get it big enough to get a decent yield off it.
Welcome Archiweedies, glad to have ya along. You made a great decision to try the kit. There are a bunch of great growers around here. You should follow Duggan and Graytail too.
Already on it brother, thank you!

Hey speaking of CBD, I am expecting my order from Seedsman any day now. I took advantage of that awesome Halloween deal and picked up a 3 pack of MMG’s Green Doctor. Super Lemon Haze is part of its lineage so it goes for 10 weeks, but I’m okay with that. Anyone have any experience with the chemovariety?
Damn Neiko, you and duggs got me wanting to run some sativas. I mostly do hybrids and indica dom. Cat drenches are strong aren't they, I've been giving 20ml of cat with 2ml of tea mixed with 1 gal of water. Seems like the bud comes out perfect but I'll burn up the fan leaves lol. Next round I'm gonna do 10 ml per gal. I'm loving the kit, it takes zero effort and energy, the 2 things I've been lacking lol
Damn Neiko, you and duggs got me wanting to run some sativas. I mostly do hybrids and indica dom. Cat drenches are strong aren't they, I've been giving 20ml of cat with 2ml of tea mixed with 1 gal of water. Seems like the bud comes out perfect but I'll burn up the fan leaves lol. Next round I'm gonna do 10 ml per gal. I'm loving the kit, it takes zero effort and energy, the 2 things I've been lacking lol
Ya Buck...great day to ya friend a mine!
Just for your info running with 30mls per 2 gals distilled.
So ya..your 20 per one gal was a lil too much .I have found my dose of 30 mls per 2 gallons works great.So i give 5 gals to each pot that's 60 mls per pot.. ...all Drenches like this.
Ya Buck...great day to ya friend a mine!
Just for your info running with 30mls per 2 gals distilled.
So ya..your 20 per one gal was a lil too much .I have found my dose of 30 mls per 2 gallons works great.So i give 5 gals to each pot that's 60 mls per pot.. ...all Drenches like this.

Thanks duggs, I'm using full 10 gal pots, equal to #15. On my trans and ge I don't really measure anymore, just pour lol with 3-5 gal of distilled. But on cats I've just been using 1 gal of water. Im gonna try that ratio here in few days. I have a couple that's about ready for cat. I know the strong cats have been burning some fans but bud looking great lol
Hey Duggs, you know I Gabe the first cat to that destroyer I’m running. Did 12ml in 1.5gal water 1.2ml tea... 12 gallon pot. Damn leaves look
Like they are losing color...

The CATs look to work better or worse depending on strain.
I use 7ml Cat + 2ml Tea in 19 cups H20 for a 10g pot.
Sativa GUAWI received BOTH Cats and Loved it still Green and going strong
Indica GDP Same amounts but nearly all the fans turned yellow, (bud sites look great)

Also on a side note
11/13 + Far-Red + Indica = Shorter flower time but Lower than normal yield
11/13 + Far-Red + Sativa = shorter time but still strong yield
Here ya go @Duggan , some with lights turned down and flash, others with lights up as normal.

I never seem to have the skills with the Cats... seems my plants usually get their leaves burned up. Idk why, this on here was 1ml cat per gallon of soil.

As you can see, the leaves with more protection seem less faded.
The CATs look to work better or worse depending on strain.
I use 7ml Cat + 2ml Tea in 19 cups H20 for a 10g pot.
Sativa GUAWI received BOTH Cats and Loved it still Green and going strong
Indica GDP Same amounts but nearly all the fans turned yellow, (bud sites look great)

Also on a side note
11/13 + Far-Red + Indica = Shorter flower time but Lower than normal yield
11/13 + Far-Red + Sativa = shorter time but still strong yield

Hmmm, I wonder why I’m having trouble with them... with this destroyer I have been giving lighter/more diluted Brix sprays and have been watching very close for how the plant responds after a Drench or foliar. Guess I still messed up somewhere, thanks for this Gazoo!

Oh hey Duggs, that Destroyer is around 53-54”.... slowly getting a bit taller as the buds fill out.
Evening ladies and gents! I got a few questions that I have been unable to locate and I was hoping someone here might have some input.
First: I have a Dewey Mister cloning bucket (aero cloner is the same idea). Is it a no no to go from hydro clones, if you will, to soil like that? I think I'd rather clone in soil cause I've seen clones taken from and grown in Docs kit. I'm mostly interested in the science, if there be any. :)
Shit...I forgot the second question....stoner brain.....ugh

Oh Oh..
I have seen leaf wash mentioned a couple times, most recently on Weenmeoff's sponsored journal. Should I go ahead and grab that?

Lastly, autoflowers in the kit, how do y'all feel about em'? If you do grow em' in the kit, what size container? 7's seem pretty large for an auto.

Hope everyone is safe and sound tonight.
A few of us have Deweys and use them - perfectly alright. :thumb:

A yes on the Leaf Wash. It's better to have it on hand if you need it.

I've grown autos in the Kit but I have no appreciation for them, so another opinion is warranted. :Namaste:
A few of us have Deweys and use them - perfectly alright. :thumb:

A yes on the Leaf Wash. It's better to have it on hand if you need it.

I've grown autos in the Kit but I have no appreciation for them, so another opinion is warranted. :Namaste:

Ahh good to hear on the Dewey's! Any tips on what to add to the bucket? I have used z7 in the past with some success.

I'll pick up that leaf wash:thumb:

And, I am starting to see the light. As a new grower, I fell into the pitfall that autos = easy. I only wonder because I have some money tied up in some of these seeds and would like to throw the odd auto in the tent while vegging. Thanks for the insight Graytail!
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