Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

Hey NS....been a while since I swung by but I got all caught up. Looks like you have a lot going on brother.....the garden is looking well my friend. Cheers! Good luck with the projects!
I’m sleeping horrible lately.

It’s weird How Those patterns can Flip in second right?

Hey NS....been a while since I swung by but I got all caught up. Looks like you have a lot going on brother.....the garden is looking well my friend. Cheers! Good luck with the projects!

Heya mister Stank, thnx for the Nice words :circle-of-love:
It’s at a point that I slowly gain more ritm, still it is pretty chaotic at times.

How are you and ms stank?
I get that sometimes. Night time is when my neuropathy tends to act up. There aren't any distractions when trying to get to sleep to keep my from feeling the pain. Generally it's an ache that builds until I have to shift, occasionally it's a stabbing or burning pain. But my night time medicine breaks the connection between my neuropathic pain and my brain. Intellectually I know it's still there, but it sets it over there ------------> a bit and I can ignore it.
I wish there was a strain that helped on every level of problems. The sleep really can screw Things Up big time... can I ask What medication it is that you use bear? Just curious. My body cant handle nsaids so cannabis it is and stays :)

Wonderfull to wake Up with so much activity guys, Thank you :hug:
Wassup NS

In beeing creative today. Playing with epoxy, dye and Some small gems. It’s so Nice to be doing something gorgeous. A cannabis epoxy is just a matter of time :D

Nah, my bad for talking about prescription meds and then referring to my plants as medicine. Lol

Hehe it’s all good buddy! Got me laughing pretty good :high-five:
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