My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Thanks Taylor. I'm hoping ill see two pounds (heavy d has the name for a reason. Shell be my saving grace this round cause I didn't veg long enough) but realistically 1.5 not the best but the next round is beastly so I'm not fretting too much. The patient still has a pound from last crop so this will be a nice backstock bumper at least.

I'm gonna guess 2.3 oz from mendom and 3.8 from jtr dry but we will see. Jtr was taken maybe a week earlier than usual but the trichs were getting pretty dark so I took her anyway. She did better than I expected as she had the hardest go with the p lockout.
thanks mate. These babies are all organic. I try an avoid anything but homebrew teas unless I see a bad deficiency coming on. Then I have no reservations about using chelated chem nutes.
They're in an equal ratio blend of happy frog ffof and mendo mix. I have transplanted two to 7 gallon pots half filled with super soil and will do the rest after. Work tomorrow. Thanks for the compliments man. I try and strike a balance between where the plant wants to grow and where I need it to grow.

Thanks Buck. Got an appointment with the bank and it sounds like they are willing to work with me (immaculate credit ;)) thus is the only bill I've ever been late on or missed, I'm gonna meet with a group that will help me out as well. So between that and roommates (I'm dreading that) I should be able to save this place. Once the degree is in hand and I'm making a nice salary it wont be an issue at all. Its just getting there that's gonna be a real trial. Im too stubborn to let myself fail. Just need to get my head out of the pussy clouds. That imported Vegas strange has turned me into a whore lol. Gotta knuckle down and get back at it

careful ...

:rofl: Haha. No worries mate "Gatorade bitches better be using Jimmies!" Lol. No hookers here mate. I wont pay for weed or pussy ever. Lol. But I didn't realize how attractive the neighbor was til today Haha. Single brain is on overload
Wanna go faster? Ditch the extra weight. I ditched an entire wife so I should gain some real momentum now ;)


Great attitude buddy!
Wow, really impressed how quick you're bouncing back from what you've been going through lately!
And then, I see those bud photos!? :thedoubletake:
My hopes are that everything ends up working out for you with the house, but life already seems to be showing you it's love.
Hummingbirds? not so much.. But I'm convinced that was some kind of a
+reps for everything you're doing brother.
you deserve much more.
Beautiful work!
Haha. Thanks for the Rep vick. Some very kind words there I truly appreciate. If I can't make the best of this its likely to make the worst of me, too many cancer patients count on me to allow that to happen. So imma brush my colla and keep on keeping on. "Life's a garden, dig it brother " haha

Cut down chemdom a few minutes ago and moved in the two mysteries, these were 12 seeds I pulled from a crop a few years ago. They were unlabeled so their heritage is a mystery but if I felt the need to seperate them from the lot they were truly something special so I have very high hopes for em. They look like 50/50 hybrids and have a BEAUTIFUL structure for training. They went in he same Sade as the last ones finished so the next jjournal is starting wih a very full tent. Got three more plants to take down then a dry weight and thus journal will come to a close. I will link y'all up when I make it..
Some quick harvest photos, I'm guessing 2.5 dry off her. We will see soon.

Reps back at ya guys ;) thanks! She was a little earlier than usual but it was at the request of the patient. Got another 2 weeks on the last three, gonna be a super full tent next round haha
Nice looking lady you harvested there my friend. +rep
Thanks hiker. :) she sure does stink something fierce. I can smell her at the mailbox Haha. (About 120 yards from the drying room.)

Got a quick update loading as we speak. Its for the next journal really but we've got two weeks or so in here and I wanna keep pics going in here til I open the new one.

These are the other two mystery strains and a heavy d, just transplanted them to 7 gallons, and call me ballsy but I transplanted the into pure super soil. I honestly feel like they (especially heavy d) will take it with a grin on. ESPECIALLY after seeing the roots on the. White furry and THICK. About 16 OS's of soil came off the top of each pot the rest was held tight with roots.

Heavy d is a beast and a half. She has about 86 mains and is about 2.8x2.8wide and about 3 tall. I may have to chop her back she's gonna be a 6 footer if not. (Tent is 6.5 lol. )
I have gone over my notes 1000 times and read through the seedstock the same. And I BELIEVE. That'd these mystery seeds are a "for kicks" project I did a few years back. Which was my old double d kush (sour diesel ibl x og kush x pre98 Bubba)x my buddies "great gig in the sky" (skywalkerxgigabud) been calling her gigabubb according to my notes lol. Need to find a better name. They look very promising. Diesel in the sky with diamonds? Lol. Pics soon
ok update time. pics will be heavy d then the two gigabub then some randoms of the three. te pots are called yellowpot i believe, im liking them, theyre a more synthetic matierial so they are (or seem) almost endlessly re usable, however i suspect the tight woven design prevents them from actually serving as an airpot , theres no question they allow more oxygen than plastic pots though so there is still benefit, the aside i veg plenty log in the 5 gal smart pots so they have plenty of rootmass by the time they hit the 7's. i typically finish in 5 gal but everyones going to 7s so im gonna follow the crowd lol. the best results ive seen with super soil was always using 7 gallon pots.

i may cut them back a touch and defoliate a bit before i flip em. anyways, pics


the three amigos
that gigabub in the back right , i have never seen a plant react so well to a soil mix, i rough em up prety good in the roots when i transplant so i expect shock even with the viamin b that follows transplant. but this girl has grown almost 1/2 inch since i transplanted her (4.5 ish hours ago) and within 5 minutes of tansplant went from looking relaxed, almost like lights were off, to completely vertical reaching for the stars. i think shes gonna catch up to her neighbors quick, she seems to be the heaviest indica so shell go in last to help keep the canopy level all around.
Thanks hiker. :) she sure does stink something fierce. I can smell her at the mailbox Haha. (About 120 yards from the drying room.)

Got a quick update loading as we speak. Its for the next journal really but we've got two weeks or so in here and I wanna keep pics going in here til I open the new one.

These are the other two mystery strains and a heavy d, just transplanted them to 7 gallons, and call me ballsy but I transplanted the into pure super soil. I honestly feel like they (especially heavy d) will take it with a grin on. ESPECIALLY after seeing the roots on the. White furry and THICK. About 16 OS's of soil came off the top of each pot the rest was held tight with roots.

Heavy d is a beast and a half. She has about 86 mains and is about 2.8x2.8wide and about 3 tall. I may have to chop her back she's gonna be a 6 footer if not. (Tent is 6.5 lol. )
I have gone over my notes 1000 times and read through the seedstock the same. And I BELIEVE. That'd these mystery seeds are a "for kicks" project I did a few years back. Which was my old double d kush (sour diesel ibl x og kush x pre98 Bubba)x my buddies "great gig in the sky" (skywalkerxgigabud) been calling her gigabubb according to my notes lol. Need to find a better name. They look very promising. Diesel in the sky with diamonds? Lol. Pics soon

I hear ya on the stink. I made a lot of changes in the basement for awhile and my house STUNK! Holy cow it was bad. My wife is/was super nervous a neighbor was gonna smell it. If someone walks up to the house, and the wind is blowing the wrong way, well... they might think a skunk died under my house! :rofl: Charcoal filter goes back up tonight hopefully.

the pots are called yellowpot i believe, im liking them, theyre a more synthetic matierial so they are (or seem) almost endlessly re usable, however i suspect the tight woven design prevents them from actually serving as an airpot , theres no question they allow more oxygen than plastic pots though so there is still benefit

Got a link to them? I still haven't decided what my mothers will live in. I want something short and wide. I like the bags/pots that air prune. I thought about using some of the reusable grocery bags, but I think I want more volume. Right now, I'm leaning towards airpots, but I'm open to any good ideas.

the three amigos

I sure hope they are AmigAs :winkyface:

Garden looks awesome.
Thanks guys.
Ill try and find a link once I'm home. I like them cause they're square at the base and round at the top. Easier tofit more in the square tent but still allows the shape I want up top
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